README.TXT file for DISCLONE.EXE DISCLONE is used to analyse 'disconnected diallels with clonal replicates'; however, this program can be used for analyses of regular diallel mating data. The original program, DIALL, was written by H.E. Schaffer and R.A. Usanis(1969). We modified the program to include disconnected diallel sets and clonal replicates. ============== OBTAINING DISCLONE.EXE You can obtain a copy of DISCLONE through the internet by downloading the self extracting zipped file called CDISDIAL.EXE from the following FTP site: i.e., login to ftp server, "", and change directory to "Diallel", then download "CDISDIAL.EXE" Or you can contact me at "" ============= INSTALLING ON YOUR SYSTEM Create a new directory say,"Diallstuff",on your computer, place CDISDIAL.EXE in the directory (e.g., c:\Diallstuff) and extract files. CDISDIAL.EXE contains the following 6 files: 1. DisClone.exe -- Executable version of disconnected diallel analysis with clonal replicates. 2. DisClone.pif -- MS-DOS program shortcut pointing to DisClone.exe. 3. in_data.ctl -- An example control data file for DisClone.exe 4. in_data.dat -- An example data file 5. VARICOMP.EXE -- Executable version of Variance component estimation program. This program uses an output from DisClone 6. Readme.txt -- This file ============== MODIFYING DISCLONE.PIF FILE DisClone.exe can be run under Windows95 as a DOS application. It is strongly recommended that you use a shortcut. A sample shortcut (DisClone.pif) is provided; however, it may be necessary to modify it to point to the correct working directory. Here is how: 1. In Windows95 explorer, "Right Mouse Click" on DisClone.pif 2. Click "Properties", then "Disclone Properties" window appears 3. Click "Program" tab 4. Edit "Cmd line" line to point the working directory and file, e.g., c:\diallstuff\disclone.exe 5. Edit "working" line to point the working directory where DisClone is to read and write data, e.g., c:\diallstuff 6. Most importantly, leave "close on exit" unchecked. 7. Click OK This modification enable you to use shortcuts to DisClone and the application window to remain open if the program terminates abnormally. ============== TEST DRIVE DISCLONE Once you have modified Disclone.pif, you are ready for test drive: 1. In windows 95, double click "shortcut to disclone", then MS-DOS window appears. 2. You will be prompted to type the file name for "problem control file" In this case, TYPE "in_data.ctl" (without quotes). 3. Then you will be prompted to type output file name of your choice, say OUTPUT.TXT, i.e., the output will be written as OUTPUT.TXT 4. Then you will be prompted to type input datafile, in this case, TYPE "in_data.dat" 5. That's it. You will slso see the message that input data file for VARICOMP has been created as VCOMP_IN.DAT ============== INPUT FILE PREPARATION DisClone.exe requires two input files: Input file #1 = Problem control file containing 4 lines line 1= Parameter settings SEE "SPECIFICATION FOR THE LINE 1 OF PROBLEM CONTROL FILE" line 2= The title of problem line 3= Dependent variable names line 4= format for data file Input file #2 = Data file in any order. ============== SPECIFICATION FOR THE LINE 1 OF PROBLEM CONTROL FILE Read control line : items are in 3 digit integer fields, right justified. Zero or default fields may be left blank. Columns Parameter name and definition ========= ================================================== 1 - 3 NL - Number of lines (parents within sets) 4 - 6 NY - No. of Y variables to be analyzed ( No. of characters) Default=1 7 - 9 CPD - If analysis of cross-products desired = 1 otherwise = 0 10 - 12 SELF - Selfed effects: separate from specific = 1 treated as specific = 0 omitted if in data =-1 (must equal -1 for this version) 13 - 15 MATR - If maternal effects desired = 1 if not = 0 16 - 18 RECP - If reciprocal effects desired =1 if not = 0 19 - 21 REP - No. of replications, default gives 1, see note below 22 - 24 LOC - No. of locations, default gives 1,see note below. 25 - 27 FXL - If family by location effects desired = 1 if not = 0 28 - 30 INUNIT - FORTRAN unit number for input data set, (Default = 1) 31 - 33 ALLOUT - If X, X'X, X'Y are to be printed = -1 generally = 0, since this output is needed only for troubleshooting and involves a lot of pages of output 34 - 36 NSET - Number of disconnected diallel sets 37 - 39 NCLN - Number of clones within family 40 - 42 CXL - If clone by location effects desired = 1, if not = 0 43 - 45 RXF - If rep by family effects desired = 1, if not = 0 NOTE that if REP or LOC is given as equal to 1, replication ( or location ) information will be expected to be read from the data card, but will not be used as an effect in the P or XPX matrices. If the default is taken, 1 REP or LOC is assumed, but REP or LOC id's will not be read from the data cards nor included in the analysis. Similarly, note that, for this version, Diallel set and clones must be specified even if there are no diallel sets and/or clones. In this case, Diallel sets and clones within family should be set as 1, i.e., NSET=1 and NCLN=1. Revised 6.2.97 YSP