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Natural Resources Canada
Climate Change in Canada
.What is Climate Change?
Curriculum Tools
.Grade 5
Science - S2
.Table of Contents
.Curriculum Outcome Links
.Application to Senior 2 Science Weather Dynamics
.Climate change in Nunavut
.Climate change in Atlantic Canada
.Climate change in Quebec
.Climate change in the Yukon and Northwest Territories
.Climate change in Ontario
.Climate change in British Columbia
.Climate change in the Prairie Provinces

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ÿClimate Change Impacts and Adaptation
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Priorities > Climate Change Impacts and Adaptation > Curriculum Tools
Climate Change in Canada - Curriculum Tools
Science - S2 - Teacher's Resource
Climate Change in Canada

Please note: These exercises are not designed to be filled out nor printed from your Web browser. Please download and print the PDF files located at the bottom of the page.

Key ( /20)

Use the information you collected from the 7 regional posters on climate change in Canada to answer the following questions:

  1. In comparing percentages provided on incoming solar radiation on the 7 posters, you may have noticed that different values were assigned to the following:

    a) % of incoming solar radiation absorbed by the atmosphere
    b) % ...reflected by the atmosphere
    c) % ...absorbed by the Earth's surface
    d) % ...reflected by the Earth's surface

    Why do you think these values differ amongst the various regions? (2)
    The 7 regions offer very different landscapes and land cover, impacting these percentages. While icy regions sport a higher albedo, thus reflecting more incoming solar radiation, regions with greater forest cover or bodies of water will absorb more.
  2. After examining all of the posters, which region in Canada do you think will suffer the most by climate change? Provide 3 reasons to back up your answer. (3)




  3. After examining all of the posters, which region in Canada do you think will benefit the most by climate change? Provide 3 reasons to back up your answer. (3)




  4. Predict how climate change will impact human population (numbers of people) in these 7 regions. Give a reason for your prediction. (7)

    a) Nunavut:

    b) Atlantic Canada:

    c) Quebec:

    d) Ontario:

    e) The Prairie Provinces:

    f) Southwestern B.C.:

    g) Yukon and Northwest Territories:

  5. What is the message that Natural Resources Canada is trying to deliver with the production of these posters? (2)
    Climate change is a phenomenon that has occurred throughout Earth's history. Evidence from many sources exists to support this. We have a concern however that we are influencing climate change with the recent introduction of certain human activities (i.e. burning of fossil fuels). Awareness, coupled with caution is needed to carry us into a healthy and ecologically sustainable future.
  6. After studying the information on these posters, what can YOU do as a Canadian citizen to help reduce the effects humans have on climate change? (3)






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