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Policy in effect
*    Policy repealed, replaced, or under development
New New

Finance and Administration
  Policy 101 Financial Responsibilities of School Districts
  *    Policy 102 Loss of Tangible Public Assets
  *    Policy 103 Write-off/Uncollectable Accounts Receivable
  *    Policy 104 Lease of Equipment
  *    Policy 105 Rental Revenue
  *    Policy 106 Tenders for Contracted Services
  Policy 107 Purchasing
  *    Policy 108 Purchase of TV and VCR Equipment
  *    Policy 109 Purchase of all Computers, Related Peripheral Equipment and Major Software
  *    Policy 110 Contracted Cleaning Services
  *    Policy 111 Disposal of Documents
  *    Policy 112 Extra-Curricular Funding
  Policy 113 Travel
  Policy 114 Tuition Fee to Attend New Brunswick Public School
  *    Policy 115 Attendance Outside School District
  *    Policy 116 Tuition Fees - Out of Province Students
  Policy 117 Copyright
  Policy 118 Exchange Students
  *    Policy 119 Prescribed Instructional Materials
  Policy 120 Materials for Distribution in Schools
  *    Policy 121 Political Clubs
  *    Policy 122 Leave of Absence (Political Purposes)
  *    Policy 123 Indemnification of School Trustee, Volunteers and Student Teachers
  *    Policy 124 Leave of Absence for Religious or Ethnic Purposes
  *    Policy 125 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
  Policy 126 Provision of Legal Advice to District Education Councils
  Policy 127 Management of Food Services in Schools
  *    Policy 128 Threat of Explosives - School Property
  *    Policy 129 Legal Services - Small Claims
  *    Policy 130 School Calendar
  *    Policy 131 Out of Province Travel
  Policy 132 Contribution of Resources by Parents
  *    Policy 133 School-Raised Funds

Human Resources
  Policy 201 Appointment of School Principals
  Policy 202 Substitute Teachers
  Policy 203 Salary Upon Commencement
  Policy 204 Job Classification and Reclassification - Part II Non-Bargaining Personnel
  *    Policy 205 Educational Leave (Non-Bargaining Personnel)
  Policy 206 Supply Teaching by Teachers on Educational Leave
  *    Policy 207 Long Service and Retirement Recognition Program
  *    Policy 208 Educational Leave Under Article 35 of the Collective Agreement
  Policy 209 Rates of Pay for Persons Employed on a Casual or Temporary Basis
  *    Policy 210 Retirement Allowance
  *    Policy 211 Leave of Absence for Political Purposes
  Policy 212 Leave of Absence for Religious or Ethnic Purposes
  Policy 213 Conflict of Interest
  • Appendix A - Guidelines for avoiding conflict of interest on the part of      school psychologists conducting private practices
  •   Policy 214 Indemnification of Employees, District Education Council Members, Parent School Support Committee Members, Volunteers and student Teachers

    Educational Services
      Policy 301 Admission to and Placement in Kindergarten
      *    Policy 302 Weight Training in the Public Schools
      Policy 303 Locally Developed Courses
  • Application for Locally Development Course

  •   *    Policy 304 Summer School
      *    Policy 305 The Use of Trampolines and Minitramps in the Public Schools
      *    Policy 306 Home / Hospital Tutoring
      *    Policy 307 Work Education
      *    Policy 308 Driver Education
      Policy 309 French Second Language Programs
      *    Policy 310 Computer Literacy
      Policy 311 Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Use
  • Appendix A - Reporting Requirements

  • Appendix B - Posting and Release of Student Information

  • Appendix C - Acceptable Computer Use Agreement

  •   *    Policy 312 Fundraising Involving Door-to-Door and Public Solicitation
      *    Policy 313 Provincial School Calendar
      Policy 315 School/Community Partnerships and Sponsorships
      Policy 316 Graduation Requirements
  • Graduation Requirements for a New Brunswick High School       Diploma (Anglophone Sector)
  •   Policy 319 Attendance Outside School District
      Policy 321 Admission Based on Language

      Policy 402 Disposal of Surplus Furnishings and Equipment
      Policy 403 Disposal of School Buildings
      Policy 404 Modular Classroom Units (Portable)
      *    Policy 405 Leasing School Properties
      Policy 406 Outdoor School Play Areas
      Policy 407 Community Use of Schools
  • Appendix A - School Use Application and Agreement
  •   *    Policy 408 Liability Waiver/Rental of Schools/Outside Groups
      Policy 409 Closure of Schools
      Policy 410 Accessibility of Schools for the Physically Disabled

      Policy 501 Acquisition and Disposal of School Buses
      *    Policy 502 Disposal of School Vehicles
      *    Policy 503 Citizen Band Radios (CB)
      Policy 504 School Vehicle Inspections, Maintenance and Reduction of Idling
  • Daily Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection for School Buses
  • Pre-Trip Vehicle Inspection Form
  •   *    Policy 505 Private Railway Crossing
      *    Policy 506 Pupil Conveyance - Hazardous Routes
      *    Policy 507 Transport of Disabled Children Attending Public School
      Policy 508 School Bus Driver Training Program
      Policy 509 Student Crosswalks
      Policy 510 Procedures for Accidents Involving a School Vehicle
      *    Policy 511 Equipment and Lettering on School Buses
      *    Policy 512 Student Council Vehicles

    Teacher Certification
      Policy 601 Senior Matriculation
      *    Policy 602 Letter of Standing
      Policy 603 Local Permits
      < Policy 604 Extension and Correspondence Courses
      *    Policy 605 Transfer to a General Undergraduate University Degree
      Policy 606 Interim certificate 4 for technology teachers
      Policy 607 Teaching Experience
      Policy 608 Certificate 5
      Policy 609 Master of Education
      Policy 611 Approval of non-credit courses for certification purposes
      Policy 612 Interim certificate 4 in a specified field of study and upgrading requirements

    Health and Safety
      Policy 701 Policy for the Protection of Pupils
  • Appendix A - Complaint Summary Form
  •   Policy 702 Tobacco-Free Schools
      Policy 703 Positive Learning Environment
  • Suggested Topics for Inclusion in the School Positive Learning       Environment Plan
  • Characteristics of Positive Discipline for New Brunswick Schools
  •   Policy 704 Health Support Services
  • Appendix A - Student Data Collection Form
  • Appendix B - Medication Log Form
  • Appendix C - Essential Routine Services and Emergency Plan
  • Appendix D - Extreme Allergy Management and Emergency Plan
  • Appendix E-1 - Letter to Parents
  • Appendix E-2 - Letter to Parents
  • Appendix E-3 - Letter to Parents
  • Appendix F - Request for Variance of Procedure
  •   Policy 705 Crisis Planning
      Policy 706 Mandatory Immunization
  • Record of School Registration
  • Proof of Immunization Requirement or Exemption for School Entry
  • Public Health Offices
  • First Reminder to Parents of Children with Incomplete Records
  • Exclusion Notice to Parents of Children with Incomplete Records       Before of After the First Day of School
  • School Entry Permit
  •   Policy 707 Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome
      Policy 708 Fundraising Involving Door-to-Door and Public Solicitation
      Policy 709 Student Physical Activity Safety Standards
  • Requirements for Alpine Skiing (Downhill)
  •   Policy 710 Release of Students and Access to Student Information
  • Appendix A - Denial of Access

  • Appendix B - Access to Student Records

  • Appendix C -Specific Custody Arrangements

  • New Policy 711 Healthier Foods and Nutrition in Public Schools
  • Appendix A - Healthier Eating and Nutrition in School Food      Categories

  • Appendix B - Fundraising Alternatives

  • Appendix C - Food Safety

  • Healthier Eating and Nutrition in Public Schools: A Handbook for      Policy 711

  • Data, IT and Records Management
      *    Policy 801 Student and Other Records
      Policy 802 Information Technology and Data Standards
  • Sources of Data Management Standards
  •   *    Policy 803 Retention and Disposal of Documents

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