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Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective

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 Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation > Canadian Perspective
Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation: A Canadian Perspective
Water resources

Water Resources Table of Contents References Conclusion Knowledge Gaps and Research Needs Adaptation in the Water Resources Sector Water Demand Impacts on Water Supply Previous Work Introduction

Understanding the vulnerability of Canada's water resources to climate change is vitally important. Water is one of Canada's greatest resources. We depend on the availability of a clean, abundant water supply for domestic use; food, energy and industrial production; transportation and recreation; and the maintenance of natural ecosystems. It is estimated that water's measurable contribution to the Canadian economy reaches $7.5 to 23 billion per year.(1)

Canada has a relative abundance of water, possessing 9% of the world's renewable freshwater, yet only 0.5% of the global population.(2) However, the water is not evenly distributed across the country, and water availability varies both between years and with the changing seasons. As a result, most regions of the country have experienced water-related problems, such as shortages (droughts), excesses (floods) and associated water quality issues. For example, the drought of 2001 affected Canada from coast to coast (Table 1), with significant economic and social impacts. In the 1990s, severe flooding in the Saguenay region of Quebec (1996) and Manitoba's Red River valley (1997) were two of the costliest natural disasters in Canadian history.

Table 1: The 2001 drought across Canada (3)

Region Conditions in 2001
British Columbia
  • Driest winter on record, with precipitation half of historic average across coast and southern interior
  • Snowpacks in southern regions were at or below historic low
  • Saskatoon was 30% drier than 110-year record
  • Many areas experienced lowest precipitation in historic record
  • Parts of the Palliser Triangle experienced second or third consecutive drought
Great Lakes - St. Lawrence basin
  • Driest summer in 54 years
  • Southern Ontario (Windsor-Kitchener) experienced the driest 8 weeks on record
  • Montréal experienced driest April on record and set summer record with 35 consecutive days without measurable precipitation
  • Third driest summer on record
  • Large regions experienced only 25% of normal rainfall in July, and August was the driest on record
  • July, with 5 mm of rain, was the driest month ever recorded in Charlottetown

In its Third Assessment Report, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change projects an increase in globally averaged surface air temperatures of 1.4-5.8°C by 2100. Changes of this magnitude would significantly impact water resources in Canada.(4) Climatic variables, such as temperature and precipitation, greatly influence the hydrological cycle, and changes in these variables will affect runoff and evaporation patterns, as well as the amount of water stored in glaciers, snowpacks, lakes, wetlands, soil moisture and groundwater. However, there remains uncertainty as to the magnitude and, in some cases, the direction of these changes. This is related to the difficulty that climate models have in projecting future changes in regional precipitation patterns and extreme events, and to our incomplete understanding of hydroclimatic processes.

In addition to the expected shifts in hydrological parameters, potential changes in the economic, demographic and environmental factors that influence water resources must also be considered. The response of water users, as well as water management mechanisms, to climate change will greatly influence the vulnerability of water resources. Both the ability and the willingness of society to undertake appropriate adaptive measures are critically important.

The impacts of climate change on water resources will vary across the country, due to regional differences in climate changes, hydrological characteristics, water demand and management practices. Some of the major potential impacts are listed in Table 2.

From this table, it is evident that the potential impacts of extreme events, seasonal shifts in flow regimes and reduced winter ice cover are key issues for several regions of Canada.

Table 2: Potential impacts of climate change on water resources (derived from Figure 15-1 in reference 4)

Region Potential changes Associated concerns
Yukon and coastal British Columbia Increased spring flood risks (BC), impacts on river flows caused by glacier retreat and disappearance Reduced hydroelectric potential, ecological impacts (including fisheries), damage to infrastructure, water apportionment
Rocky Mountains Rise in winter snowline in winter-spring, possible increase in snowfall, more frequent rain-on-snow events Increased risk of flooding and avalanches
Decrease in summer streamflow and other changes in seasonal streamflow Ecological impacts, impacts on tourism and recreation
Prairies Changes in annual streamflow, possible large declines in summer streamflow Implications for agriculture, hydroelectric generation, ecosystems and water apportionment
Increased likelihood of severe drought, increasing aridity in semiarid zones Losses in agricultural production, changes in land use
Increases or decreases in irrigation demand and water availability Uncertain impacts on farm sector incomes, groundwater, streamflow and water quality
Great Lakes basin Possible precipitation increases, coupled with increased evaporation leading to reduced runoff and declines in lake levels Impacts on hydroelectric generation, shoreline infrastructure, shipping and recreation
Decreased lake-ice extent, including some years without ice cover Ecological impacts, increased water loss through evaporation and impacts on navigation
Atlantic Decreased amount and duration of snow cover Smaller spring floods, lower summer flows
Changes in the magnitude and timing of ice freeze-up and break-up Implications for spring flooding and coastal erosion
Possible large reductions in streamflow Ecological impacts, water apportionment issues, hydroelectric potential
Saline intrusion into coastal aquifers Loss of potable water and increased water conflicts
Arctic and Subarctic Thinner ice cover, 1- to 3-month increase in ice-free season, increased extent of open water Ecological impacts, impacts on traditional ways of life, improved navigation, changes in viable road networks
Increased variability in lake levels, complete drying of some delta lakes Impacts on ecosystems and communities

This chapter examines current research on these and other issues, as well as recent progress in adaptation research. Focus is placed on the impacts on water supplies and demand, and on options to adapt to these impacts. Many other aspects of water resources related to transportation, health and fisheries are addressed in other chapters of this report. While significant uncertainty remains in projecting future impacts, it does not limit our ability to take action to reduce our vulnerability to climate change. By understanding the range of possible impacts, as well as the intricate role of societal response to changing conditions, we will be better prepared to reduce losses and capitalize on potential benefits.

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