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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscience Data Repository > Geochemical data
NGR geochemical data
Format descriptor for regional stream sediment geochemical reconnaissance data

Table 1. Field observations legend
Field Definition Example
Uniq_ID A unique identifier for each sample site. Uniq_ID combines NTS mapsheet and sample number 105B781831
Province Abbreviated form of province or territory of Canada YUK
GSC_OF Original GSC open file release number 1289
Othr_OF Report number assigned by province/territory NB OFR 98-15
Medium Material selected for sampling and analysis Stream
NTS_Sht National Topographic System (NTS); lettered quadrangle (1:250 000 or 1:50 000 scale) 105B
Sample Remainder of sample number:  
  Year of collection 78
  Field crew 1
  Sample sequence number 831
Rep_Stat Replicate status; relationship of the sample to others within the survey:  
  Routine sample site 0
  First of a site duplicate pair 1
Latitud27 Latitude coordinate of sample site in decimal degrees (datum NAD 27). 60.22425
Longitude27 Longitude coordinate of sample site in decimal degrees (datum NAD 27). -130.26109
Sam_Type Sample material collected:  
  Stream bed sediment only Sed Only
  Spring or sediment seep Spring Sed Only
  Heavy mineral concentrate Hvv Min Conc
  Stream water only Water Only
  Natural groundwater, spring seep Groundwater
  Simultaneous stream sediment and water Sed and Water
  Simultaneous spring or seep water and sediment    Spg Sep/Sed
Stm_wdth Stream width in metres  
Stm_dpth Stream depth in decimetres or metres  
Contam Contamination, human or natural:  
  None None
  Possible Possible
  Probable Probable
  Definite Definite
  Mining activity Mining
  Industrial sources Industry
  Agricultural Agriculture
  Domestic or household Domestic
  Forestry activities Forestry
  Burned areas Burned Areas
Bnk_type Bank type; the general nature of the bank material adjacent to the sample site:  
  Alluvial Alluvial
  Colluvial (bare rock, residual or mountain soils) Colluvial
  Glacial till Till
  Glacial outwash sediments Outwash
  Bare rock Bare Rock
  Talus scree Talus/Scree
  Organic predominant (debris, peat, muskeg, swamp) Organics
Wat_colo Water colour; the general colour and suspended load of the sampled water:  
  Clear Clear
  Brown transparent Brown, transparent
  White cloudy White, cloudy
  Brown cloudy Brown, cloudy
Stm_flow Water flow rate:  
  Stagnant Stagnant
  Slow Slow
  Moderate Moderate
  Fast Fast
  Torrential Torrential
Sed_colo Predominant sediment colour:  
  Red-brown Red, Brown
  White-buff White, Buff
  Black Black
  Yellow Yellow
  Green Green
  Grey, blue grey Grey, Blue grey
  Pink Pink
  Buff to brown Buff to brown
  Brown Brown

Sediment composition; description of the bulk mechanical composition of the collected sample on a scale of 1 to 3, the total of the column must add up to 3 or 4 or 5.

Size fractions are divided as follows:
Column 1  >0.125 mm (sand)
Column 2  <0.125 mm (fines - organic silt, clay)
Column 3  organic material

Amount of size fraction:
sum of amounts = 3 4 5
Absent 0 0 0
Minor <33% 25% 20%
Medium 33-67% 50% 40%
Major >67% 75% 60%
Bot_Pcpt Precipitate or stain; the presence of any coatings on pebbles, boulders or stream bottoms:  
  None None
  Red-brown Red, Brown
  White or buff White, Buff
  Black Black
  Yellow Yellow
  Green Green
  Grey Grey
  Pink Pink
  Buff to brown Buff to brown
Bnk_Pcpt Distinctive precipitate, stains or weathering on rocks in immediate area of catchment basin or stream bank:  
  None None
  Red, brown (eg. Fe) Red, Brown
  White, buff (eg. CO3, Zn) White, Buff
  Black (e.g. Fe, Mn, sulphides) Black
  Yellow (e.g. Pb, U, Fe, Mo, REE) Yellow
  Green (Cu, Ni, U, Mo, As, Fe) Green
  Bluish (Zn, P) Blue
  Pink (Co, As) Pink
Stm_Phys General physiography of the drainage basin:  
  Plain Plain
  Muskeg, swampland Lowlands, Swamp
  Peneplain, plateau Peneplain, plateau
  Hilly, undulating Hilly, undulating
  Mountainous, mature Mountainous, mature
  Mountainous, youthful (precipitous) Mountainous, youthful
Stm_Dran Drainage pattern:  
  Poorly defined, haphazard Poorly defined
  Dendritic Dendritic
  Herringbone Herringbone
  Rectangular Rectangular
  Trellis Trellis
  Discontinuous shield type (chains of lakes) Discontinuous shield type
  Basinal Closed
  Others Other
Stm_Type Stream type:  
  Undefined Undefined
  Permanent, continuous Permanent
  Intermittent, seasonal Intermit
  Re-emergent, discontinuous Re-emergent
Stm_Class Classification based on proximity to source:  
  Undefined Undefined
  Primary Primary
  Secondary Secondary
  Tertiary Tertiary
  Quaternary Quaternary
Wat_Sorc Source of water:  
  Unknown Unknown
  Groundwater Groundwater
  Snow melt or spring run-off Spring melt
  Recent precipitation Recent rain
  Ice-cap or glacier meltwater Glacier

Table 2. Summary of analytical data and methods
Element Detection level Method
Ag Silver 0.2 ppm AAS
As Arsenic 1.0 ppm AAS
As_INA Arsenic 0.5 ppm INAA
Au Gold 1 (variable) ppb FA-NA
Au_R Gold (repeat analysis) 1 (variable) ppb FA-NA
Au_INA Gold 2 ppb INAA
Au_R_INA Gold 2 ppb INAA
Ba Barium 40 ppm AAS
Ba_INA Barium 50 ppm INAA
Bi Bismuth 0.1 ppm AAS
Br_INA Bromine 0.5 ppm INAA
Cd Cadmium 0.2 ppm AAS
Ce_INA Cerium 5 ppm INAA
Co Cobalt 2 ppm AAS
Co_INA Cobalt 5 ppm INAA
Cr Chromium 1 ppm AAS
Cr_INA Chromium 20 ppm INAA
Cs_INA Cesium 0.5 ppm INAA
Cu Copper 2 ppm AAS
Eu_INA Europium 1 ppm INAA
F Fluorine 40 ppm ISE
Fe Iron 0.02 pct AAS
Fe_INA Iron 0.2 pct INAA
Hf_INA Hafnium 1 ppm INAA
Hg Mercury 5 ppb CV-AAS
La_INA Lanthanum 2 ppm INAA
LOI Loss-on-ignition 1.0 pct GRAV
Lu_INA Lutetium 0.2 ppm INAA
Mn Manganese 5 ppm AAS
Mo Molybdenum 2 ppm AAS
Mo_INA Molybdenum 1 ppm INAA
Na_INA Sodium 0.02 pct INAA
Ni Nickel 2 ppm AAS
Ni_INA Nickel 10 ppm INAA
Pb Lead 2 ppm AAS
Rb_INA Rubidium 5 ppm INAA
Sb Antimony 0.2 ppm HY-AAS
Sb_INA Antimony 0.1 ppm INAA
Sc_INA Scandium 0.2 ppm INAA
Se Selenium 0,1 ppm AAS
Sm_INA Samarium 0.1 ppm INAA
Sn Tin 1 ppm FUS
Ta_INA Tantalum 0.5 ppm INAA
Tb_INA Terbium 0.5 ppm INAA
Th_INA Thorium 0.2 ppm INAA
U Uranium 0.2 ppm NADNC
U_INA Uranium 0.2 ppm INAA
V Vanadium 5 ppm AAS
W Tungsten 4 ppm COL
W_INA Tungsten 1 ppm INAA
Yb_INA Ytterbium 1 ppm INAA
Zn Zinc 2 ppm AAS


atomic absorption spectrometry
colorimetric methods
cold vapour / atomic absorption spectrometry
fire assay - neutron activation
hydride evolution - atomic absorption spectrometry
Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis
inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometry (aqua regia extraction)
ion selective electrode
neutron activation - delayed neutron counting

2006-04-18Important notices