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Technicians and scientist in research lab, forest and greenhouse settings

Forest Science

The long-term sustainability of forest ecosystems depends on creating new knowledge to aid in determining how ecosystems function and react to human activities. More...

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Article Summary: Introduction


The Ministry of Natural Resources’ (MNR) research and science units develop new scientific knowledge related to the conservation and sustainable management of Ontario’s forests, fish and wildlife, and water resources. New knowledge is transferred to staff, as well as to clients such as the forest industry, conservation groups, stewardship councils, and Local Citizens Committees. MNR staff are often involved in research projects with various partners and stakeholders, from design to completion.

Direction for MNR’s research and science comes mainly from legal and regulatory commitments, which stem from the Class Environmental Assessment for Forest Management on Crown Lands in Ontario, the Crown Forest Sustainability Act, and the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act. Additional direction also comes from objectives and priorities stated in MNR’s Forest and Fish and Wildlife Business Plans, which support the ministry’s mission of ecological sustainability and are updated every year.

Collecting Data

MNR's research and science units develop new scientific knowledge related to the conservation and sustainable management of Ontario’s forests, fish and wildlife, and water resources.

For more information, visit the ministry’s science, information and technology web site at

Research can also be directed toward MNR corporate goals for sustainable resource management, which include research to support the Ontario Forest Accord. Direction can come from MNR scientists and science managers, which will reflect the needs of and requests from clients and partners.

MNR’s applied research and science units are leaders in developing and delivering collaborative research programs with partners, including the Canadian Forest Service, forest industry, Canada’s model forests, academic institutions, and many others.

In addition, MNR is a member of national and international research networks, such as the Sustainable Forest Management Network, that provide for comprehensive, integrated research and knowledge exchange. Partnerships with client organizations form a significant source of funding for MNR’s applied forest research.

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Ontario is a recognized leader in sustainable forest management.

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Modified 28-11-2002
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