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Messages for our Firefighters

This site is for you to let our brave firefighters know you support their efforts. It may take one working day for your comments to appear on the site.

We have received several messages FROM the firefighters back to you -- the people who are leaving all these wonderful messages. To make them stand out, they are in a different colour. You can see them all at once by clicking here

Some of these messages mention people by name. See those ones by clicking here and see if any were left for you.
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Nov 28, 2006 - Ref#:1128095821
Sir Darren Nelson: So proud of you and the work you do for the public. Safety, comes first: right? Keep up the good work. I do always wish you all my personal best while you are working. I do worry about you, and wander when you will come back home,when you are out there away from home. So much to say, so little time. Keep up the good work and look out for number one. Huh!
Unit crew is the best... Good Luck and see you around...

Nov 26, 2006 - Lafleur - Ref#:1126182557
Hey guys. Just wondering if anyone is going back in Houston for Dykes party. Lemme know, cause I'll be back in Vanderhoof for xmas. peace

Nov 1, 2006 - John Phillips - Ref#:1101144643
To: Mount Currie fighters; so glad to know that you all are out there doing your best. Keep up the good work. I always wander how you all are doing. I am so proud of you all. I think we need photo shots of you and your crew to show everyone who you are. What you do and how you do it. Can you imagine "Christmas cards" with you and your name on it? Well I always wish you all MOUNT CURRIE fighters all the best. Take Care always. Your friend John Phillips

Oct 12, 2006 - Ref#:1012092456
Well, it has been sometime since I last posted anything on here and late, so here it goes nothing. To all the men and women who were out there fightfiring, WAY TO GO!!! You did another awesome job this year and hopefully for many many more years to come. It never ceases to amaze me how many of you put your lives on the line and hold to put fires out to save so many communities and livestock, especially the ones that have families at home. I know it is hard to be away from family and friends, when your out there remember we are sitting at home praying for you all for a safe return home and are greatly missed and loved by so many. Way to go to the Fire Hawks (PG) and Stormriders (100 Mile House), you have many friends and family that are very proud of you all this year. Keep up the awesome work!!! I had family and friends on both crew this year and was glad you all returned safely home. Take care of each other next year and have another awesome year!!!

Oct 11, 2006 - Donna MacPherson - Ref#:1011155327
Hi all.

I want you to know that the words you send to this site do get through to our fire fighters. When the guys are in the field, the world fades away and all they know is the fire. They breath it, they eat it, they live it.

I'm an Information Officer, and while the obvious part of my job is to let the local people know about the fire that is affecting them, another part of my job is to get outside information to the crews.

I always look here for snippets I can post in camp, or add to our crew newsletters. You have no idea how much it means to them to hear your warm comments and words of encouragement. And I often hear from the guys that they look up the website when they're home, to see if anyone mentioned it.

Please keep it up... it means so much!

Sep 12, 2006 - Trees and Livestock of Princeton - Ref#:912071725
As we wait in smoke and wonder why our life has changed.

While we look around and see each other with our limbs and legs in ash.

Somehow we know that you are out there.

Protecting us.

Trying your best, as you reach, shovel, pull, climb, cough, puke.

We wait till you are done and come home safely.

We stand and walk and wait quietly and wonder why.

We cannot say how much we thankyou.

Sep 11, 2006 - Gaby - Ref#:912002403

Hi this is gaby again!!! Well I wanted to show you this because i wanted to know if you guys liked it or not ???? This is about the first time i went on a call.....

...The Call...

Even If I Am A Volunteer I still Feel Fear

I Hear The Radio And Yes It's Time To Put On My Gear

It's Time To Act And To Learn Is To React

I Work Hard And That's A Fact

Dark Nights, Not Knowing What Will Happend Next

Feel That Fear And Still A Volunteer

I stand in danger

But It Doesn't Stop Me From Helping A Stranger

Everything We See Is Real

Important Situations We've Got To Deal.

Made A Promise In Life To Become That Pramedic To Fight

So I Will Always Remember To Keep That In Mind

And In My Heart Holding It Tight.

The Traffic Sometimes Is Like Rubble

But People Don't Understand That Someone's In Trouble.

Intoxicated Patient, Refusing To Medication

Can't See What Will Happend Next

But Hoping Few Words Will Come To Best.

As We Finish Our Transport

We Prepare Our Selves With Our Next Report

Sep 11, 2006 - Gaby - Ref#:912001644
Hi my name is Gaby, I am a Fire explorer here in Florida.
I just wanted to send this to all of you FireFighters and paramedics.. To let you know I am praying for you guys....

That death's a card dealt in our hand
A card we hope we never play
But one we hold there anyway
That card is something we ignore
As we crawl across a weakened floor
For we know that we're the only prayer
For anyone that might be there
So remember as you wipe your tears
The joy I knew throughout the years
As I did the job I loved to do
I pray that thought will see you through

Thank you guys soo much ...
God Bless you....

Sep 10, 2006 - Peter Deverell - Ref#:910092958
This verse was written for the Lillooet fire in 2004.

Fire 99

When lightning strikes and wood ignites
Flames sweep up the mountain
The denizens watch with gathering fear
Their homes risk conflagration

Amid the sighs and anguished cries
Evacuation plans take form
While the province brings in action crews
To quell the deadly storms

Luke’s the man with pulaski in hand
And a crew of skookum fighters beside
With careful cleared rows and a long lay of hose
And a ravenous raze close by

Neil’s the man with blade in hand
Who carves a road from a slope
He encircles the embers before they can spread
Bringing all the rest of us hope

Brian’s the man with hoe in hand
Gathering fuel to pile it high
Where the sheltering arm of the guard trail around
The advance of the flames will deny

While all these and more with their sweat and their toil
Strive to stop the spread of the flames
Their work is for naught if the fire gets hot
And roars past their guard in a rage

Ron’s the man with 12 wings in hand
Who moves at the commanders bidding
To map the range and douse the flames
And slow the fire spreading

Newt’s the man with flame in hand
And wings to fan the blaze
Great gales of black smoke billowing off
As he steers the tempestuous haze

Asked on the side how a man can survive
In that hectoring haze from hell
Just suck it up my friend says Newt
And pass the petrogel

The counters of beans and meters of means
With their generally acceptable way
Match up crews and machines with hours and deeds
And put cheques in the mail with our pay

With a camp that is tops and a Queen of Op’s
And a warehouse stocked with supplies
We can take this show on the road should the need
Of another emergency rise

04/11/13 PMD

Sep 6, 2006 - Jocelyn - Ref#:906211843
Dear josh from Lillooet
Be careful, miss you, have fun on your trip and take care of yourself and dont break to many hearts

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