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Environment, Energy and Forestry


Forest Fire Weather Index

The latest forest fire weather rating for Prince Edward Island
was issued 214 hour(s) ago.

Northeastern PEI
Nov 30 2006 08:06AM


Central-Southeastern PEI Nov 30 2006 08:06AM


Western PEI
Nov 30 2006 08:06AM


This index is valid for a maximum of 16 hours from the time of issue ( Nov 30 2006 08:06AM ).

The latest forest fire weather rating for Prince Edward Island was issued 214 hours ago.
As this rating was issued more than 16 hours ago, this rating is now out of date.

Fire District Map

Consult the Weather Forecast

Wind speeds play a very important role in grass and forest fire spread rates and can cause fires to jump beyond the main fire area or to spread to tree tops. Please consult weather forecast to ensure you stay within wind speed limitations set in burning permits.

Forest Fire Report Number

If the fire escapes, report immediately to: 911

Burning Permit Required

Frequently Asked Questions about burning permits for open burning 

On Prince Edward Island, you require a valid burning permit for any open fire within 200 metres of burnable vegetation during the March 15th to December 1st period. Consult your burning permit to check on the fire weather index and wind speed conditions it states. It is an offense to burn without a valid permit or to fail to advise your local fire department before you start the fire. Fines for burning without valid permit are between $200 and $1000 and you are assessed the cost of extinguishing the fire. In addition, those who cause escape fires are liable in court for damage caused to neighbouring properties.

For more information

For more information about the fire weather rating and other Prince Edward Island forestry issues, contact the Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Aquaculture.

For additional weather information, consult our Current Weather page.

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