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Exploration minière dans la région de Flin Flon

Commission géologique du Canada
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Exploration minière dans la région de Flin Flon

McMartin, I. and Pringle, G.
1994: Regional kimberlite indicator mineral data and till geochemistry from the Wekusko Lake area, north-central Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report 2844, 75p.

McMartin, I., Henderson, P.J., Nielsen, E, and Campbell, J.E.
1996: Surficial Geology, Till and Humus Composition Across the Shield Margin, North-Central Manitoba and Saskatchewan: Geospatial Analysis of a Glaciated Environment, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3277, 101 p., 10 Appendices, 2 diskettes.

Autres publications - Géologie de surface et composition des sédiments glaciaires dans la région de la marge du Bouclier

Boucher, R.
1994: Caractérisation des tills de la région de Cormorant Lake, Manitoba; thèse de baccalauréat non- publiée, Avril 1994, Université du Québec à Montréal, 46 pages.

Broome, J., Viljoen, D., and The NATMAP Digital Working Group
1993: Preliminary release of selected geoscience data for the NATMAP Shield Margin Project, Flin Flon area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan; GSC Open File 2743, CD-ROM Release, November 1993.

Campbell, J.E. and Henderson, P.J.
1996: Surficial geology of the Amisk Lake area (NTS 63L/9 and parts of 63K/12); Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3314, 1 sheet, scale 1:50 000.

Henderson, P.J.
1995: Summary report on the surficial geology and drift composition in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9 and 16, and part of 63K/12 and 13), in D.G. Richardson (ed.), Investigations completed by the Saskatchewan Geological Survey and the Geological Survey of Canada under the Geoscience Program of the Canada-Saskatchewan Partnership Agreement on Mineral Development (1990-1995), Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3119, p.121-130.

Henderson, P.J.
1995: Surficial geology and drift composition of the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9, L/16 and part of 63K/12 and K/13), Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3026, 201 p.

Henderson, P.J. and Campbell, J.E.
1992: Quaternary studies in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area (NTS Areas 63L-9 and -16, and Part of 63K-12 and -13); in Summary of Investigations 1992, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, Misc. Rep. 92-4, p. 172-176.

Henderson, P.J. and Campbell, J.E.
1994: Surficial geology investigations related to drift prospecting in the Annabel Lake-Amisk Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/9 and L/16 and part of 63K/12 and K/13); in Summary of Investigations 1994, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, Misc. Rep. 94-4, p. 75-78.

Henderson, P.J. and McMartin, I.
1995: Mercury distribution in humus and surficial sediments in the vicinity of Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada; Water, Air and Soil Pollution, vol. 80, p. 1043-1046.

Henderson, P.J., McMartin, I., Hall, G.E.M., Walker, D., and Percival, J.B.
in press: The chemical and physical characteristics of heavy metals in humus and till in the vicinity of the base metal smelter at Flin Flon, Manitoba, Canada; Environmental Geology. Accepted.

Henderson, P.J. and Roy, M.
1995: Distribution and character of gold in surface till in the Flin Flon greenstone belt, Saskatchewan; in Current Research 1995-E, Geological Survey of Canada, p. 175-186.

McMartin, I.
1993a: Surficial Geology of the Talbot Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63J3 to J6); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2744, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000. : 1993b: Highlights of Quaternary geology investigations in the Cormorant Lake area (NTS 63K); in Manitoba Energy and Mines, Report of Activities, 1993, p. 123-124.

McMartin, I.
1994a: Surficial geology of the Mitishto River area, Manitoba (NTS 63J11, J12, J14); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2835, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.

McMartin, I.
1994b: Ice flow events in the Cormorant Lake - Wekusko Lake area, Northern Manitoba; in Current Research, Part C, Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 1994-C, p. 175-182.

McMartin, I.
1994c: Surficial geology investigations in the Athapapuskow Lake area (Parts of NTS 63K/11 and K/12); in Manitoba Energy and Mines, Report of Activities, 1994, p.65-67.

McMartin, I.
1996: Lake Agassiz beaches and reconstruction of lower lake levels in the Shield Margin area, northwest of Lake Winnipeg; in Lake Winnipeg Project: Cruise Report and Scientific Results, B.J. Todd, M. Lewis, L.H. Thorleifson, and E. Nielsen, eds., Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report 3113, p. 403-420.

McMartin, I.
1997: Surficial geology, Wuskatasko Lake area, Manitoba (NTS 63O/3,O/4); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3324, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.: 1997: Surficial geology, Rocky Lake area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (NTS 63K/3,K/4,K/5,K/6); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3342, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.

McMartin, I.
1997: Surficial geology, Reed Lake area, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (NTS 63K/9,K/10); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3406, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.

McMartin, I. and Boucher, R.
1995: Surficial geology of the North Moose Lake Area, Manitoba (NTS 63/K1,K2,K7,K8); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3060, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.

McMartin, I. and Campbell, J.E.
1994: Highlights of Quaternary geology investigations in the Sturgeon-Weir River area near Flin Flon; in Summary of Investigations 1994, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy and Mines, Misc. Rep. 92-4, p. 137- 140.

McMartin, I., Campbell, J.E., and Boucher, R.
1995: Surficial geology, Cumberland Lake area, Saskatchewan (NTS 63L/1,2,7,8); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3100, 1 sheet, scale 1:100 000.

McMartin, I., Henderson, P.J., and Nielsen, E.
in prep.: Impact of a base metal smelter on the geochemistry of soils of the Flin Flon region, Manitoba and Saskatchewan; Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences.

Nielsen, E.
1992: Surficial geology mapping and glacial dispersion studies as aids to geochemical exploration and mineral tracing in the Elbow Lake area (NTS 63K/15); in Manitoba Energy and Mines, Report of Activities, 1992, p. 52-55.

Nielsen, E.
1993: Surficial geology and till geochemical sampling in the Naosap Lake area (63K/14); in Manitoba Energy and Mines, Report of Activities, 1993, p. 47-49.

Nielsen, E.
1994: Highlights of surficial geology and till geochemical sampling in the Flin Flon area (NTS 63K/13); in Manitoba Energy and Mines, Report of Activities 1994, Manitoba Energy and Mines, p. 81-82.

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