Office of the Fire Commissioner
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NFPA - National Fire Protection Association
NRC - National Research Council
Justice Institute - Fire & Safety Division
Building Policy Branch


Office of the Fire Commissioner

To access the services of the Office of the Fire Commissioner, please call 1-888-988-9488
Office of the Fire Commissioner, British Columbia

The Office of the Fire Commissioner is the senior fire authority in the province with respect to fire safety and prevention. Services include administration and enforcement of fire safety legislation, training of local assistants to the fire commissioner, fire loss statistics collection, fire investigation, fire inspection, response to major fire emergencies, advice to local governments on delivery of fire protection services, public fire safety education and fire fighter certification.

Contact the Office of the Fire Commissioner

Interface Fire Information

An interface fire is a wildland fire that puts communities and people at risk. A wind-driven wildland fire, out of control and moving fast, can quickly spread from the forest to threaten your family’s safety, home and property. The current forest fire situation in British Columbia is a reminder to all of us that we need to take precautions to protect our families and property.

Evacuation Map
Evacuation Mapping
(1.1 MB)
Home Owners FireSmart Manual
Home Owners FireSmart Manual

(3.8 MB)

FireSmart Protecting Your community from Wildfire

Protecting Your Community from Wildfire

Interface Fire Info (196KB)
2003 Wildland-Urban Interface Fires: Post-Incident Analysis Report
Evacuation Fire Notice (34.7KB)
Provincial Emergency Program (PEP)
Ministry of Forests and Range - Protection Branch

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Fire Safety Legislation

The Office of the Fire Commissioner administers the Fire Services Act and the BC Fire Code. Under this legislative authority, the Office appoints and trains Local Assistants to the Fire Commissioner (LAFC), implements fire safety regulations, processes technical code changes and resolves appeals.

Fire Services Act Interpretation Bulletins
BC Fire Code 1998 Revisions and Errata     

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Public Education

The public education program of the Office of the Fire Commissioner provides leadership in fire safety education, with provincial initiatives such as the Learn Not To Burn Program, National Fire Prevention Week activities and a Juvenile Firesetter Intervention program.

Position Papers Juvenile Firesetter Manual
Fire Prevention Week Fire & Life Safety Brochures
Seasonal Messages Burn Awareness Week 2006
Public Safety Announcements Getting to Know Fire

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Training & Certification

By Ministerial Order, effective January 1, 2003, the National Fire Protection Association training standards have replaced the British Columbia Fire Service Training Standards.

The British Columbia Fire Service Certification Program administered by the Office of the Fire Commissioner which was based on the now rescinded British Columbia Fire Service Training Standards is no longer in effect and is replaced by the certification to the NFPA standards issued by fire service training institutions who are accredited by IFSAC or ProBoard.

Those fire service members who have been certified under the BC Fire Fighter Training Standards by the Justice Institute of BC, Fire & Safety Division, may be eligible for NFPA certification subject to completing the bridging requirements. 

For more information on receiving recognition under the NFPA certification, please contact the Justice Institute of BC, Fire & Safety Division directly on their website at

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Fire Reporting

Fire reporting is a legislated requirement and the Office of the Fire Commissioner maintains an electronic Fire Loss Reporting System that records all BC fire loss statistics. Information collected yearly assists in areas such as public education planning, Building and Fire Code changes and identifying trends in fire loss.

Fire Reporting Manual 2004 Reporting Task Group
Insurance Fire Reporting    

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Emergency Response

Where there is serious and imminent danger to life and property from fire or explosion, the Office of the Fire Commissioner has legislated authority to issue and enforce orders to evacuate a building or area, such as when forest fires threaten communities. The Office is also responsible for coordinating fire fighting resources during provincially declared emergencies, and is available to advise and/or assist other provincial and municipal agencies in their emergency programs.

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Services & Information

The Office of the Fire Commissioner distributes various safety information bulletins and product hazard announcements to BC fire departments and related agencies. The office facilitates the implementation of fire department operational guidelines that provide for fire fighter safety and risk management objectives. The Office is also responsible for issuing awards and medals to BC fire service personnel.

Associations Information Bulletins
Awards & Medals Safety Advisory Bulletins
Events Calendar Operational Guidelines
FAQ's Guidelines
WCB Updates Innovations in Fire Services Pilot Program 05/06 (300KB)
Fire Safety Plan  
Justice Institute of BC Information Eliminating Residential Marijuana Grow Operations - An Alternative Approach
(City of Surrey Report)  (627.7KB)
BC Fire Department Listing (85KB)  

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