Government of New Brunswick

Department of Education


Youth Apprenticeship Program

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Youth Apprenticeship Program


The New Brunswick Youth Apprenticeship Program represents an innovative approach to career preparation in a rapidly changing and increasingly technological global economy. Its unique delivery model offers high school students, with a career interest, work experience and occupational specific skills training over a period of two paid summer work terms. As the result, students develop employability and occupational specific skills setting the stage for further post-secondary education and/or work. Applying the traditional concepts of apprenticeship training to all economic sectors, the Youth Apprenticeship Program is training the highly skilled workforce required of the 21st century.


  • To link future labour force and skill requirements to learning expectations for high school students.
  • To provide high school students the opportunity to gain knowledge and work experience in career areas of interest.
  • To facilitate school-career transitions for high school students.
  • To assist employers in obtaining employees that are motivated, academically prepared, appropriately trained and that possess related work experience.
  • To increase cooperation between the province's private, public and not-for-profit sectors, labour and management, and the secondary and post-secondary education systems.

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The New Brunswick Youth Apprenticeship Program is based on a partnership between business, industry and education. Although its roots are based in traditional apprenticeship training concepts, the program is applicable to and operates within a broad range of occupations and industry sectors. The Youth Apprenticeship Program provides high school students with the opportunity to acquire skill training and work experience directly related to their career and occupational interests. By placing all program components outside of the regular school time frame, students develop a knowledge base and relevant experience that is in addition to, rather than in place of, a regular high school program of study.

The Youth Apprenticeship Program is a two-year, two-phase program that students may access upon the completion of either grade 10 or grade 11. Through the completion of an outcomes-based curriculum, and periods of paid employment in a chosen career area, students gain applied knowledge, develop employability skills and benefit from valuable work experience. Cooperating employers provide skills training and benefit from a dedication and commitment to learning that results in youth apprentices assuming a contributing role in the workplace environment.

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Cooperating employers provide school district Youth Apprenticeship Coordinators with workplace job descriptions that are posted in area high schools in the late spring. Students, in either grade 10 or grade 11, interested in the Youth Apprenticeship Program have access to the job postings and make application by providing a cover letter and resume for the intended position. Employers receive the resumes of those interested in the position being offered, review, short-list as required, interview and make the selection of youth apprentice employee.

The employer is expected to provide employment for two consecutive summer work terms (180 hours minimum each) and is responsible for employee remuneration and benefits as prescribed under the Labour Standards Act. The summer work term begins upon the completion of school in June and ends prior to the start of school in September. The student may work at other times of the school year, if so desired, provided such work does not interfere with school attendance.

Youth Apprentices attend skill development workshops as part of the program including a pre-employment workshop that occurs in June prior to the start of their first work term. Over the duration of the program, students engage in an outcomes-based curriculum that targets skills development in the areas of teamwork, leadership, workplace health and safety, labour market reasearch, employer expectations, N.B. labour standards, human rights and other key areas.

Youth Apprenticeship Program completion provides students with guaranteed access to a program of study related to their youth apprentice experience at any of the N.B. Community College campuses or preferred admission status to a related program at the University of New Brunswick, Atlantic Baptist University or Université de Moncton.

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What Students Say About YAP
  • "YAP has impacted my life…I have developed and am maintaining job skills…my ability to communicate has improved...I am more responsible…I am motivated."
  • "Becoming a Youth Apprentice was an excellent choice…My job was an incredible learning experience."
  • "YAP…gave me my first real job experience and with it came a lot of responsibility…it made me feel good."
  • "In my opinion, everyone could benefit from learning the (Employability) skills that I have through YAP."
For more information, contact your school guidance counsellor or school district YAP Coordinator

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  • "Solid students a forum in which to advance and mature their skills."
  • YAP provides a great resource for today's students to make a sound decision for their future."
  • "...A real plus for both students and the business community."
  • "This is an excellent program for students…They gain so much knowledge that will guide them through the rest of their lives."
  • "I wish this was available when I was in school…a huge benefit for the students…and an asset to any employer who hires them."
For more information, contact your local school district YAP Coordinator

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YAP Coordinators

District Coordinator Telephone
2 Pat Duffield 506-856-3604
6 Heather Stilwell 506-848-6687
8 Joan Shillington 506-643-6884
10 Judey Tidd 506-466-7870
14 Robin Crain 506-325-4736
15 Peter Townsend 506-684-7476
16 Eleanor Watt 506-778-6761
17 Ellen Pottle 506-357-4062
18 Jane Stinson 506-457-3523

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