Government of New Brunswick

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Harvesting fir tips
If you collect tips properly, these trees will supply you with a fresh supply of tips for many years.
Proper harvesting will not harm recreation, wildlife or the traditional forest-based industry.
Remember: Proper tipping means a healthy future for your business.
Contact the landowner
Every hectare of land has an owner. What can
I harvest?
You are breaking the law if you remove tips without the landowner’s permission.
Using Crown land
Every hectare of land has an owner.
You must obtain a permit from Natural Resources if you want to harvest tips from Crown land.
Remember: Taking any timber product from Crown land without permission is theft.
Significant fines may apply.
Use your hands
Cool autumn weather and the small diameter of tips make harvesting by hand a common practice. Hand clippers are allowed on Crown land. However, experienced pickers prefer manual harvesting. This leaves both hands free to handle the tips.
Think safety
  • Do not use ladders or saws.
  • Wear hunter orange clothing.
  • Use a map and compass.
Remember: Take care.
Tipping season is also hunting season.
When in the woods, you should always know exactly where you are.
A quality product
Harvested tips are a perishable product. At Natural Resources, we monitor weather conditions each autumn to determine when harvesting can begin.

To encourage a suitable product:

  • Check your buyer’s specifications before harvesting.
  • Harvest only healthy tips.
  • Store your product carefully.
  • Move the tips to market as quickly as possible.

Department of Natural Resources
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Last Modified: 2006-10-17