Government of New Brunswick

Department of Education


e-Learning > Educational Services Division

e-Learning - Partnerships: Provincial, National and International


The New Brunswick Department of Education supports and encourages provincial, national and international partnerships. By using Information Communication Technology (ICT), our students and teachers can learn anywhere, anytime. The numerous benefits and rewards of these technological partnerships increase as
mutual respect for cultural and community differences is shared.

Students learn that no matter where a community is globally located, caring, health, safety, jobs, education and the economy are all matters of common concern. Both students and teachers are enriched as they learn about these issues and grow through information exchanges.

The involvement of provincial, national and international partners enhances teaching and learning practices. Students are exposed to new learning practices as educators are enriched and professionally developed by the opportunity to network, contact different cultures, and embark on new professional friendships.

Students exposed to these new opportunities will achieve a larger view of the world. They will be better prepared to take advantage of these learning opportunities and in the future to contribute to provincial and national communities and, ultimately, the international community.

Current Projects:

Netherlands :
ICT & E: Netherlands and Learning Circles and Teacher Exchanges

The Global Teenager Project
The Global Teenager Project is a worldwide virtual network utilized by secondary school students from developed and developing countries. ...more
Liberation - 60 Years of Freedom
High school students in this Learning Circle project, through virtual collaborative learning, focus their studies on the Netherlands' celebration of her 60th year of freedom since World War Two. ...more
Labour and Local Labour Market
Teachers from the Netherlands chose this Learning Circle project based on the social topic of, ‘Labour and the Local Market'. ...more
ECHO's Project Celebrating 60 Years of Freedom
The ECHO's project is a joint venture with the Canadian Embassy in the Netherlands and Canadian Veteran Affairs. ...more
Other Initiatives With Our Dutch Partners
March 21, 2005 six teachers from the Netherlands will arrive for a five-day study tour. ...more

Australia :
Charles Sturt University, Bathurst, Australia

Journey Through Time and Space
Australia's Charles Sturt University remote telescope is the first remotely controlled telescope connected to the Internet that functions entirely/mainly for the purpose of education. ...more

ICT League :

The ICT League was formed in 2001 by the Nordic countries (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Iceland and Denmark), Canada and the Netherlands. The New Brunswick DOE represents the Councils of Ministers of Education (CMEC) at the ICT League ...more

Past Projects

Jordan :
A partnership between the Jordan Ministry of Education, the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and the New Brunswick Department of Education

Jordan Project
During the spring of 1999, the New Brunswick Department of Education responded to a request from the ...more

Department of Education
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