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The resilience of the boreal forest

Forest ecosystems are subjected to and must respond to many natural and human-induced disturbances, from wildfires, insect outbreaks and ice storms through logging operations. An ecosystem’s ability to recover from a disturbance, whether slowly or quickly, is referred to as its resilience.

A number of researchers are studying ecosystem resilience with the aim of identifying forest management techniques that preserve this attribute. At the Laurentian Forestry Centre (LFC) of the Canadian Forest Service (CFS), Dr. David Paré is currently conducting research on the resilience of ecosystems in the boreal forest. In this article, he paints a portrait of the issues related to boreal forest resilience and gives an overview of his research work.

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The distribution of ecoregions on a map gives an indication of ecosystem resilience. The boundaries separating the different vegetation types are fairly distinct. A particular assemblage of plant and animal species is associated with each of the different types of forest. The species composition of these ecosystems and their functioning is regulated by various environmental factors, the most important being climate, soil and disturbances. Recent studies have shown that disturbances play a much more important role than previously suspected. Ecosystem resilience requires that these environmental variables be held within certain limits. The modification of one environmental factor alone may lead to changes in the ecosystem’s composition, structure and functioning. During glacial periods, these vegetation zones shifted southward, but maintained their inherent organization. Arctic tundra once existed where New York City is now, and boreal forest was present in Virginia. Ecosystems do not have a completely static composition; species invasions and extinctions occur as do changes in ecosystem structure. However, these changes, unless they result from environmental change, generally take place very slowly.

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Small rocky islands covered with red pine at Lake Duparquet.
Small rocky islands covered with red pine at Lake Duparquet.
The effect of the climate on vegetation is well understood for the most part, and all gardeners are familiar with the hardiness zones which indicate the places where particular plant species can be grown. Factors such as the length of the frost-free period are also important. However, what is less well known is that climate has an indirect effect on plant distribution in natural ecosystems. By interacting with vegetation, climate influences the frequency of disturbances. This factor has a decisive effect on the composition of ecosystems. Lake Duparquet in the Abitibi region can be used to illustrate this idea. In this environment situated in the heart of the mixed boreal forest, there are some small rocky islands covered with red pine and juniper forests. These forests are typical of more southerly regions, and normally can only be found hundreds of kilometres south of the area, such as in the Ottawa Valley. Why then do these red pine and juniper forests exist in the Abitibi? There is a simple explanation. The small rocky islands in Lake Duparquet capture lightning like veritable lightning rods. The high frequency of lightning-generated fires that occurs on the islands as compared with the situation in forests around the lake, combined with their low intensity, helps to maintain this type of vegetation, which was present in the area several thousand years earlier.

The prairies of Western Canada used to burn in various locations every 10 years. Fire prevention has transformed these prairies into forests. These examples and many more illustrate the important role that disturbance agents play in maintaining ecosystem properties. In a context where climate is constant, a modification in the frequency of disturbances causes major changes in ecosystem functioning and composition. These destabilizing forces are important for maintaining the resilience, diversity and even the productivity of ecosystems. The ecosystem impacts depend on the disturbance attributes of size, spatial distribution, intensity and frequency.



Resilience relates to the continuity of ecosystems and their ability to endure changes and disturbances while maintaining the same level of productivity and the same relations among populations. Resilience means that when a population is drastically reduced, it still has capacity to recover thanks to its regenerating potential and the balanced distribution of forest types and age classes.


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Forestry operations can alter the character of the forest. There is increasing support for the idea that forest management should mimic natural processes and maintain landscapes, species composition and the processes that occur in the absence of human activity.

Boreal forest landscape.
Boreal forest landscape.

There are two opposing, albeit not mutually exclusive, views in this regard. According to the first view, portions of the region should be left intact and other areas should be managed intensively using an approach aimed at maximizing productivity. This could comprise a range of interventions extending to the introduction of exotic species and the use of pesticides and fertilizers. This approach resembles agriculture. With the second approach, the aim is to manage the forest so as to generate a profit, while seeking to emulate nature as much as possible.

The first approach is often favoured by countries that have almost no remaining natural forest and whose small reserves of intact forest represent a precious and untouchable asset. They typically make claims of the following type: "This wood does not come from virgin forest, but rather from plantations." This argument, which may be seductive for the general public, deserves close scrutiny. Is it really wise to obtain timber supplies exclusively from artificial forests which often contain exotic species that cannot support the local plants and animals, and to keep only a small percentage of virgin forest in the region? There is no guarantee that these remnants of virgin forest will play their role in preserving biodiversity, since they are so very small.

These two visions are not mutually exclusive, since it is conceivable to manage small zones for timber culture (eg, agriculture model), carry on intensive forestry in other zones by managing second-growth forests there, and finally maintain areas with complete protection. The debate continues on this topic, and some countries—those whose wood production comes almost exclusively from plantations of exotic trees—will continue to claim that virgin forests should not be harvested.

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Soil conditions following a very intense fire.
Soil conditions following a very intense fire.
The question is how can we manage our forests by emulating nature, as the second approach recommends. It has become clear that management cannot focus on individual species and seek to ensure that each species has what it needs to survive. The lack of knowledge of various species (for example, many insects and microorganisms have not yet been identified) and of organismal biology, coupled with the complexity of ecosystems, makes this kind of approach impossible. Forest management that seeks to promote stand composition and structure similar to those characterizing natural environments should permit the maintenance of biodiversity and the essential functions of forest ecosystems. A problem frequently encountered with this approach relates to the natural variability of ecosystems. The functioning of an ecosystem cannot be compared with that of a finely tuned machine. Unpredictability is the basis of ecosystem dynamics. For example, some very intense fires destroy all the trees and eliminate all the organic matter in the soil, whereas other fires leave a large proportion of trees intact. Some fires spread across an area comparable to that of certain European countries, while others are small. It’s when we consider these phenomena operating in large territories that patterns emerge. The approach that involves managing ecosystems not only by considering what is happening at the site scale (for example, on a hundred hectares), but also in extensive regions where the forests are at different successional stages is called landscape ecology. Fragmentation of ecosystems, the representativeness of the different stages of development, the presence of islands or corridors of forest in recently disturbed zones are all properties that can only be perceived when examining vast territories; they are all important in terms of the resilience of the boreal forest.


Types of disturbance

Disturbances are divided into two main categories: natural disturbances and anthropogenic or human-induced disturbances. Fires, insects, wind and ice storms are the main natural disturbances. Timber harvesting activities constitute the main anthropogenic disturbance. In Canada, insects and wildfires, the main natural disturbance agents, affected an area of 4.6 million hectares in 1997, while logging operations encompassed 1 million hectares.


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The site

At the site scale, a clear-cut is not an ecological disaster but rather a phenomenon that has similarities with the natural processes that take place in the boreal forest. This practice permits the resilience of biodiversity and the system’s productivity. However, a clear-cut creates very homogenous conditions, in contrast with the variety of patterns resulting from a wildfire. It is believed that some cut-overs would benefit from being further disturbed through burning or scarification because this would renew the soil as some fires do. It is a myth that the lightest possible impact is the best solution; this does not hold true when we analyse the situation in the field.

Soil conditions after a cut.
Soil conditions after a cut.
The effects of a clear-cut may resemble those of a disturbance caused by fire in many respects, at the site level. All the marketable trees are removed, and this will result in an even-aged stand (containing trees of the same age). There will also be lots of light reaching the ground and the mineral soil will be exposed to a greater or lesser extent. A few differences exist as well. The organic soil layer will be thinner after a fire, and there will be more snags and deadwood, along with intact islands of vegetation that cover about 5% of the total surface area. Our studies have shown that, when the cutting does not expose the mineral soil in black spruce stands, the floristic composition and soil fertility will be different from that found after a fire. We have also observed that fire, in contrast with cutting, promotes the maintenance of certain nutrients, in particular, potassium, calcium and magnesium, as well as a higher soil pH level, although nitrogen losses are greater. The issue of nutrients is not critical at all sites, but in many cases branches and foliage should be left on the site, along with parts of the tree that are rich in nutrients, at the time of harvesting. Through field work and modelling we can identify sites that are likely to be adversely affected by the use of the whole-tree harvesting method. Problems related to physical disturbances (roads, soil compaction, etc) at the site are connected with inspection and regulation, rather than a lack of knowledge.

The landscape

Research has shown that, at the landscape scale, fire cycles vary regionally and have also varied over time. Thus, some regions of Quebec currently have a fire cycle of 75 years, whereas other areas have a cycle of nearly 300 years. It is generally recognized that fires strike forests of all ages randomly. Thus, the fire cycle creates forests in which the different successional stages are all represented, and this representativeness is well known. It differs from the representativeness sought in the industrial model of forest harvesting: the normalized forest. According to this concept, the forest should comprise equal areas of the different age classes. For example, if the forest takes 100 years to mature, each age class should be represented on 1% of the territory, thereby ensuring a constant supply of fibre. However, since forest fires strike randomly, in a forest that is subject to natural processes young stands will be over represented, forests of ages close to the fire cycle will be well represented and there will be a small abundance of stands whose age exceeds that of the fire cycle. In the industrial model, these old-growth forests do not exist at all. In reality, these forests, although not well represented in areal extent, exist and often have an irregular structure with trees of varying ages. In regions with a long fire cycle, for example on the North Shore, it has been estimated that prior to the start of logging more than 50% of the region was occupied by forests with an irregular structure.

The region

At the scale of a region, clear-cutting entails some problems even if the rule of sustained yield is applied (ie, cutting cannot exceed productivity). This practices does not allow old-growth forests to subsist nor even forests resembling old-growth ones, and the distribution of forests of varying ages is often very different from the pattern found in nature: the natural forest is more like a mosaic, whereas management by clear-cutting often results in a landscape which, aside from a few strips and small islands of forest, resembles a carpet that has been rolled out.

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A great deal of research work remains to be done, at both the site and landscape scales, to protect the resilience of the boreal forest.

At the site scale, it is important to choose harvesting and site preparation methods that are suited to the conditions present there. It is also essential to determine the intensity of the disturbance that will result from these operations. A disturbance of insufficient intensity could promote the growth of mosses and ericaceous plants and lead to stagnating soil fertility, in addition to creating biodiversity problems. In fact, many species need high intensity disturbances because they have evolved in such an environment over a period of thousands of years. In contrast, an overly intense disturbance, such as the excessive removal of humus, could also reduce the site’s potential for productivity.

A landscape-scale model proposed recently by a group of Quebec researchers, including Dr. Sylvie Gauthier of the Laurentian Forestry Centre (LFC) of the Canadian Forest Service (CFS) could make it possible in applying clear-cutting and partial cutting to conserve a forest landscape that is similar to the natural landscape in the boreal forest, while maintaining timber harvesting operations. Ensuring greater heterogeneity in forest interventions also appears to be a way to emulate natural processes more closely, for example, by varying harvesting intensity, the surface area of cuts and the extent of soil disturbance. There is every reason to believe that, by mimicking nature, we will be helping to conserve the known and as yet unknown attributes of the boreal forest. It is important for the general public to take part in this debate. Sustainable forest management is not rigid and can allow plenty of latitude. In one region conservation might be promoted, in another fibre production and in yet another moose production. There is a widely held view that nature will provide a maximum of all it has to offer humans even without the wise use of resources. This myth needs to be dispelled. The forest can be managed for a specific purpose, but when we want to make use of several resources, compromises are often required. The choices to be made are societal decisions, not choices determined by science. Research on ecosystem functioning sheds light on the limits we must not overstep if we want to ensure sustainable forest management and on the ways to optimize production.

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