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Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Canadian Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation Assessment
Meetings and Reports

To start the assessment process, a scoping meeting was held in Toronto, Ontario on November 17, 2003. Over 65 participants from universities, federal, provincial and territorial governments, aboriginal organizations, municipalities and non-government organizations took part in the meeting. This included experts in climate change research and assessment, as well as potential users of the assessment output. The goals of the meeting were to raise awareness of the assessment and to solicit ideas and input into the assessment process.

The morning involved a welcome and introduction from Don Lemmen, Natural Resources Canada (click here to view) and an overview presentation on assessment for decision-making by Barry Smit, University of Guelph (click here to view).

This was followed by a panel discussion, which focused on lessons learned from past assessments and international I&A; research programs. Panelists included:

  • Roger Street, Environment Canada
  • Patti Edwards, Environment Canada
  • Ann Fisher, Penn State University
  • Elizabeth Bush, Environment Canada
  • Richard Klein, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
  • Sebastian Catovsky, UK Department of the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
  • Chris Paci, Dene Nation

Following lunch, there were breakout group sessions in which participants were asked to provide insights from their experience to help inform the planning of the assessment. Results from the breakout group sessions will be provided to the assessment steering committee. Topics discussed during the breakout group sessions included sources of information, case studies, confidence / uncertainty, cross-cutting issues, review process, engaging stakeholders, products and communication and synthesis.

All workshop participants are invited to view, and provide comments on, the summarized results from the breakout group sessions. These pages are password protected. All meeting participants should have received the password via e-mail. If you are interested in viewing these pages, but have not received the password, please contact F. Warren.

Breakout Group Topics

  • Sources of Information
  • Case Studies
  • Confidence / Uncertainty
  • Cross-cutting Issues
  • Review Process
  • Engaging Stakeholders
  • Products and Communication
  • Synthesis

2006-10-06Important notices