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Welcome to The Conference Board e-Library

Provincial Outlook Economic Forecast: Winter 2006

Provincial Outlook The rising tide of high commodity prices will not be shared evenly among Canadian provinces. Download or purchase the Provincial Outlook Economic Forecast: Winter 2006.

Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report

Health Care Drivers British Columbia and Alberta have the top performing health systems in Canada, but all 10 provinces have room for improvement. Download Healthy Provinces, Healthy Canadians: A Provincial Benchmarking Report

About the e-Library

All Conference Board research documents from 1998 are available exclusively on this web site. There is no charge to register for the e-Library.

Our research documents are sold individually or through an annual subscription to one of our flexible e-Library services. If your organization has subscribed to a e-Library service, you will be able to download the series of documents included in the service at no charge.

The Conference Board of Canada has also produced a significant number of Public Policy research documents; this research has been funded by our members or other organizations and is available to all registrants at no charge.

Accessing our e-Library, requires you to register for an account. The information that you provide will remain safe and secure, governed by the principles of our privacy policy.  Your e-Library account:

  • Will allow you to keep your contact information accurate and up-to-date.  

  • Will allow you to select and update your areas of interest.

  • Will allow you to access the e-Library from home or office.

Learn more about the e-Library

What is The Conference Board of Canada?

The Conference Board of Canada is the foremost independent, not-for-profit applied research organization in Canada.  We help build leadership capacity for a better Canada by creating and sharing insights on economic trends, public policy issues, and organizational performance.  

Learn more about the Conference Board of Canada

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