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Great Lakes Forestry Centre

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Model Forest Program

The Model Forest Program is a Canadian Forest Service initiative to foster the development of innovative approaches to sustainable forest management. Ten model forests were established across Canada in 1992; an 11th was added in 1997, all through a competitive process. Each model forest consists of a partnership representing all groups with an interest in the sustainable management of the forest resource. A typical partnership
could include the provincial resource management agency, forest industry, First Nations, recreational groups, hunting and trapping organizations, environmental groups, local communities, and research and educational institutions.

Model Forest partners combine their views, knowledge and expertise to influence forest management on land bases ranging in size from about 100,000 ha to over 2.7 million ha; Model Forests do not have management jurisdiction over this land base. New approaches are researched, developed, applied, and monitored within these giant hands-on laboratories.

In Ontario, two sites were selected, Lake Abitibi Model Forest in the Northeast, and the Eastern Ontario Model Forest in the southeast. These sites represent very different environmental, social and economic conditions. Forestry issues of importance to community members are unique to each area.

The Canadian model forests have received annual funding from the Canadian Forest Service to help them formulate and implement distinct working-scale visions of sustainable forest management. A commitment of in-kind and cash contributions by model forest partners is a mandatory requirement; such commitments average twice the federal contribution.

As a means of sharing knowledge and expertise, the Model Forests have formed a national network and identified several areas of common strategic interest. For example, as of 1997, the Model Forests have undertaken the development of local level indicators of sustainable forest management. These indicators, or measures, will provide important feedback to the
Model Forests to assure them that their actions, and those of their partners, are having a positive impact on sustainable forest management. The processes of identifying and beginning to measure these indicators, being developed by each Model Forest, are being shared across the national network and with other resource management agencies.

For more information, please contact:

Steve Dominy, Model Forest Coordinator
Great Lakes Forestry Centre


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