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  <Title>Canadian Mineral Deposits</Title>
  <Abstract>Mineral deposits are natural accumulations of one or more useful minerals that may provide society with metallic or non-metallic raw materials. The Geological Survey of Canada has been compiling databases for major metallic mineral deposits on Canada-wide and world-wide scale over a three decade period. The most recent compilation was enabled by industry-sponsored World Map and World Minerals Geoscience Database Projects.  Four Canadian thematic databases for uranium-thorium, vanadium-titanium, lode gold, and molybdenum occurrences are now available On-Line.</Abstract>
  <OnlineResource xmlns:xlink="" xlink:href=""/>
      <ContactPerson>Lesley B. Chorlton</ContactPerson>
      <ContactOrganization>Mineral Resources Division, Geological Survey of Canada</ContactOrganization>
        <AddressType>mailing and physical</AddressType>
        <Address>601 Booth Street</Address>
        <PostCode>K1A 0E8</PostCode>
      <ContactVoiceTelephone>(613) 996-9358</ContactVoiceTelephone>

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    <Title>Canadian Mineral Deposits</Title>
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        <Title>V and Ti Occurrences of Canada</Title>
        <Abstract>Vanadium (V) and titanium (Ti), strategic metals of the future which are intimately associated in nature, are found throughout Canada in a wide variety of forms and settings.  Natural hosts for V and Ti deposits are magnetite and/or ilmenite-rich igneous rocks such as anorthosite complexes and layered intrusions, sedimentary rocks including heavy mineral placers, coal and phosphate rock, hydrothermally altered and metamorphic rocks, and bauxite (aluminium-rich residually weathered) deposits.  
      These metals are also found in previously processed oil residues and ashes, and in iron slag. They are also recovered from the recycling of used catalysts.</Abstract>
          <Keyword> Geological and geophysical</Keyword>
          <Keyword> mineral</Keyword>
          <Keyword> deposit</Keyword>
          <Keyword> occurrence</Keyword>
          <Keyword> Ti</Keyword>
          <Keyword> titanium</Keyword>
          <Keyword> V</Keyword>
          <Keyword> vanadium</Keyword>
          <Keyword> Fe</Keyword>
          <Keyword> iron</Keyword>
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        <Title>Canadian Radioactive (Uranium and/or Thorium) Occurrences Database</Title>
        <Abstract>Radioactive occurrences represent natural concentrations of uraniium and/or thorium in the geological environment that exceed 10 times the background concentration. Multiple radioactively anomalous sampling locations, or zones, that lie within 400 to 500 metres from each other may be considered one occurrence.  Radioactive mineralization occurs in a variety of settings and styles, which are used by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the classification system that has been applied to this database: 1) conglomerate-type, including placers and paleoplacers; 2) Proterozoic unconformity-related; 3) Magmatic-anatectic and metasomatic; 4) Vein-type; 5) Sandstone-type; 6) Volcanic-associated; 7) Miscellaneous (those additional to the first six types, or with insufficient observations to assign a class).  
      Relatively few of these occurrences constitute deposits for which the resource of uranium or thorium has been estimated to have reasonable chance of being economically produced, though several producers and past producers are included in this database.
      This data set has been converted for public access over the Internet into the database format modified for Canadian deposits from the World Minerals Geoscience Database Project.</Abstract>
          <Keyword> Geological and geophysical</Keyword>
          <Keyword> radioactive</Keyword>
          <Keyword> uranium</Keyword>
          <Keyword> U</Keyword>
          <Keyword> thorium</Keyword>
          <Keyword> Th</Keyword>
          <Keyword> mineral</Keyword>
          <Keyword> deposit</Keyword>
          <Keyword> occurrence</Keyword>
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        <Title>MOLYFILE: an Index-level Computer File of Molybdenum Deposits and Occurrences in Canada</Title>
        <Abstract>MOLYFILE is an inventory of molybdenum deposits and occurrences in Canada discovered before 1982, and documents their index level geological and economic attributes. The file contains information on: name(s), location, political province, geological province, geological age (if available), deposit type, major commodities, minor commodities, molybdenum status, reserves and production.  This file is archived on tape.  It has also been converted for public access over the Internet into the database format modified for Canadian deposits from the World Minerals Geoscience Database Project.</Abstract>
          <Keyword> Geological and geophysical</Keyword>
          <Keyword> mineral</Keyword>
          <Keyword> deposit</Keyword>
          <Keyword> occurrence</Keyword>
          <Keyword> Cu</Keyword>
          <Keyword> Mo</Keyword>
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        <Title>Gold Deposits of Canada: Distribution, Geological Parameters and Gold Content</Title>
        <Abstract>The spatial distribution and most significant geological attributes of Canadian bedrock-hosted (lode) gold deposits of large size and importance are depicted in this data set.  Most of these deposits originally contained at least 0.5 million troy ounces (31 metric tons) of gold metal.  Lode gold deposits have originated in a wide variety of geological environments.   Some are related to igneous emplacement and others are formed during periods of moderate to intense deformation.  Placer and paleoplacer deposits are not included in this data set.

      The downloadable data summary is periodically extracted from a database prepared for the World Minerals Geoscience Database Project (1998-2003).  The full database can be viewed and queried over the Internet, and is being provided on CD-ROM as a GSC Open File. The CD-ROM version of this data set requires the use of MS-Access, and the database management (data entry/browsing and query) utilities packaged as GlobalDBSystem and developed by Robert Laramée.</Abstract>
          <Keyword> Geological and geophysical</Keyword>
          <Keyword> gold</Keyword>
          <Keyword> Au</Keyword>
          <Keyword> lode gold</Keyword>
          <Keyword> mineral</Keyword>
          <Keyword> deposit</Keyword>
          <Keyword> orogenic gold</Keyword>
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