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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscience Data Repository > Lithoprobe seismic and magnetotelluric data
Lithoprobe Data Archive
ABT: Alberta Basement Transect
Previous (Download SEGY files of seismic sectionsAlberta Basement)Index (Seismic data Alberta Basement (AB)) 

The Alberta Basement Transect transect consists of four parts:

  1. CAT: the Central Alberta Transect of 1992,
  2. PRAISE: the Peace River Arch Industry Seismic Experiment of 1994,
  3. SALT: the Southern Alberta Lithosphere Transect of 1995, and
  4. VAuLT: the Vibroseis Augmented Listen Time experiment acquired right after the SALT experiment in 1995.

Lines 32E and 34E (also known as 32B and 34B) contain extended listen time data, lines 32C and 34C are 3-component lines.

Special lines: The CAT transect contains line 7E which is also known as the expanding spread experiment. 3-D and 2S3R refer to the same broad-side shoot involving parts of two perpendicular lines.

Data type Lines
CAT Surveys (SEGP1) 1-10 compressed
PRAISE Surveys (SEGP1) 11-20B compressed
SALT, VAuLT Surveys (SEGP1) 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 32C, 32E, 34C, 34E, 21-32 compressed
CAT CDP coordinates 1-10 compressed
PRAISE CDPs: structure stacks README, 11A, 11B, 12-12B, 12C-12D, 12X, 12F, 13, 14-14B, 14C, 15, 16-17-18, 19, 20, 20B
PRAISE CDP: DMO stacks 11A, 11B, 112-12B, 12C-12D, 12X, 12F, 13, 14-14B, 14C, 15, 16-17-18, 19, 20, 20B
PRAISE CDP: migrated stacks 11A, 11B, 12merged, 13, 14-14B, 14C, 15, 16-17-18, 19, 20, 20B
PRAISE CDPs: all stacks 11-20B compressed (UTM coordinates only)
SALT CDP coordinates README, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 29, 30, 31, 32, 21-32 compressed
CAT first breaks 1-10 compressed
PRAISE GMG refraction models 11-20B compressed
CAT DISCO geometry files 1-10 compressed
CAT observer's logs 1-10 compressed
CAT stacking velocities README, 1-10 compressed (includes high velocities)
CAT high stacking velocities 1-10 compressed (includes normal velocities)
CAT observer notes (processor's) 1-10 compressed
PRAISE observer's notes 11A-20B compressed
PRAISE migration velocities README, 11A-20B compressed
PRAISE mute files README, 11A-20B compressed
PRAISE velocities README, 11A-20B compressed
SALT observer's notes 31 compressed
SALT velocities 21-32 compressed
VAuLT observer notes 32-34 compressed
VAuLT velocities 32-34 compressed

At this point a few footnotes are in order:

  • Regarding the Green Mountain Geophysical refraction models: There are no first breaks in these files.
  • (Too) high velocities were used in order to bring out the dipping crustal fabric without having to resort to DMO or prestack migration.
  • Migration velocities are 90 percent of the smoothed stacking velocities.

Previous (Download SEGY files of seismic sectionsAlberta Basement)Index (Seismic data Alberta Basement (AB)) 

2006-05-19Important notices