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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Geoscience Data Repository > Lithoprobe seismic and magnetotelluric data
Lithoprobe Data Archive
Download SEGY files of seismic sections
Great Lakes - GLIMPCE
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SEGY files can be saved by holding down the right mouse button and highlighting save as or save link as.

STACK A 20 8 389-12565 File 1
STACK C 20 8 1-2254 File 2
STACK F 20 8 1-3230 File 3
STACK G 20 8 129-1020 File 4
STACK H 20 8 1-5699 File 5
STACK I 20 8 1-2183 File 6
STACK J 20 8 129-196 File 7, incomplete
STACK J 20 8 129-5315 File 8
FK MIG H 20 8   File 9, stdvel
FK MIG CGB 20 8   File 10
FK MIG C 20 8   tr 1-2254 bestvel
FK MIG C 20 8   tr 2255-4508 stdvel
FK MIG G 20 8   tr 4509-5623 bestvel
FK MIG G 20 8   tr 5624-6738 stdvel
FK MIG B 20 8   tr 5624-6738 stdvel
FK MIG A F 20 8   File 11
FK MIG A 20 8   tr 1-4220 stdvel
FK MIG F 20 8   tr 4221-7450 bestvel
FK MIG A F 20 8   File 12
FK MIG A 20 8   tr 1-4220 bestvel
FK MIG F 20 8   tr 4221-7450 stdvel
FK MIG J 20 8   File 13: tr 1-6120 stdvel
FK MIG J 20 8   tr 6121-12240 stdproc
FK MIG I J 20 8   File 14
FK MIG I 20 8   tr 1-2183 stdproc
FK MIG J 20 8   tr 2184-8329 stdvel
FK MIG H I J 16 8   File 15
FK MIG H 16 8   tr 1-2849 stdvel
FK MIG J 16 8   tr 2850-5909 stdproc
FK MIG I 16 8   tr 5910-700 stdproc
FK MIG BCFG 16 8   File 16
FK MIG A 16 8   tr 1-2110 stdmig
FK MIG F 16 8   tr 2111-3725 bestvel
FK MIG C 16 8   tr 3726-4852 bestvel
FK MIG G 16 8   tr4853-5409 stdmig
FK MIG B 16 8   tr 5410-6400 stdmig
TAR         File 17: job decks, etc.
STACK A 20 8   File 18: 4220 TR. DX=50M
FK MIG A 20 8   File 19:4220 TR. 50M
FK MIG B 20 8   File 20:1982 TR. 50M
STACK C 20 8   File 21:2254 TR. 50M
FK MIG C 20 8   File 22: 2254 TR. 50M
STACK F 20 8   File 23: 3230 TR. 50M
FK MIG F 20 8   File 24: 3230 TR. 50M
STACK F 20 8   File 25: 1636 TR. 100M
STACK F 20 8   File 26: 1636 TR. 100M
STACK G 20 8   File 27: 1115 TR. 50M
FK MIG G 20 8   File 28: 1115 TR. 50M
FK MIG H 20 8   File 29: 5699 TR. 50M
STACK I 20 8   File 30: 2183 TR. 50M
FK MIG I 20 8   File 31: 2183 TR. 50M
FK MIG J 20 8   File 32: 6147 TR. 50M
FX DEC A     389-12565 File 33: 4220 tr.
SEMB A     389-12565 File 34: 4220 tr.
MIG A     389-12565 File 35: 4720 tr.
MIG FIL A     389-12565 File 36: 4720 tr.
FX DEC C     1-2254 File 37: 2254 tr.
SEMBL C     1-2254 File 38: 2254 tr.
MIG C     1-2254 File 39: 2754 tr.
MIG FIL C     1-2254 File 40: 2754 tr.
FX DEC F     1-3230 File 41: 3230 tr.
SEMBL F     1-3230 File 42: 3230 tr.
MIG F     1-3230 File 43: 3730 tr.
MIG FIL F     1-3230 File 44: 3730 tr.
FX DEC G     129-1020 File 45: 1115 tr.
SEMBL G     129-1020 File 46: 1115 tr.
MIG G     129-1020 File 47: 1615 tr.
MIG FIL G     129-1020 File 48 1615 tr.
FX D H     1-5699 File 49: 5699 tr.
SEMBL H     1-5699 File 50: 5699 tr.
MIG H     1-5699 File 51: 6199 tr.
MIG FIL H     1-5699 File 52: 6199 tr.
FX DEC I     1-2183 File 53: 2183 tr.
SEMBL I     1-2183 File 54: 2183 tr.
MIG I     1-2183 File 55: 2683 tr.
MIG FIL I     1-2183 File 56: 2683 tr.
FX DEC J       File 57: 6484 tr.
SEMBL J       File 58: 6484 tr.
MIG J       File 59: 6984 tr.
MIG FIL J       File 60: 6984 tr.
STACK AA 20 8   File 61:TR 1-4221
STACK C 20 8 1-2254 File 62:TR 1-2254
STACK C 20 8 1-2254 File 63:TR 1-2254
STACK F 20 8   File 64:TR 1-3230
STACK G 20 8   File 65:TR 1-1115
STACK H 20 8   File 66:
STACK I 20 8   File 67:TR 1-2183
STACK J 20 8   TR 1-1021 STACK
          TR 1022-1883  STK+RNA
          TR 1884-2904 FLT GN
          TR 2905-3766 FLT GN+RNA
          TR 3767-4787  RMO
          TR 4788-5649  RMO+RNA
          TR 5650-6670 FLT  DMO
          TR 6671-7532 FLT DMO+RNA
          TR 7533-8553 MIG
          TR 8554-9415 MIG+RNA
MIG H 20 8   File 68
          TR 1-1021  STACK
          TR 1022-1883 STK+RNA
          TR 1884-2904 FLT GN
          TR 2905-3766 FLT GN+RNA
          TR 3767-4787 RMO
          TR 6671-7532 RMO+RNA
          TR 5650-6670 FLT GN DMO
          TR 6671-7532 FLT DMO+RNA
          TR 7533-8553 MIG
          TR 8554-9415 MIG+RNA
MIG C G B 20 8   File 69
  C       TR 1-2254 BEST SMOOTH
  C       TR 2255-4508 VE 5.75-6.25
  G       TR 4509-5623 BEST SMOOTH
  G       TR 5624-6738 VE 5.75-6.25
  B       TR 6739-8720 VE 5.75-6.25
MIG A F 20 8   File 70
  A       TR 1-4220 VEL=5.75-6.25 km/s
  F       TR 4221-7450 BEST VEL MOD
MIG A F 20 8   File 71
  A       TR 1-4220 BEST VEL-MOD
  F       TR 4221-7450 V=5.75-6.25 km/s
MIG J 20 8   File 72
          TR 1-6250 BAND 14-17-35-40
          VEL=5.75-6.25 km/s
          TR 6251-12240 BAND 7-9-35-40
          AGC, FK 3.0-3.9
MIG I J 20 8   File 73
  I       TR 1-2283
  J       TR 2184-8329 B-Band
  J       VEL = 6.25-6.5 km/s
MIG H I J 16 8   File 74
  H       TR 1-2849
  J       TR 2850-5909
  I       TR 5910-7000
  F 20 8   File 75
          TR 1-1636
          TR 1637-3272 UNMIG

Previous (Images of seismic sectionsGreat Lakes - GLIMPCE Transect)Index (Seismic data Great Lakes (GL) - GLIMPCE Transect)Next (GeometryGLIMPCE: Great Lakes International Multidisciplinary Program on Crustal Evolution)

2006-05-19Important notices