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Natural Resources Canada
Geoscience Data Repository
Mineral Resources
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.Consolidation and synthesis of mineral deposits knowledge
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.World Minerals Geoscience Database Project

Geological Survey of Canada
Geological Survey of Canada

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ÿGeoscience Data Repository
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscience Data Repository > Mineral Resources
Mineral Resources
Mineral Deposit Databases

The mineral deposit databases are housed on our server at the Geological Survey of Canada. You can view the full contents in Web page format and extract shallow summary data sets in CSV (comma-delimited) format.

Mineral deposit databases can be viewed, filtered by query, and downloaded in two ways:

  1. using your Web browser

    The Mineral Deposits Web Map Server option will allow you to view deposits geospatially, to select map layers to display, to query deposits using a database query tool to filter the database contents based on user-defined values, to access Web pages for selected deposits, and to download filtered results using only your Internet browser.

    Popup windows, frames, and javascript must be enabled in your Internet browser, which must be Microsoft Internet Explorer (version 5.0 or higher) or Netscape Navigator (version 4.7 or higher) or Mozilla 4.02 or higher.

  2. using a downloadable Windows application

    The Mineral Deposits Database Query Client option offers more sophisticated query capabilities without the map viewer. Capabilities include an enhanced tool for database filtering, a tool for building and saving a user-defined template for customizing spreadsheets for download, and a toll providing the option of viewing/downloading Web pages of complete data contents for each deposit in the active database.

    To use the Database Query Client Application, a small executable program must be downloaded and placed on a personal computer with Microsoft Windows™ connected to the Internet. This program is accompanied by a Web-based tutorial.

    <a href="zip/gqueryclie