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Données sur le pétrole et sur le gaz : Références scientifiques

Pour commander le matériel de référence enuméré ici, ainsi que d'autres documents pertinents, visitez la Librairie de la CGC Calgary.

Anonymous, (1997). Natural Gas Potential in Canada. The Canadian Gas Potential Committee, Mcara Printing Ltd., Calgary, 113 p.

Barclay, J. E., Holmstrom, G. D., Lee, P. J., Campbell, R. I., et Reinson, G. E., (1997). Partie I: Analyse Géologique des Zone Gazéifères et Évaluation des Ressources; dans: Ressources en Gaz du Carbonifère et du Permien dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien (Plaines Intérieures). Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 515, p. 1-73.

Barclay, J. E., Holmstrom, G. D., Lee, P. J., Campbell, R. I., and Reinson, G. E., (1997). Part I: Geological Play Analysis and Resource Assessment; in: Carboniferous and Permian Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Interior Plains. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 515, p. 1-67.

Bird, T. D., Barclay, J. E., Campbell, R. I., et Lee, P. J., (1994). Partie I: Analyse Géologique des Zone Gazéifères et Évaluation des Ressources; dans: Ressources en Gaz Triasique dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien (Plaines Intérieures). Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 483, p. 1-73.

Bird, T. D., Barclay, J. E., Campbell, R. I., and Lee, P. J., (1994). Part I: Geological Play Analysis and Resource Assessment; in: Triassic Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Interior Plains. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 483, p. 1-66.

Conn, R. F., and Christie, J. A., (1988). Part II: Economic Analysis; in: Conventional oil resources of Western Canada (light and medium). Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 87-26, p. 127-149.

Conn, R. F., and Christie, J. A., (1988). Partie II: Analyse Économiqe; in: Ressources en Pétrole Conventionnel de l'Ouest Canadien (léger et moyen). Commission Geologique du Canada, Etude 87-26F, p. 133-155.

Conn, R. F., Dallaire, S. M., et Christie, J. A., (1994). Partie III: Potentiel Économique des Ressources Gazières non Découvertes; dans: Ressources Pétrolières de la région du Delta du Mackenzie et de la Mer de Beaufort. Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 474, p. 51-60.

Conn, R. F., Dallaire, S. M., and Christie, J. A., (1994). Part III: Economic Potential of Undiscovered Gas Resources; in: Petroleum Resources of the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort Sea. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 474, p. 45-52.

Creaney, S., Allan, J., Cole, K. S., Fowler, M. G., Brooks, P. W., Osadetz, K. G., Macqueen R. W., Snowdon, L. R., Riediger, C. L. (1994). Chapter 32: Petroleum generation and migration in the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin; in G. Mossop and I. Shetsen (compilers); Geological Atlas of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists and Alberta Research Council, Calgary and Edmonton, p. 455-470.

Dallaire, S. M, Waghmare, R. R., and Conn, R. F., (1993). Part II: Economic Analysis; in: Devonian Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 452, p. 129-157.

Dallaire, S. M, Waghmare, R. R., and Conn, R. F., (1993). Partie II: Analyse Économiqe; dans: Ressources en Gaz Dévonien dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien. Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 452, p. 135-165.

Dallaire, S. M, Waghmare, R. R., Roux, L., Boudreault, M., et Conn, R. F., (1997). Partie II: Analyse Économiqe; dans: Ressources en Gaz du Carbonifère et du Permien dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien (Plaines Intérieures). Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 515, p. 74-96.

Dallaire, S. M, Waghmare, R. R., Roux, L., Boudreault, M., and Conn, R. F., (1997). Part II: Economic Analysis in Carboniferous and Permian Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Interior Plains. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 515, p. 68-88.

Davidson, J.A., Hamblin, A.P., and Dixon, J., (1995). Petroleum Resource Assessment of The Eagle Plain Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada in: Proceedings of The Oil And Gas Forum '95. p.357-359.

Dawson, F.M., (1995). Coalbed Methane: A Comparison Between Canada and The United States. Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 489. 60 pages.

Dixon, J., Morrell, G. R., et Dietrich, J. R., (1994). Partie I: Analyse de Bassin; dans: Ressources Pétrolières de la région du Delta du Mackenzie et de la Mer de Beaufort. Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 474, p. 1-42.

Dixon, J., Morrell, G. R., and Dietrich, J. R., (1994). Part I: Basin Analysis; in: Petroleum Resources of the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort Sea. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 474, p. 1-37.

Dixon, J., and Stasiuk, L. D., (1998). Stratigraphy and hydrocarbon potential of Cambrian strata, Northern Interior Plains, Northwest Territories. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology. Vol. 46, No. 3, 445-470 p.

Energy, Mines, and Resources Canada, (1976). Oil and Natural Gas Resources of Canada. Report EP 77-1. p. 54-59.

Hamblin, A.P. (1990). Petroleum Potential of the Cambrian Mount Clark Formation (Tedji Lake Play)., Colville Hills Area, N.W.T. Geological Survey of Canada. Open File 2309. 22 p.

Hamblin, A. P. and Lee, P. J., (1997): Ressources en Gaz de la Succession du Crétace Sommital Postérieure au Groupe de Colorado dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien (Plaines Intérieures). Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 518, 94 p.

Hamblin, A. P. and Lee, P. J., (1997): Uppermost Cretaceous, Post-Colorado Group Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Interior Plains. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 518, 88 p.

Hannigan, P. K., Dietrich, J. R., Lee, P. J. and Osadetz K. G., (in press). Petroleum resource potential of sedimentary basins on the Pacific margin of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin.

Hannigan, P. K., Dietrich, J. R., Lee, P. J. and Osadetz K. G., (1998). Petroleum resource potential of sedimentary basins on the Pacific margin of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File #3629, 85 p.

Hannigan, P., Lee, P. J., Osadetz, K. G., Dietrich, J. R., and Olsen-Heise, K. (1994). Oil and gas resource potential of the Nechako-Chilcotin area of British Columbia. Internal Report Prepared for British Columbia Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

Hannigan, P., Lee, P. J., Osadetz, K. G., and Olsen-Heise,K., (1993). Oil and gas resource potential of the Kooteney area of British Columbia. Internal Report Prepared for British Columbia Energy and Petroleum Resources.

Hannigan, P., Lee, P. J., Osadetz, K. G., and Dietrich, J. R. (1992). Gas resources potential of Fraser Delta and Vancouver Island areas. Internal Report Prepared for British Columbia Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

Hannigan, P., Lee, P. J., and Osadetz, K. G. (1995). Oil and gas resource potential of the Bowser-Whitehorse area of British Columbia. Internal Report Prepared for British Columbia Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources.

Hannigan, P.K., Osadetz, K.G., Dixon, J., and Bird, T., (1999); Hydrocarbon Resource Potential of Kandik Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada. Report Prepared For Yukon Economic Development. 72p.

Keen,M.J., and Williams,G.L.,(1990). Geology of the Continental Margin of Eastern Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada, no 2. 855p.

Kovac, L. J., (1983). Examination of Upper Cretaceous oil shales along the Manitoba escarpment: An assessment of regional variation in mineralogy, organic richness and organic type. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File Report #975, ? p.

Macauley, G. (1987) Geochemical investigation of Carboniferous oil shales along Rocky Brook, western Newfoundland; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1438, 12p.

Macauley, G. (1984) Cretaceous oil shales of the prairie provinces, Canada; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #977.

Macauley, G., T.G. Powell and L.R. Snowdon (1983) Some geological considerations for economic evaluation of Canadian oil shale deposits;Sixteenth Oil Shale Symposium Proceedings, p1-13; Colorado School of Mines.

Macauley, G., Snowdon, L. R., and Kalkreuth, W. D. (1986) Effects of maturation on hydrocarbon recoveries from Canadian oil shale deposits; Oil Shale Symposium Proceedings (USA) Vol. 19, P. 1-8, Golden, CO, United States, Apr. 21-22, 1986.

Macauley, G., M.G. Fowler, F. Goodarzi, L.R. Snowdon and L.D. Stasiuk (1990). Ordovician oil shale-source rock sediments in the central and eastern Canada mainland and eastern arctic areas and their significance for frontier exploration; Geological Survey of Canada Paper 90-14, 51p.

Macauley, G., L.R. Snowdon and W.D. Kalkreuth (1986) Effects of maturation on hydrocarbon recoveries from Canadian oil shale deposits; abstract submitted to Denver conference, 1986

Macauley, G., L.R. Snowdon and F.D. Ball (1985) Geochemistry and geological factors governing exploitation of selected Canadian oil shale deposits; Geological Survey of Canada Paper 85-13, 65p.

Macauley, G., F.D. Ball and T.G. Powell (1984) A review of the Carboniferous Albert Formation shales, New Brunswick; Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v32/1, p27-37.

Macauley, G. (1981) Geology of the oil shale deposits of Canada; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #754, 149p.

Macauley, G. (1983) Source rock - oil shale potential of the Jurassic Kunga Formation, Queen Charlotte Islands; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #921.

Macauley, G. and F.D. Ball (1987) Organic geochemistry of Albert formation oil shales in the Dover-Boudreau area, New Brunswick; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1497, 36p.

Macauley, G. (1984) Cretaceous oil shale potential in Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Geological Society Special Publication Number 7, p.255-269.

Macauley, G. (1984) Geology of the oil shale deposits of Canada; Geological Survey of Canada Paper 81-25.

Macauley, G. (1985) A review of oil shale investigations in Australia with comparisons to Canadian synfuel development; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1160, 31p.

Macauley, G. and L.R. Snowdon (1984) A Rock-Eval appraisal of the Ordovician Collingwood oil shales, southern Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1092, 12p.

Macauley, G. (1987) Organic geochemistry of some Cambrian-Proterozoic sediments -- Colville Hills, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1498, 37p.

Macauley, G. (1987) Organic geochemistry of Ordovician Collingwood oil shales on Manitoulin, Crummond and St. Joseph Islands, southern Ontario; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1496, 30p.

Macauley, G. and F.D. Ball (1982) Oil shales of the Albert Formation, New Brunswick; New Brunswick Department of Natural ResourcesOpen File Report 82-12, 173p.

Macauley, G. and F.D. Ball (1984) Oil shales of the Big Marsh and Pictou areas of Nova Scotia; Geological Survey of Canada Open File Report #1037.

Majorowicz, J. A., and Osadetz, K. G., (submitted), Basic geological and geophysical controls bearing on gas hydrate distribution and volume in Canada. American Association of Petroleum Geologists, Bulletin, v.?, no.?, p.?.

Majorowicz, J. A., and Osadetz, K. G., (1998), Basic geological and geophysical controls bearing on gas hydrate distribution and volume in Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Geological Survey of Canada, Open File #?, 24 p.

Morrell, G., Dietrich, J.R.,(1993). Evaluation of the HydrcarbonProspectivity of the Old Crow Flats Area of the Northern Yukon. Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, vol. 41, no. 1, p 32-45.

Morrell, G. R., Fortier, M., Price P. R., et Polt, R., (1995). L'exploration Pétrolière et Gazière dans le nord du Canada: Guide de l'exploration pétrolière et gazière et de son potentiel. Direction du pétrole et du gaz du Nord, Ministère des Affaires indiennes et du Nord canadien, Ministre des Travaux publics et des Services gouvernementaux Canada, Ottawa, 115 p.

Morrell, G. R., Fortier, M., Price P. R., and Polt, R., (1995). Petroleum Exploration in Northern Canada: A Guide to Oil and Gas Exploration and Potential. Northern Oil and Gas Directorate, Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, Public Works and Government Services, Ottawa, 110 p.

National Energy Board of Canada, (1994). Petroleum Resource Assessment of the Eagle Plain Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada. National Energy Board of Canada, Calgary, Working Document November 1994, 51 p.

National Energy Board of Canada, (1996). A Natural Gas Resource Assessment of Southeast Yukon and Northwest Territories, Canada. National Energy Board of Canada, Calgary, June 1996, 140 p.

National Energy Board of Canada, (1994). Petroleum Resource Assessment of the Liard Plateau Area, Yukon Territory, Canada. National Energy Board of Canada, Calgary, Working Document November 1994, 66 p.

National Energy Board of Canada, (1997). Petroleum Resource Assessment of the Whitehorse Trough, Yukon Territory, Canada. Yukon Department of Economic Development, Whitehorse, 59 p.

National Energy Board of Canada, (1994). Petroleum Resource Assessment of the Eagle Plain Basin, Yukon Territory, Canada. Yukon Department of Economic Development, Whitehorse, 78 p.

National Energy Board of Canada, (1994). Petroleum Resource Assessment of the Liard Plateau, Yukon Territory, Canada. Yukon Department of Economic Development, Whitehorse, 63 p.

Osadetz, K. G., (1989). Basin Analysis Applied to Petroleum Geology in Western Canada, Chapter 12; in B. D. Ricketts (ed.), Western Canada Sedimentary Basin: A Case Study. Special Publication No. 30, Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, Calgary, p. 287-306.

Osadetz, K. G. and Snowdon, L. R. (1995). Significant Paleozoic petroleum source rocks, their distribution, richness and thermal maturity in Canadian Williston Basin, (southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba). Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 487, 60 p.

Osadetz, K. G., Hannigan, P., Lee, P. J., and Olsen-Heise, K. (1995), Natural gas resources of the Foreland Belt of the Cordilleran orogen in Canada; in J. S. Bell, T. D. Bird, T. L. Hillier, and P. L. Greener, eds., Proceedings of the oil and gas forum '95 -- energy from sediments, Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3058, p. 345-348.

Osadetz, K. G., Snowdon, L. R., and Brooks, P. W., (1994). Oil families in Canadian Williston Basin (southwestern Saskatchewan). Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 42, no. 2, p. 155-177.

Osadetz, K. G., Brooks, P. W., and Snowdon, L. R. (1992) Oil families and their sources in Canadian Williston Basin (southeastern Saskatchewan and southwestern Manitoba). Bulletin of Canadian Petroleum Geology, v. 40, p. 254-273.

Osadetz, K. G., Hannigan, P., Carter, T. R., and Trevail, R., (in press). Re-appraising petroleum potential in eastern Canadian cratonic basins in light of new methods and data: a provisional assessment of the Michigan Basin in Ontario. 50th Annual Ontario Petroleum Institute Conference, Toronto, November 7-8, 1996.

Podruski, J. A., Barclay, J. E., Hamblin, A. F., Lee, P. J., Osadetz, K. G., Procter, R. M., and Taylor, G. C., (1988). Part I: Resource endowment; in: Conventional oil resources of Western Canada (light and medium). Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 87-26, p. 1-125.

Podruski, J. A., Barclay, J. E., Hamblin, A. F., Lee, P. J., Osadetz, K. G., Procter, R. M., and Taylor, G. C., (1988). Partie I: Réserves et Potentiel; in: Ressources en Pétrole Conventionnel de l'Ouest Canadien (léger et moyen). Commission Geologique du Canada, Etude 87-26, p. 1-131.

Procter, R. M., Taylor, G. C., et Wade, J. A., (1984). Ressources en Pétrole et Gaz Naturel du Canada 1983. Commission Geologique du Canada, Etude 83-31, 63 p.

Procter, R. M., Taylor, G. C., and Wade, J. A., (1984). Oil and Natural Gas Resources of Canada 1983. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 83-31, 59 p.

Reinson, G. E., Lee, P. J., Warters, W., Osadetz K. G., Bell, L. L., Price, P. R., Trollope, F., Campbell, R. I., et Barclay, J. E., (1993). Partie I: Analyse Géologique des Zone Gazéifères et Évaluation des Ressources; dans: Ressources en Gaz Dévonien dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien. Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 452, p. 1-134.

Reinson, G. E., Lee, P. J., Warters, W., Osadetz K. G., Bell, L. L., Price, P. R., Trollope, F., Campbell, R. I., and Barclay, J. E., (1993). Part I: Geological Play Analysis and Resource Assessment; in: Devonian Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 452, p. 1-127.

Reinson, G. E., Lee, P. J., Barclay, J. E., Bird, T., and Osadetz K. G. (1993). Western Canada basin conventional gas resource estimated at 232 Tcf. Oil and Gas Journal, October 25, 1993, p. 92-95.

Sinclair, I. K., McAlpine K. D., Sherwin, D. F., et McMillan, N. J., (1992). Partie I: Cadre Géologique; dans: Ressources Pétrolières du Bassin de Jeanne D'Arc et des Environs, Grank Bancs, Terre-Neuve. Commission Geologique du Canada, Etude 92-8, p. 1-41.

Sinclair, I. K., McAlpine K. D., Sherwin, D. F., and McMillan, N. J., (1992). Part I: Geological Framework; in: Petroleum resources of the Jeanne D'Arc Basin and Environs, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 92-8, p. 1-38.

Taylor, G. C., and Procter, R. M., (1994). Part II: Resource Assessment; in: Petroleum Resources of the Mackenzie Delta and Beaufort Sea. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 474, p. 37-44.

Taylor, G. C., and Procter, R. M., (1994). Partie II: Évaluation des Ressources; dans: Ressources Pétrolières de la région du Delta du Mackenzie et de la Mer de Beaufort. Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 474, p. 42-51.

Taylor, G. C., Best, M. E., Campbell, G. R., Hea, J. P., Henao, D., and Procter R. M., (1992). Part II: Hydrocarbon Potential; in: Petroleum resources of the Jeanne D'Arc Basin and Environs, Grand Banks, Newfoundland. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 92-8, p. 39-48.

Taylor, G. C., Best, M. E., Campbell, G. R., Hea, J. P., Henao, D., et Procter R. M., (1992). Partie II: Potentiel en hydrocarbures; dans: Ressources Pétrolières du Bassin de Jeanne D'Arc et des Environs, Grand Bancs, Terre-Neuve. Commission Géologique du Canada, Étude 92-8, p. 42-52.

Wade, J. A., Campbell, G. R., Procter, R. M., and Taylor, G. C., (1989). Petroleum Resources of the Scotian Shelf. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-19, 26 p.

Wade, J. A., Campbell, G. R., Procter, R. M., et Taylor, G. C., (1989). Ressources Pétrolières de la Plate-Forme Nèo-Écossaise. Commission Géologique du Canada, Étude 88-19, 28 p.

Waghmare, R. R., Dallaire, S. M, et Conn, R. F., (1994). Partie II: Analyse Économique; dans: Ressources en Gaz Triasique dans le Bassin Sédimentaire de l'Ouest Canadien (Plaines Intérieures). Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 483, p. 74-107.

Waghmare, R. R., Dallaire, S. M, and Conn, R. F., (1994). Part II: Economic Analysis; in: Triassic Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Interior Plains. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 483, p. 67-96.

Warters, W. J., Cant, D. J., Tzeng, H. P. et Lee, P. J., (1995). Ressources en Gaz du Groupe de Mannville dans le Bassin Sédimentarie de l'Ouest du Canada, Commission Géologique du Canada, Bulletin 517, 103 p.

Warters, W. J., Cant, D. J., Tzeng, H. P. and Lee, P. J., (1997). Mannville Gas Resources of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin, Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 517, 101 p.

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