CBC Radio One Child Labour in Canada

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The International Labour Organization

According to the United Nations, 246 million children are child labourers worldwide, mostly to support their struggling families.

The jobs range from working in a fireworks factory in Bangladesh to toiling in a gold mine in the Philippines to being sold into hidden slavery all over the world.

The International Labour Organization (ILO) created Convention 182, also called Worst Forms of Child Labour, to combat the employment of children in dangerous jobs. It has been ratified by 150 of the 191 member states of the U.N. According to reports from the ILO, 22,000 children die every year in work-related accidents worldwide.

Child labour is not limited however to the dangerous professions covered by C.182, which is why the ILO also adopted Convention 138, known as the Minimum Age Requirement. It was created in part to combat unseen work called child domestic labour.

Statistics of child domestic labour according to the ILOChild domestic labour is defined by the
International Labour Organization as situations where children perform domestic acts outside of their homes. This can include maid service, child-care, cooking, and gardening. The ILO does not have statistics for the number of children employed in domestic service for Europe or North America, but these are the numbers they do have.

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