Ministry of ForestsGovernment of British Columbia
Wildfire News
Protection Branch
Wildfire News

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Welcome to Wildfire News.

This portion of the Protection program website provides information on current fire situations, bans & restrictions, historical data, maps, photos, contacts & links to other agencies involved in wildfire emergencies, and any other relative fire information we can provide to keep you informed.

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Find out what the current wildfire situation is today in British Columbia
See the most recent news releases, or search for previous ones.
See the current campfire or burning bans, or travel restrictions.
View a list of all wildfires currently burning, or that have occurred this year.
Look at fire maps and photos.
See current weather maps.
Find out what previous fire seasons were like.
Find the answers to some frequently asked questions.
Find out whom to contact if you have questions not answered by our website.
See statistics for this fire season.
Read definitions for some of the terms frequently used in Wildfire News.

Do you know what fire centre you are in? If not, and you can't tell from the small map below, view the large map (469 kb, in PDF format). You can zoom in to a specific area in the large map using the magnifying glass tool. The large map will open in a new window.
