Agriculture, Pêche et Aquaculture
Department of Agriculture and Aquaculture
New Brunswick's Provincial Flower:  The  Violet  (Viola  cucullata) New Brunswick's Provincial Bird:  The  Chickadee  (Parus  atricapillus)
  Organic production

Organic production is a system whose ultimate goal is the preservation of the environment and the production of healthy and safe foods. Practitioners follow specific growing, handling and processing standards from the soil to the consumer's table leading to the production of "certified" organic products.

The key objectives of this production system are the preservation of soil life, the sustenance of soil humus, the protection of ground water, the elimination of synthetic or "chemical" fertilizers and synthetic pesticides from the food supply, and maintaining the health and economic welfare of farmers. Not only does this system prohibit the use of highly soluble fertilizers, "chemical" fertilizers and synthetic pesticides but it also prohibits the use of synthetically compounded hormones, growth regulators, antibiotics, irradiation as a food preservation technique and genetically modified organisms (GMO). There are also very strict regulations on the use of manure and compost.

In New Brunswick, there are some certification bodies that ensure organic produce and processed foods are grown and processed according to specific standards. These organizations will permit the product to be labeled "Certified Organic" when appropriate procedures are followed. Independent inspectors are also involved to verify the integrity of the organic production system. Growers participate in audit trails that track the inputs, raw materials and procedures used in the growing and processing of certified products.

Certification agencies active in NB:

OCIA-NB: Organic Crop Improvement Association - New Brunswick Chapter
Contact : Susan Tyler
Adresse : 2002 Cedar Camp Rd., South Branch NB, E4E 5E7
Phone: (506) 433-3935
Fax: (506) 432-9435

MCOG: Maritime Certified Organic Growers
Contact: Al et Simonne Geddry
Address: Meteghan, NS
Tel.: (800) 737-1755
Fax: (902) 769-0141

OCPP/Pro-Cert Inc: Organic Crop Producers & Processors Inc.
Contact: Larry Lenhardt
Address: Lindsay ON
Tel.:(877) 867-4264

Contact: Gilles Heurtel or France Gravel
Address: Lévis, Québec
Tel: (418) 838-6941

In 1999, the Canadian General Standards Board (CGSB) released the first edition of the National Standard for Organic Agriculture. Canada became one of first countries in the world to achieve this milestone. These standards will provide the rules of production to guarantee product integrity to the consumer. On September 2, 2006, the CGSB approved a second edition. The new edition of the National Organic Standard is comprised of two documents: the General Principles and Management Standards (CAN/CGSB-32.310-2006), and the Permitted Substances Lists (CAN/CGSB-32.311-2006). These documents are available through the CGSB website at:

In 2006, approximately 54 producers and processors will be requesting organic certification status in New Brunswick.

The New Brunswick Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture has an organic specialist on staff. This individual's responsibilities range from providing support to the existing industry, to facilitating growth and identifying new opportunities. This specialist will also provide technical advice to producers who plan to initiate a transition from conventional to organic farming.

Useful Websites

  • Atlantic Canadian Organic Regional Network(
  • Organic Agriculture Centre of Canada, Truro, NS (
  • Canadian Organic Growers (
  • Agri-Réseau / Agriculture biologique du Québec:  (French only)

  • Agriculture and Aquaculture
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