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Fire Prevention

British Columbia has an average of 2,000 fires per year, about half of which are lightning-caused and the other half are people-caused.

People-caused forest fires include abandoned campfires, smoking, industry, logging, railroads, brush or range burns, construction, recreationalists, and arson. You can help prevent wildfires.

In an attempt to reduce the number of people-caused fires, the B.C. Forest Service has an extensive fire prevention program which targets the general public, the forest industry, communities, property owners and other stakeholders. Our program includes:


  • radio advertisements
  • newspaper advertisements
  • highway signs
  • Smokey Bear program
  • pamphlets/brochures
  • posters
  • 1-888-3-FOREST fire information line, with pre-recorded updates on wildfire locations, smoke advisories, wildfire hazards and campfire restrictions.


  • local fire department liaison and co-operative agreements
  • "Fire Smart" community planning
  • home owner precautions
  • school presentations
  • fire wardens and fire prevention officers (644)
  • working with other agencies to develop fire-smart provincial, regional and local government guidelines, by-laws and legislation


More prevention-related sites are listed on our Prevention Links page.

For more information, contact your local Fire Centre and ask to speak to the Fire Centre's Prevention Specialist. If it is long distance, you can call Enquiry B.C. at 1-800-663-7867 and they will put your call through free of charge.