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Archives télé et radio de Radio-Canada

Home > Science and Technology > Fighting Forest Fires

Fighting Forest Fires

A dry forest, some hot weather, and high winds: all it takes to set off a raging fire in these conditions is a lightning strike or a careless camper. Every summer, forest fires threaten people, property and valuable timber in Canada. But we've learned to combat these fires with a combination of scientific research, new inventions and old-fashioned courage. From lookout towers to water bombers to remote sensing that predicts fire, Canada has long been a world leader in the technology of fighting forest fires.

Educational activities about
Fighting Forest Fires

Radio communication keeps rangers in touch

Prevention: the first line of defence

Smokejumpers get the drop on forest fires

 Radio communication keeps rangers in touch

Operation Green Forest demonstrates how rangers, pilots and district headquarters stay on top of forest fires. (Radio; runs 4:37)

 Prevention: the first line of defence

During a scorching B.C. summer, drivers are warned against triggering forest fires. (TV; runs 4:07)

 Smokejumpers get the drop on forest fires

Rookie firefighters learn how to parachute into Saskatchewan's most serious forest fires. (TV; runs 26:11)

Fighting from the air

Creating fires to combat fires

Computer program pinpoints high-risk fire areas

 Fighting from the air

Airplanes have long been the weapon of choice to combat forest fires. (TV; runs 2:46)

 Creating fires to combat fires

Bob McDonald visits a university lab that uses a wind tunnel to experiment with forest fire behaviour. (Radio; runs 11:28)

 Computer program pinpoints high-risk fire areas

A Quebec conservation society can position firefighters where fires are likely to start. (TV; runs 3:07)

The cleansing power of fire

Satellite system offers instant communication

 The cleansing power of fire

Rather than killing a forest, flames can rejuvenate treed areas by allowing for new growth. (TV; runs 2:50)

 Satellite system offers instant communication

Fire lookout stations in Alberta are networked by solar-powered satellite uplinks. (TV; runs 2:06)


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