Ontario Logo Title - Ministry of Natural Resources
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Location:  COSINE
COSINE Online Service
Provincial Georeferencing Unit
Geographic Information Ontario
Geographic Information Branch
Science and Information Resources Division
Ministry of Natural Resources
This site was last updated on 2006/12/13 at 10:30 (1.0.276)
COSINE was last updated on 2006/12/13 at 15:30

Important Notice: A "new" version of COSINE On-Line is operational effective December 13, 2006. The COSINE On-Line homepage has been revised to reflect current MNR standards and new functionality has been added including a feature that allows COSINE subscribers to download National Transformation version 2 (NTv2) grid shift files. If you have any questions regarding this revised version of COSINE On-Line, please forward them using the appropriate feedback button(s).
COSINE Online Service Logo
Subscriber Options
Please check from time to time. Last updated: 2006/02/03 and 2005/03/08.
User Identification
These fields are required before you can request any functions from the COSINE Online Service. Please supply your user identifier and password. After filling in these items, you can proceed to the Function Selection section.
Function Selection
You should upgrade your browser if necessary to Microsoft Internet Explorer® version 5.5, 6.0, or higher or Netscape Navigator® version [no version suggested at present]. To use the graphical interface to select geodetic control stations, you must download and install the (free) Autodesk Mapguide Viewer®, if you do not already have it. If you do not already have WinZip® for your PC, you might consider purchasing it in order to be able to handle “tarred” reference sketch image files. Finally, you should also consider downloading and installing the (free) Adobe Reader® in order to view and print the (currently very few) reference sketch image files that use PDF encoding.

This is the interface for all geodetic control data for the Province of Ontario. For Toronto-specific retrievals, you should normally use the Toronto interface, instead. With the graphical interface, be sure to try out the Zoom-Goto functionality (look for the icon near the upper-left corner of the map that has a magnifying glass with a right-pointing arrow) for geographical name and survey monument name (including obsolete name) searches.

The interface for Toronto-specific retrievals is intended to replace the HVCNCD system formerly distributed by the City of Toronto. Be sure to try out the Zoom-Goto functionality (look for the icon near the upper-left corner of the map that has a magnifying glass with a right-pointing arrow) for street intersection and survey monument name (including obsolete name) searches.
New:  Download NTv2 Grid-Shift files for Canada, Ontario, and Toronto (in grid shift binary (.gsb) format only).
Check and change certain items in your account profile with this function.