Government of New Brunswick
Natural Resources

  Category Fires


Category 1 fires

(campfires and most small brushfires) outside of cities, towns and some villages no longer require a burning permit. For small amounts of brush and debris (Category 1) fires, you must call toll-free 1-866-458-8080 or 444-5445 (in the Fredericton area) 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Information will be updated daily during fire season. You must have the landowner’s permission before igniting a fire on private land.

  • Piles three metres in diameter or smaller
  • Piles no more than two metres high
  • Burning within 60 metres of forest land
  • Multiple piles must be at least 10 metres apart
  • No more than four piles burning at one time
  • Must be attended at all times


Category 2 fires

require permits and inspection by a Forest Services officer from Natural Resources.

  • More than three metres in diameter
  • Piles no more than two metres high
  • Burning within 100 metres of forest land
  • For purposes other than prescribed burning and buring established blueberry fields
  • More than four piles burning at one time
  • Requires written permit and pre-inspection.

(Prescribed burning is the knowledgeable application of fire to a piece of land for a specific forest management or other land use.)



Category 3 fires

require permits and inspection by a Forest Services officer from Natural Resources.

  • Any size fire that treats existing blueberry fields
  • Requires written permit and pre-inspection
  • Specific guidelines from Natural Resources must be followed


Category 4 fires

require permits and inspection by a Forest Services officer from Natural Resources.

  • Prescribed burning
  • Requires written burn plan to be submitted to Natural Resources, a pre-inspection and a written permit with departmental guidelines attached.

Failure to comply with any of the above is an offence. For more information, contact your local Natural Resources office.

Department of Natural Resources
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Last Modified: 10/5/2006