CWFIS Web Site Survey

Natural Resources Canada's Canadian Forest Service is committed to providing a complete, easy-to-use, and informative Canadian Wildland Fire Information System (CWFIS) web site focusing on forest fire conditions in Canada. In order to help us improve this product, please complete this user evaluation questionnaire – we would greatly appreciate your feedback.


1. What is your reason for visiting the CWFIS web site?

General interest
Aid to forest fire operations
Monitor forest fire activity
Aquire data
School project
Other (please specify)


2. How often do you visit the web site?

Once Daily Monthly Weekly Other (please specify)


3. Which sections of the CWFIS web site do you use? (Indicate as many as apply)

Interactive Map
Fire Danger Maps
Fire Weather Maps
Fire Behaviour Maps
Fire M3 Hotspots Maps
Fire M3 Hotspots Reports
Regional Satellite Images
National Fire Situation Report
Fire Weather Normals
Fire Behaviour Normals
Large Fire Database
Background Information
Links to other resources
All of the above


4. Where do you access the site from?

Other (please specify)


5. I found the content of the web site useful.

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree



6. I was able to get the information I needed from the web site.

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree



7. I liked the visual design of the site.

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree



8. I found the site easy to navigate.

Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree



9. Did you experience any technical problems while using the site?

No Yes (please describe below)


10. Please comment on any particularly positive features of the web site


11. Please comment on any negative features of the web site


12. Do you have any other comments or suggestions that might help in improving the web site?


About you

13. Which best describes you?

General public
Forest fire manager
Land, forest or resource manager
Other (please specify)


14. Your contact information (optional)

E-mail address:
Last Name:
First Name:

Would you like to receive periodic notices regarding CWFIS operations?
(check if yes)


Privacy: Personal information is not disclosed to anyone except Natural Resources Canada personnel who need the information to respond to a request. We do not use the information to create individual profiles, nor do we disclose the information to anyone outside those who need to provide you with a response in the federal government.