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This guide is a starting point for finding information on business and trade, both Canadian and international. Resources include databases, books, journals and information gateways in the areas of economics, trade, legislation, statistics and taxation. Resources will be updated periodically and suggestions are welcome.

Business and Trade
Library Resources

Business & Trade:


Canadian Trade Index
CTI contains a comprehensive list of Canadian manufacturers, distributors and industrial service companies. Detailed information is provided on over 29,000 Canadian companies, featuring over 94,000 product listings under 25,000 headings.

Fraser’s Canadian Trade Directory
Fraser’s Canadian Trade Directory lists more that 30,000 suppliers of industrial products and services, 80,000 branch offices and over 30,000 product and service categories.

Réseau Innovation Network - Université de Laval
The Réseau Innovation Network is an intelligence gathering tool through which people can stay up-to-date on the best innovative practices and economic developments in OECD countries. The Smart Practices Innovation Network’s database gathers smart practices, initiatives, public policies, programs, and research papers on innovation and local development.

Strategis - Industry Canada
Strategis provides timely business and consumer information, business management tools, information on e-commerce and interactive government services. Information is provided on starting a business, exporting, researching markets, exploiting technology, financing, licences and economic analysis. Strategis contains more than 50 000 links to related business sites.

Trade and Economics Analysis- Dept. of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
This website provides information, statistics and analysis related to the Canadian economy and international trade and investment. There are reports on Canada's on-going macro-economic developments with a special focus on foreign trade and investment. Quantitative research is conducted on Canada's various trade and investment relationships on a country and/or regional basis and there is ongoing economic analytical work on a number of multilateral trade negotiating issues.

Trade Data Online - Industry Canada
Trade Data Online provides the ability to generate customized reports on Canada's and U.S. trade with over 200 countries. Trade by Product (HS) is available from 1990 including information on total imports, total exports and trade balance. Trade by Industry (NAICS) is available from 1992 with information on total imports, total exports, trade balance, manufacturing shipments, export intensity and apparent domestic markets.

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International - General

eLibrary Global Resources for International Trade - International Import-Export Institute
This site provides a number of links organized by topic, publication type, region, databases, and government regulations. The site lists links ranging from currency exchange sites to various libraries across the world.

Institutions of the NAFTA - Dept. Of Foreign Affairs and International Trade
This site includes: text of the Agreement, tariff acceleration, rules of origin, side agreements, institutions and contacts, commission meetings, dispute settlement, cross border movement of business persons, doing business in the NAFTA Region, speeches and publications.

SICE Foreign Trade Information - Organization of American States
The Foreign Trade Information System is the information technology arm of the Trade Unit of the Organization of American States (OAS). It makes available information about hemispheric integration and trade trends. Information is provided on: anti-dumping, competition policy, dispute settlement, e-commerce, intellectual property rights and investment.

Trade Information Reference Centre - United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD)
TIRC has developed and maintained a wide network of reliable information providers specialized in the field of international trade and related issues and has constituted a substantial collection of selected information materials, which makes it a major source of information on international trade and related issues.

World Trade Organization
The World Trade Organization (WTO) is the only global international organization dealing with the rules of trade between nations. At its heart are the WTO agreements, negotiated and signed by the bulk of the world’s trading nations and ratified in their parliaments. This site includes information on various trade topics, WTO news, online documents, economic research and international trade statistics.

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International - Development

Country Briefings - The Economist
Country Briefings provides articles, background profiles, forecasts and statistics, market and currency updates, news wires and links on 60 countries.

CountryWatch is a world leader in providing country specific geopolitical intelligence on each of the 192 countries of the world. The online statistical database can display, cross-tabulate and download numeric data in the Country Reviews, plus many more data series on 192 countries - 250 series in all. Country Watch Forecast is a globally integrated 5-year macroeconomic forecast for each of the 192 countries of the world. Included are: concise economic overviews for each country complementing the forecast tables and graphs, access to 5-years of historical data on key macroeconomic variables for each country, and an interface that allows you to change forecast input assumptions to create your own country forecast.

Development Gateway
Information on development projects in the world. Access to over 450,000 historical and current records on planned, current, and completed activities and programs from more that 200 development agencies. The AiDA (Accessible Information on Development Activities) database is a large online source of public information on development activities in the world.

ELDIS is a gateway to information on development issues. It provides summaries and links to online documents, websites, databases, library catalogues and resource guides. It has links to 13, 300 online documents and 4,500 organisations.

Virtual Library on International Development - Canadian International Development Agency
The Virtual Library on International Development is a collection of links to international development-related sites and documents. Topics include: economy and finance, environment, international relations and development aid. Listed are conferences, libraries, media/news links, portals for International Development, reports, periodicals and other documents and statistical sources.

World Development Indicators - World Bank
WDI Online contains statistical data for over 550 development indicators and time series data from 1960-2002 for over 200 countries and 18 country groups. Data includes social, economic, financial, natural resources, and environmental indicators. Results can be scaled, indexed against a particular year, viewed by percentage change, and charted. These features, plus data export options in standard formats like Excel, make WDI Online a useful tool for researching developmental data.

World Fact Book - Central Intelligence Agency
The World Factbook is produced by CIA's Directorate of Intelligence. The Factbook is a comprehensive resource of facts and statistics on more than 250 countries and other entities. It provides a wide range of updated business, economic, social, political, opinion and environmental data and time series.

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The Canadian Economy Online
This site provides a “one stop” guide to the Canadian economy. It includes information on: unemployment, inflation, real GDP, exports and imports, Federal debt, prime interest rate and the S & P/TSX Composite. Definitions are provided for economic concepts and there is a chronology of key economic events.

Canadian Policy Research Network
CPRN's mission is to create knowledge and lead public debate on social and economic issues important to the well-being of Canadians. They specialize in social and economic policy research and public engagement. Publications include: Public Policy for Cities: the role of the Federal Government, Sustainable Cities, and Evaluating Public Involvement.

Conference Board of Canada
The Conference Board of Canada is the foremost independent, not-for-profit applied research organization in Canada. Every year the Conference Board hosts more than 250 meetings and conferences, holds over 80 leadership programs, publishes 150 research documents and investigates more than 4500 requests for information from members. They provide Canadian information on economic trends, public policy issues, and organizational performance.

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EarthTrends - World Resources Institute
This resource provides a rich source of information on the environment, social and economic trends in the world. Information, presented as searchable databases, data tables and country profiles cover a range of topics from economics to business and the environment, energy and resources, environmental governance, water resources and much more. (Free registration required).

International Economics Gateway
This gateway links to information on a number of domains relevant to international economics including: internet business and economy sources, central banks online, marketing & international business links, international organizations, and national government pages.

netLibrary - eBooks - Council of Federal Libraries
Netlibrary is a virtual library that provides a broad range of usable information . You can read eBooks online, anytime. Search thousands of volumes simultaneously. And search every word in every book. Best of all, eBooks are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week from any computer with Internet access.

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Develpment
The work of the OECD covers economic and social issues from macroeconomics, to trade, education, development and science and innovation.

WWW Virtual Library: Economics
Extensive resources for economists including the following types of information: statistical data, journal archives, dictionaries & encyclopedias, information on forecasting, economic development, technological change, meetings & conferences and statistical & computational software.

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Business Source Premier
As the world’s largest full text business database, Business Source Premier provides full text for more than 3,650 scholarly business journals, including full text for nearly 1,100 peer-reviewed business publications. Coverage includes virtually all subject areas related to business. This database provides full text (PDF) for more than 300 of the top scholarly journals dating as far back as 1922.

This site has 1,000 links to socioeconomic data sources, arranged by subject and provider and pointers to the Web's premiere data collections, plus their own list of the ten best sites for finding regional economic data.

EconLit - American Economic Association
The American Economic Association's electronic database, is the world's foremost source of references to economic literature. The database contains more than 610,000 records covering 1969-present. EconLit covers virtually every area related to economics.

Economics Search Engine
Search engine sponsored by the American Economic Association. More than 300,000 pages from 10,000 economics web sites are currently indexed.

Research Papers on Economics - IDEAS - University of Conneticut. Economics Department.
This is a large bibliographic database dedicated to Economics and available on the Internet. Over 200,000 items of research can be browsed or searched, and over 120,000 can be downloaded in full text.

World Economic Outlook Databases - International Monetary Fund
This site includes the World Economic and Financial Survey Series, World Economic Outlook Reports and International Capital Markets Reports.

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General Canadian Statistics - Statistics Canada
The information produced by Statistics Canada is encyclopedic-a literal A to Z of every aspect of Canadian life and economy. Statistics Canada's data collection include major themes such as: Agriculture, Environment, Health, Manufacturing, Prices, Primary industries, Social conditions, and Travel and Tourism. From these themes, they generate hundreds of publications and hundreds of thousands of data sets.

Provincial and territorial statistics offices - Statistics Canada

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InfoNation - United Nations
InfoNation is an easy-to-use, two-step database that allows you to view and compare the most up-to-date statistical data for the Member States of the United Nations. You can select up to five countries for comparison or use Country-at-a-Glance to see information profiles of individual countries.

OFFSTATS - University of Auckland
Official Statistics on the Web includes free and easily accessible statistics from official sources. Data is current and time series are frequently available. Many data sets are downloadable as text or spreadsheet files. Statistics are organized by country, region or topic.

Statistical Agencies (International) - US Census Bureau
This site provides direct links to the websites of the statistical agencies of 147 countries.

World in figures
This site provides a wide range of updated business, economic, social, political, opinion and environmental data and time series. Data and results are presented in very flexible, scrollable and downloadable 3D tables and diagrams. The global database contains 1.7 millions of records. Currently 1.100 variables are available.

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Access to Justice Network - Alberta Law Foundation
The Network provides access to primary federal and provincial legal materials such a statutes, cases and by-laws. The Resource Centre contains articles, documents and links to a wide variety of materials about law and justice and the News and Views section offers a dynamic look at what is happening in the world of law and justice in Canada.

Best Guide to Canadian Legal Research
Guide to effective strategies and techniques for Canadian legal research, finding and using secondary sources and finding and analyzing cases. Includes guides and search syntax charts to help use QUICKLAW and WestlaweCARSWELL.

Canadian Statutes and Legislation - Dept. of Justice
Federal acts and regulations organized by title and subject, including Non Statutory Regulations and Repealed Acts. Links to federal and provincial case law, Table of public statutes and responsible ministers, Table of private acts and Index of statutory instruments.

CANLII - Canadian Legal Information Institute
CanLII seeks to gather legislative and judicial texts, as well as legal commentaries, from federal, provincial and territorial jurisdictions on a single Web site. CanLII's goal is to make primary sources of Canadian law accessible for free on the Internet.

LEGISinfo - Library of Parliament
LEGISinfo is an essential research tool for finding information on legislation currently before Parliament. This tool provides electronic access to a wide range of information about individual bills, such as: the text of the bill at various stages; government press releases and backgrounders (for government bills); legislative summaries from the Parliamentary Research Branch; important speeches at second reading; votes; and coming into force data.

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CataLaw is the catalog of catalogs of worldwide law on the Internet. It aids legal research by arranging all indexes of law and government into a uniform, universal and unique metaindex.

International Law Dictionary & Directory
Definitions of words and phrases used in private and public international law with linked cross-references to related words and phrases. Descriptions of international organizations with links (if they exist) to their on-line home pages and to other important materials describing the organizations. Acronyms of international organizations with links to the definitions for those organizations. Descriptions of countries with links (if they exist) to their official on-line home pages and to other important materials.

Juris International - International Trade Center
Juris International is a multilingual collection (English, Spanish, and French) of legal information on international trade. (favouring complete legal texts). It includes: international legal instruments, contracts (models and drafting), dispute resolution centres and some specialized collections.

A large collection of links to municipal government related information on the web, organized by city and country.

Natural Resources Weblinks - University of Denver
This site includes information about natural resources and environmental law. Subject areas include: energy, environment, forestry, indigenous peoples, mining & minerals, oil & gas, and sustainable development.

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Taxation and Tariffs - Finance Canada
This site includes information on tax policy. There are links to tax bulletins, information on tax and tariff initiatives and also links to information on public finance and the Canadian economy.


International Tax and Accounting Sites Directory
This directory includes links to: country-specific sites, tax associations, IRS resources, European Union & VAT, tax treaties, e-commerce taxation, international tax research and international tax news.

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Library Resources:

Materials available at 580 Booth unless otherwise indicated.


American Economic Review
Bank of Canada Banking and Financial Statistics
Bank of Canada Review +online
Canadian Journal of Economics - CFS periodicals
Canadian Journal of Political Science
Canadian Journal of Program Evaluation
Canadian Outlook Economic Forecast
Canadian Public Policy +online
Economic Perspectives
The Economist +online
The Economy in brief/Economie en bref
Environment policy and law - CFS periodicals
Harvard Business Review + online
Hill Times - 580 & 555 Booth
International Financial Statistics
International Statistical Review -online only
Ivey Business Journal + online
Journal of Economic Literature
Journal of Economic Theory - CFS periodicals
Journal of Policy Analysis and Management - CFS periodicals
Journal of Political Economy - CFS periodicals
OECD Economic Outlook
Policy Options
Provincial Outlook Economic Forecast
Report on Business
Review of Economic Dynamics & Statistics - CFS periodicals
Research Money - online, 555 & Bells Corners
Resource and Energy Economics


Les Affaires
Le Devoir
Le Droit
Financial Times of London
The Gazette
The Globe & Mail
National Post
Ottawa Citizen
La Presse

Reference Materials

REF HF 5071 B58 Blue Book of Canadian Business
REF AY 414 C212 Canadian Almanac and Directory
REF AY 414 C36 Canadian Global Almanac
REF HF 5071 D8 Canadian Key Business Directory
REF HF 3223 C212 Canadian Trade Index
REF F 1005 C212 Canadian Who’s Who
REF AS 22 E5 Encyclopedia of Associations
REF HD 9540 .4 U5 Energy Statistics Yearbook - United Nations
REF D 410 E83 L’État du Monde
REF D 2 E82 The Europa World Yearbook
REF HC 111 F491 Financial Post Markets : Canadian Demographics
REF HF 3223 F7 Fraser’s Canadian Trade Directory
REF AS 8 E53 International Organizations
REF CT 100 I61 The International Who’s Who
REF AY 414 C88 Scott’s Canadian Sourcebook
REF HF 3223 W4 S35 Scott’s Industrial DirectoryREF HA 202 U58 Statistical Abstract of the United States
REF HA 12.5 U58 Statistical Yearbook - United Nations
REF AY 67 N5 W7 The World Almanac & Book of Facts

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Last Updated: 2006-01-24 Important Notices