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Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
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ÿClimate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Program
Full Proposal Components

Proposals should be no more than 10 pages in length excluding CVs and letters of support. If you have any questions about the required content of the proposal, please call the Liaison Office as soon as possible and we would be happy to clarify.

  1. Proposal Number (the number assigned to your LOI by the Liaison Office)
  2. Title
  3. Principal Investigator (name and all contact information including phone, fax, and email)
  4. Names and Affiliations of other Researchers working on the project
  5. Purpose and Objectives of the research
  6. Methodology
    • must be sufficient detail to allow a scientific review of the approach;
    • reference scientific literature as needed. Such references should be listed at the end of this section.
  7. Workplan
    • please break out your workplan by year and include major milestones;
    • ensure that you explicitly include time for writing and reporting as needed.
  8. Deliverables
    • a statement of the expected deliverables/outputs of the project;
    • if the CCIAP funding builds on an existing project, then a clear statement of the original planned deliverables and the incremental deliverables made possible by the CCIAP funding must be included.
  9. Funding
    • the sources and estimated amounts of non-CCIAP support, both in-kind and financial must be clearly stated;
    • a budget by type of expenditure, year, and source (e.g., NSERC, CCIAP, stakeholder) must be included. An example of the type of information we are looking for is available here.
  10. CVs/Resumes of the Principal Investigator and key researchers
    • short CVs of the principal investigator and key members of the research team must accompany the proposal (total 10 pages);
    • please focus on providing information that demonstrates competency in the research topic proposed and in the conduct of research projects as appropriate;
    • "key researcher" CVs in a large team should be limited to the minimum number required to show competency in all aspects of the project.
  11. Letters of support
    • letters of support from participating stakeholders must be provided. While electronic submission of the proposals is preferred, letters of support can be faxed or mailed and we will attach them to the appropriate proposal;
    • stakeholders providing a financial or in-kind contribution to the project should state the nature of the contribution in their letter.

2006-10-06Important notices