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Natural Resources Canada
Geographical Names of Canada
.Geographical Names Board of Canada
GeoNames Query
.Query... name coordinates unique code
.About the Canadian Geographical Names Data Base
Products and Services
.Digital data
.Gazetteers and publications
Educational Resources
.Origins of Canadian geographical names
.Toponymic research projects
.Information for translators
.Aboriginal place names
.Canadian Society for the Study of Names
.Frequently Asked Questions
.Other Interesting Web sites

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ÿMapping Services
Natural Resources Canada > Earth Sciences Sector > Mapping Services Branch > Geographical Names of Canada
Frequently Asked Questions

Every day we receive and read e-mail from fellow web surfers. We appreciate your feedback, and your sharpness in noticing our errors. We have made a list of frequently asked questions in the hope they will respond to your enquiries.

Using the data base

  1. I want to know the latitude and longitude of a place or feature. To find the geographical coordinates of a place/feature, make a query on the Canadian Geographical Names Data Base (CGNDB) by entering a keyword. You can also enter other criteria like feature type and region. The data base has a mapping feature which will let you view your place/feature on a regional or national scale. In addition, the data base can calculate a point to point distance of the place/feature to a second place/feature, and can also generate a list of places/features within a certain radius.

  2. What if I am making a query in your data base, but your search engine always points to zero hits?
    This happens quite often. People misspell the name they want to query or don't write it in the correct order (i.e., Mount Logan rather than Logan, Mount). For more detailed information, please go to More query help.

  3. Why is it that when I query for a distance between two places, the answer I get is sometimes less than what I expected?
    The distance is calculated using a "Great Circle" or straight line distance based on the centroid coordinates of the two places chosen. You may be confusing the highway distance with the straight line distance (i.e., Prince George to Vancouver is about 800 km driving distance but only 520 km straight line distance!).

  4. Is there an easier method to download town and city names and their latitude and longitude? One town at a time is time consuming.
    Sorry, you can't download more than one at a time, but you can purchase this type of data and more information from our Canadian Geographical Names Data Base.

  5. I am looking for a listing of counties in Canada, but I am having problems. What is the proper terminology of hierarchy levels in each province?
    It is confusing! Many provinces have a different structure. There is a page which shows the different levels by province and territory.

  6. When I checked out your GeoNames web site, I got Lat/Long but not UTM coordinates. Is there any way to get UTM coordinates from this data base? Or do you know of another site I could access?
    UTM coordinates may be calculated at this site: Canadian Spatial Reference System

Information found on the database

  1. What is the most common geographical feature name in Canada?
    We have compiled a list on the Most Common Feature Name in Canada, as well as a list on the Most Common Populated Places in Canada.

Digital data

  1. How do I purchase digital names data?
    On the Canadian Geographical Names Data Base (CGNDB) we store names records for Canadian populated places (such as cities and towns) and physical features (like rivers and mountains).

    If you are interested in buying digital data you may want to look at the price list. If you would like to order digital data, you should consult the CGNDB Technical Services or you can write to us over the net.

  2. I would like to purchase data and re-use the information for another product. What are the legal issues involved?
    If you are buying GeoNames digital data and are interested in use, other than as an "End User", click here .


  1. How do I order maps?
    You should contact the Canada Map Office for information on how to purchase topographic maps, or if you have any questions about NTS maps.

  2. I am planning a road trip across North America; where can I find maps and related travel information?
    For any road travel information, it is best to check with specialists such as the CAA and the AAA.

Travel Info

  1. I am vacationing in Canada, what are the weather conditions like?
    If you are travelling in Canada, some good resources are Excite's CityNet and The Weather Channel.

  2. I am planning a road trip across North America; where can I find maps and related travel information?
    For any road travel information, it is best to check with specialists such as the CAA and the AAA.

Other helpful info

  1. Where can I find genealogical material?
    On our GeoNames site, we do not have any genealogical information, but we have included a list of links to other sites.

  2. I am looking for information to help with the translation of geographical names.
    We have included some useful information for translators, like quick reference lists for pan-Canadian names, and abbreviations and symbols of the names of the provinces and territories


Outside Canada

  1. What if I would like to get some information on a place or feature in the United States?
    The U.S. government maintains a number of useful sites related to geographical names. For example the USGS has a Geographic Names Information System site with search engines to allow queries on any feature name in the U.S.

2006-05-25Important notices