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Canadian Society for the Study of Names

Founded 1967

The principal objectives of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names (CSSN) are to promote the study of all aspects of names and naming in Canada and elsewhere, as well as the exchange of ideas among onomatologists, toponymists and scholars in the related fields of literary onomastics and linguistic aspects of names.


2007 Meeting of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names

The Society is a member of the Canadian Federation for the Humanities and Social Sciences (CFHSS or FedCan) and traditionally holds its annual meeting in conjunction with the Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences (formerly the Learned Societies). At the meeting, members may present papers in formal theme sessions, participate in a toponymic fieldtrip and attend the annual general meeting of the Society.

The 2007 (41st) meeting will be held at University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan on Saturday, May 26 and Sunday May 27, 2007.

Call for Papers
Please send in your proposal with abstract to arrive by Wednesday, February 14, 2007 to:

Mr. Yaïves Ferland
IKM Section
Defence R&D Canada – Valcartier             
2459 Pie-XI Blvd. Nord
Québec   QC
G3J 1X5   Canada

Fax: (418) 844-4538 

Please include:
  • Author's name (if many, underline the principal presenter)
  • Author's affiliation (academic or professional)
  • Address
  • Telephone no.
  • Fax no.
  • E-mail address
  • Time requested: 20 minutes + 10 minutes discussion; 30 minutes + 10 minutes discussion
  • Special equipment (overhead projector, slide projector, LCD digital projector, VCR, poster board, map holder, etc.)
  • Special scheduling requests
  • Title of paper (one line: 80-100 characters)
  • Abstract (150-250 words)


Membership is open to all who share the objectives of the Society. Included in the membership dues is a subscription to Onomastica Canadiana (2 issues each year) and The Name Gleaner, the Society's newsletter (normally 3 issues each year).

( CSSN Membership Form [PDF, 14.1 kb, viewer] )

Annual membership dues:
Canada USA Outside Canada/USA
• Regular $25
• Retired $20
• Student $15
• Family $37.50
• Retired Family $30.00
• Life Membership $400
• Regular $25 US
• Retired $20 US
• Student $15 US
• Family $37.50 US
• Retired Family $30.00 US
• Life Membership $400 US
• Regular CAN$30
• Retired CAN$25
• Student CAN$20

Members residing in the USA should pay their dues in US funds. The rate remains the same in US currency (e.g., regular membership is US$25).

The CSSN is a registered charity.

CSSN Membership Form [PDF, 14.1 kb, viewer]

Membership dues should be sent to the Secretary-Treasurer of the CSSN:

Léo La Brie
C.P. 2164
Succursale Hull
Gatineau, Quebec
J8X 3Z4

Officers of the Society - 2006 / 2009

Past-President: President:
Helen Kerfoot
Natural Resources Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
Wolfgang Ahrens
York University
Toronto, Ontario
Yaïves Ferland
Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier
Québec, Quebec
Léo La Brie
Gatineau, Quebec
Editor - Onomastica Canadiana:
Benoît Leblanc
Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
Trois-Rivières, Quebec
Editor - The Name Gleaner:
William Davey
University College of Cape Breton
Sydney, Nova Scotia

Carol Léonard
Edmonton, Alberta

Michael Falk
Halifax, Nova Scotia

Related web sites of interest to CSSN activities -

2006-09-20Important notices