
About Us

The staff and students associated with the Fire Management Systems Laboratory study the impact of fire in boreal forest ecosystems and use operational research methods and information technology to develop decision support systems for fire and forest managers.

The University of Toronto has an ongoing partnership with the Canadian Forest Service to develop a program in physical fire science based at the Faculty of Forestry. This program focuses on research related to forest fire behaviour and the development of enhancements to the Canadian Forest Fire Danger Rating System. read more


OMNRF Workshop
May 2016

Members of the Fire Management Systems Lab will be joining staff from the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry to discuss ongoing development of wildfire decision support tools.

CBC Interview

May 2016

Prof. Dave Martell was interviewed by CBC's Peter Mansbridge about the current fire situation in northern Alberta.
Click here for video link

NSERC Award Recipient
April 2016

Fire Lab PhD student, Tom Schiks, received NSERC CGS-D scholarship for his research on large wildfires in Canada's boreal. Congrats, Tom!

75th Forest Industry Lecture Series
March 2016

Prof. Dave Martell was invited to present a lecture at the University of Edmonton entitled: "Emerging challenges and opportunities in the Boreal forest region of Canada".
Click here for more info

Visiting PhD student
October 2015

Members of the Fire Management Systems Lab would like to welcome visiting PhD student, Tongxin Hu (Northeast Forestry University, China).