
What is GeoBase?

GeoBase is a federal, provincial and territorial government initiative that is overseen by the Canadian Council on Geomatics (CCOG). It is undertaken to ensure the provision of, and access to, a common, up-to-date and maintained base of quality geospatial data for all of Canada. Through the GeoBase portal, users with an interest in the field of geomatics have access to quality geospatial information at no cost and with unrestricted use. More on GeoBase initiative

Latest news

'GeoBase Orthoimage 2005-2010' debuts in early 2008

The National Hydro Network is here!

On October 1st 2007, a brand new geospatial product made its entry on the Geobase Web portal: the National Hydro Network (NHN).

The latest information about data updates and standard developments are mentioned in the news section. Consult this section frequently to keep up with GeoBase related news. More GeoBase news

Who are the partners?

Most of Geobase data are produced under partnership between federal, provincial and territorial agencies. Geobase partners are involved in different levels of the data production process such as project funding, sharing of source data or by working on data collection and data processing. More on GeoBase partnerships

Web Mapping Service (WMS)

The GeoBase WMS also permits direct access to GeoBase data through WMS functionalities following Open GeoSpatial Consortium (OGC) standards. Read more on Geobase WMS.

GeoBase geospatial data is here: take it, use it, and spread the word!