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Provincial Nominee Program Application Kit

Acrobat ReaderThe Application Guide and Forms below are available for download in PDF format. Viewing these files requires the FREE Adobe Acrobat Reader.

Application Guide

The New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Application Guide outlines the requirements of the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program. It contains information about the application process, application forms and document checklist.

If you are interested in the New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program, you should first visit the Job Offer or Business Plan section of this website and complete the Self-Assessment Guide to determine if you qualify to be considered for the program.

Application Forms

  1. New Brunswick Supplementary Information Form (NBPNP 001)

  2. Information Release Form (NBPNP 002)

  3. Business Plan Applicant Summary Form (NBPNP 003)
    Entrepreneurs only
    Must first fill out and return the Business Immigration Evaluation Form.
    See Business Applicants procedure for details.

  4. Guaranteed Job Offer Form (NBPNP 004)
    Skilled Workers only
    (to be completed by employer)

  5. Declaration by a Provincial Nominee Applicant (NBPNP 006)

  6. Application for Permanent Residence in Canada (IMM 0008 06-2002 E)

  7. Schedule 1 - Background / Declaration (IMM 0008 04-2004 E)

  8. Schedule 4 - Economic Classes - Provincial Nominees (IMM 0008 06-2002 E)

  9. Additional Family Information (IMM 5406 06-2002 E)

  10. Use of a Representative (IMM 5476 12-2004 E) and Instructions (5561E)

  11. Photograph Specifications

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New Brunswick,
a place where you can belong

(320 KB PDF)

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Government of New Brunswick
Business New Brunswick Immigration Division
P.O. Box 6000
Fredericton, N.B. CANADA
E3B 5H1
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