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Our Partners

At the heart of Business New Brunswick's approach to economic development is the principle of partnerships.

Effective partnerships help us support existing and new generations of exporters, cultivate the innovation and R&D capacity necessary for private-sector success both at home and abroad, and attract exciting, committed and long-term foreign investment.

In effect, partnerships help us strengthen the foundations of competitiveness and prosperity in New Brunswick not just for today, but for the future.

We make it our business to partner with our colleagues in other provincial government departments, the Government of Canada, municipal governments, private enterprises, Boards of trade and Chambers of commerce, economic development organizations, universities and other institutes of higher learning… in fact, anyone who can help us achieve more for New Brunswickers.

Here are a few examples of how we partner to achieve great prosperity:

Innovation Team New Brunswick

Innovation Team New Brunswick's mandate is to help increase private, public and institutional research and innovation in New Brunswick through cooperation and joint efforts/initiatives between federal and provincial departments and agencies and educational institutions. Working towards both the federal and provincial innovation objectives, the Innovation team's goal is to improve New Brunswick's research and innovation performance through increased public awareness and participation as well as improved federal-provincial policy, program and service coordination.

Innovation Team New Brunswick Partners include federal government representatives from Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency, Business Development Bank of Canada, Canada Customs and Revenue Agency, Environment Canada, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Human Resource Development Canada, Industry Canada, National Research Council, Natural Resources Canada; provincial representatives from the Departments of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Business New Brunswick, Education, Health and Wellness, Intergovernmental and International Relations, Regional Development Corporation and Training and Employment Development.

Community Economic Development (CED) Partnership

The Community Economic Development Partnership is a partnership of the Provincial Department's of Business New Brunswick, Training & Employment Development and Regional Development Corporation; the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency and Human Resource Development Canada representing the federal government; and the Enterprise Network (the association which represents the 15 community economic development agencies).

The mandate of the partnership is to support and enhance the community economic development framework within the province. This framework is responsive to regionally defined priorities and opportunities, addresses regional differences within the province and builds on current strengths.

New Brunswick's CED framework is unique in Canada in engaging all three levels of government in an integrated regional approach to economic and labour force development. The CED framework provides a vehicle to ensure real and meaningful input from municipalities and community representatives. It ensures that the business community is fully engaged in the planning and development process at the Board level. It ensures community participation and government commitment in the planning process. It provides adequate operational and developmental funding to address regional development objectives and achieve regional priorities.

Rural Team New Brunswick

The mission of the New Brunswick Rural Team is to assist New Brunswick federal and provincial departments in developing partnerships for facilitating rural community viability.

The New Brunswick Rural Team (NBRT) carries out its mission through eight strategic key areas: the Rural Dialogue, the Rural Lens, rural research, partnerships & capacity building, lessons learned and community links, communications & knowledge transfer, management and engaging rural youth. Made up of representatives from federal and provincial departments and agencies, NBRT is tasked with the implementation and testing of new approaches and practices to respond to rural development issues and concerns. NBRT has a focused role and objectives within each of the eight strategic areas.

To learn more about NBRT and its members, go to:

The following list's our key “partners in prosperity” with links for more information:

Provincial Departments



Other Organizations



Business Networks

Business Networks/Clustering – the strategic effort to develop a critical mass of skills, resources, capital, innovation capacity, commercialization, and trade and export opportunities in targeted, technologically sophisticated industrial sectors – is a key priority of the Government of New Brunswick.

The role of the provincial government is to:

  • Provide information on the sectors
  • Identify and foster new networks
  • Work with the province's Enterprise Network to identify cluster opportunities
  • Support the implementation of cluster strategies and strategic partnerships

The role of the Enterprise Network is to:

  • Identify cluster opportunities in the province
  • Identify industry champions
  • Foster industry “buy-in” and leadership
  • Work with industry leaders and cluster network members to develop regional strategies

The role of industry is to:

  • Assume a leadership role in cluster development
  • Develop priorities and strategies to grow clusters
  • Implement strategic actions to grow clusters
  • Champion clusters to ensure that government supports are established

The Government of New Brunswick has made several important strides toward developing competitive business networks in the province, including:

Business New Brunswick
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