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Current Toponymic Research Projects

In Canoma Vol. 5, No. 2 (December 1979) we printed a list of current toponymic research projects, with brief comments on the subject matter of each. Subsequently, in December issues of Canoma this information has been updated by listing additions, amendments and completions, grouped on a regional basis. As we are attempting annually to update this inventory, we now include information supplied to us by researchers in 2001. Should you have news of toponymic projects, the GNBC Secretariat would be glad to receive your comments. Anyone wishing to have addresses of particular researchers should also contact the Secretariat.


Brice-Bennett, Carol Happy Valley Inuit Toponymy continuing
Fletcher, Christopher Halifax Seafloor feature names around the Aspotogan Peninsula, south shore, Nova Scotia continuing
Fry, Garry
Handcock, Gordon
St. John's Toponyms of Newfoundland and Labrador beaver trappers continuing
Fry, Garry
Handcock, Gordon
Hawkins, Randy
St. John's Newfoundland toponymy - "Great Northern Peninsula" continuing
Toponymy of the Central Newfoundland area from the records of the pulp and paper industry of Grand Falls (Price Nfld. Co.) continuing
Fry, Garry
Hawkins, Randy
St. John's Key word indexing of board meetings of Newfoundland Geographic Names Board, 1977-1981 continuing
Hamilton, W.B. Sackville, N.B. Place name "reform" in Atlantic Canada continuing
Field research on place names of South Eastern New Brunswick 2002-2004
Handcock, Gordon St. John's Bibliography of Newfoundland toponymy continuing
Influences of explorers and surveyors on Newfoundland toponymy continuing
Labrador: toponymic field work continuing
Newfoundland: toponymic field work continuing
Hewson, John St. John's Micmac place names continuing
Hollett, R. St. John's Names of Trinity Bay and the South Coast continuing
Hollett, R.
Kirwin, W.J.
St. John's Place names in Placentia Bay with emphasis on pronunciation continuing
Knierim, Gus
Murray, Doug
Thornbury, Ont.
Charlottetown, PEI
Newfoundland post office names, 1949 to present continuing
La Brie, Léo Hull Équivalents français des toponymes de la côte Est continuing
MacKenzie, Marguerite St. John's Linguistic analysis of East Cree and Innu place names continuing
MacNaughton, Neil St. John's Development and implementation of a data base application to manage Newfoundland and Labrador toponymic data continuing
Mailhot, J. Montréal Labrador: Montagnais-Naskapi toponymy continuing
Murray, Doug Charlottetown, PEI New Brunswick post office names 1998 to present continuing
Penney, Gerald St. John's Micmac place names in Central and Southern Newfoundland continuing
Pocius, Gerald St. John's Cognitive mapping through place naming in Newfoundland (Southern Shore and Bonavista Bay) continuing
Thomas, Gerald St. John's Denominational toponyms: churches and schools in Newfoundland continuing
Microtoponyms in rural Newfoundland communities continuing
Noms de lieux et de lieux-dits associés aux Franco-Terreneuviens de la presqu'île de Port-au-Port continuing
Toponyms in rural Newfoundland communities continuing


Browning, Geoffrey R. Ottawa Origin and history of place names of Stanstead County, Quebec continuing
Charland, Philippe Sainte-Julie La toponymie des Abénaquis 2001-2004
Commission de toponymie Québec
Codification référentielle des toponymes officiels du Québec continuing
Codification sémantique des toponymes officiels du Québec continuing
Désignation des infrastructures d'Hydro-Québec continuing
Désignation des sites et monuments historiques continuing
La langue de la toponymie québécoise continuing
La toponymie des Cris 2003
Les toponymes montagnais de la rivière Moisie 2002
Recherche terminologique sur le mot parc et ses formes composés continuing
Commission franco-québecoise sur les lieux de mémoire communs Paris Désignations toponymiques commémoratives à partir de thèmes communs à la France et au Québec continuing
Denton, David Val-d'Or Toponyms of Whapmagoostui continuing
Dorion, Henri Québec Les surnoms de lieux 2001
Toponymie et éponymie continuing
Toponymie récréative (ouvrage) 2001
Dorion, Henri
Poirer, Jean
Québec Les noms de lieux étrangers 2002
Dubois, Jean-Marie M. Sherbrooke Évolution spatiale et temporelle de l'odonymie de la ville de Sherbrooke continuing
Dubois, Jean-Marie M.
Côté, Gérard
Sherbrooke Historique de l'odonymie de la ville de Sherbrooke continuing
Guide de toponymie de la ville de Sherbrooke 2000-2003
Dugas, Jean-Yves Québec Dérivés de noms de personnes continuing
Jumelage de lieux et toponymie continuing
Les gentilés anglais du Québec continuing
Fourcaudot, Marcel Québec Terminologie employée dans la normalisation des noms géographiques continuing
Fortin, Jacques Québec Banques des noms continuing
Désignations toponymiques commémoratives continuing
Gagné, Michel Boucherville Étude toponymique des noms de bureaux de poste du Québec continuing
Grenier, Fernand Québec La toponymie de la Beauce continuing
Hamelin, Louis-Edmond Sillery Laurentides
Vocabulaire géo-culturelle du Québec : études notionelles et apports continuing
Nord et hiver 2001
Hamelin, Pierre Sainte-Foy La toponymie dans les monographies continuing
La Brie, Léo Hull Les systèmes thématiques de l'odonymie hulloise continuing
L'influence de l'anglais dans les génériques implantés au Québec continuing
Macdonald, Craig K. Kipawa-Dumoine, Québec Native toponyms of Kipawa-Dumoine continuing
Morin, Jacques Carl Charlesbourg Les noms de rues de Charlesbourg continuing
Poirier, Jean Québec Bibliographie onomastique du Canada continuing
Richard, Marc Québec La relation entre le nom et le lieu à travers l'acte de dénomination continuing
Thériault, Marie La Salle Micro-toponymie de Kamouraska et de l'île d'Orléans 2002


Addington, Charles London Revision of Campbell's Canada Post Offices, 1755-1895 continuing
Ball, Jeff Peterborough Design and implementation of an automated data base for Ontario toponymic records continuing
Kraemer, James E. Ottawa A postal history of the settlements in Bruce County continuing
A postal history of the settlements in Grey County continuing
Lapierre, André Ottawa Toponymie historique de la partie occidentalle de la Nouvelle-France (Ontario) continuing
Macdonald, Craig K. Whitney, Ont. Native toponyms of "Bisco" - Chapleau - Sudbury continuing
Native toponyms of Lake Nipissing and French River continuing
Native toponyms of Pic - Michipicoten continuing
Manchee, Eric B. Ottawa Mapping of post offices opened in Upper Canada, Canada West and Ontario up to 1986, with name changes continuing
Morley, William F.E. Kingston Kingston street names continuing
O'Brien, Kathleen Orleans Geographical names in Cumberland Township
Street names in Ottawa-Carleton continuing
Pitblado, Roger Sudbury Geographies of Ontario's northern lakes as reflected in their geographical names continuing
Integrating WWW geographical names sources into teaching and research programs in Northeastern Ontario continuing
Rayburn, Alan Nepean The origin of township names in Ontario continuing
Ontario's regional divisions 2001-2002
Smith, Robert C. Ottawa Postal histories of the Ontario counties of Elgin continuing
Postal histories of the Ontario counties of Norfolk continuing


Aubrey, Merrily K. Edmonton Concise place names of Alberta; highlighting 2000-3000 of the more prominent cultural and geographical features in the province continuing
Toponymic tour brochure of the Icefields Parkway continuing
2005 for 2005-The best of Alberta's place names for Alberta's Centenary 2005
Barry, William Regina Historical names and locally-used names of Saskatchewan continuing
City of Edmonton Heritage Sites Committee Edmonton Guide to street, park, road, etc. names in the City of Edmonton 1996-2004
Fauchon, André Winnipeg La toponymie française au Manitoba continuing
Holm, Gerald Winnipeg Place names of Manitoba continuing
Holm, Gerald
Kappel, D.
Buchner, T.
Stevenson, D.
Winnipeg A Place Name of Honour – Manitoba's war dead commemorated in its geography 2002
Johansen, J.G. Camrose, Alberta Naming of locales in Camrose and area continuing
Kyba, Daniel A. Edmonton Rocky Mountain and "Front Ranges toponymy" continuing
Léonard, Carol Regina Toponymie d'origine et d'influence française en Saskatchewan de 1751 à nos jours - en révision / revision 2002
Les toponymes Coles et Lacolle en Saskatchewan continuing
La toponymie française chez Alexander Mackenzie, Daniel Harmon et Alexander Henry (the Younger) 2003
Scrimgeour, Gray Victoria Postal history, post offices, postmarks, and postal routes to 1905 continuing
Thompson, Dr. Donald W.
Wagner, Dr. Norman E.
Calgary A postal history of the territory of Assiniboia, 1882-1905 2002
Tingley, Ken Edmonton "A" is Alberta continuing
All These Were Honoured in Their Generations continuing


Campbell, Kenneth Prince Rupert Toponymy of British Columbia's north and central coast continuing
Lean, L.P. Merritt Origins of past and present names of physical features and places within the watershed of the Nicola River or Nicola basin; includes Native names continuing
McIntyre, Jack Victoria Historical study of the toponymy of the Saanich Peninsula and lower Gulf Islands continuing
Rozen, David Vancouver Place names of the Central Coast Salish First Nations people of British Columbia (Halkomelem, Strait Salish, and Squamish languages) continuing
Quesnel Genealogy Club Quesnel Quesnel and area place names continuing
Scrimgeour, Gray Victoria Postal history, post offices, postmarks and postal routes to 1905 continuing
Steele, Grace Quesnel History of Quesnel and area - pre-historic to gold rush continuing
Swanson, James L. Banff Place names in the Canadian Rockies continuing
Topping, W.E. Vancouver British Columbia Post Offices, location and dates of operation (revision) 2001
Woodsworth, Glenn Vancouver Geographical names and history of the Coast Mountains continuing


Alfred, Jerry Pelly, Yukon Selkirk First Nations Place Names Collection continuing
Andrews, Thomas Yellowknife Documenting Dogrib traditional sites (including toponyms) on the Camsell River trail linking the community of Rae Lakes with Great Bear Lake continuing
Bergquist, Kathleen
Mannik, Hattie
Baker Lake
Traditional use of Thelon, Back, and Kazan rivers by Caribou Inuit continuing
Freeman, Randolf Yellowknife Place names of the north Great Slave Lake region continuing
Northern people and places research for CBC North Radio continuing
Goehring, Brian Vancouver Inuit place names: Kitikmeot region of Nunavut continuing
Goldring, Philip Ottawa/Hull Whaling history and post-contact human history of Baffin Island continuing
Haggman, Bertil Helsingborg, Sweden Scandanavian Geographical Names in Arctic Canada (Nunavut) continuing
Hamelin, Louis-Edmond Sillery Toponymes nordiques chez Mercator, 1595 continuing
Hutton, Melody Mayo, Yukon Nacho Nyak Dun First Nations Place Names Collection continuing
Immaruittuq, Emile Igloolik Inuit place names of the Igloolik area continuing
Jackson, Susan Sechelt, B.C. Origins of place names in the Yellowknife mining area
Yellowknife street names, past and present, family history continuing
Jenness, Stuart Ottawa Locations noted by Diamond Jenness, in the Victoria Island area continuing
Kerfoot, Helen Ottawa Geographical names of Northern Canada: miscellaneous
Poster on naming in Northern Canada for UN 2002 2002
Kwanlin Dun First Nation Whitehorse Research and documentation of place names in the traditional territory of the Kwanlin Dun First Nation continuing
MacDonald, Agnes B.
Workman, Margaret (Yukon Native Language Centre)
Whitehorse Athapaskan place names of Aishihik, Kloo Lake and Kluane regions continuing
MacDonald, John Igloolik, Nunavut Names used by explorers in the northern Foxe Basin area continuing
MacDonald, John
Tapardjuk, Louis
Otak, Leah
Igloolik, Nunavut Igloolik Oral History Project - collection and translation of Igloolik-area toponymy continuing
Metis Heritage Association Yellowknife Metis place names of the Northwest Territories continuing
Peplinski, Lynn Iqaluit, NT Inuit place names for South Baffin continuing
Scrimgeour, Gray Victoria Postal History, post offices, postmarks, and postal routes to 1905: historic N.W.T.; Yukon and modern N.W.T. continuing
Suluk, Luke
Arviat Historical Society
Arviat Traditional place names of the Keewatin continuing
White River First Nation T'chawshamon Society White River area First Nations place names in the Snag region continuing
Yukon Geographical Names Board
Loucheux people
Yukon Renewable Resources Department
Whitehorse Place names of Native historical interest in the Dempster Corridor continuing


Ahrens, Wolfgang Toronto Toponymy in German-Canadian settlements continuing
Barr, Elinor Thunder Bay Canadian toponyms of Swedish origin continuing
Bonnelly, Christian Québec Établissement d'une liste d'exonymes des Amériques continuing
Commission de toponymie Québec Exonymes français sur le Web 2002
Drummond, R. Norman Montréal Place names commemorating geographers from McGill University continuing
Place names commemorating McGill University and its graduates continuing
Dugas, Jean-Yves Québec Bibliographie commentée relative aux gentilés du Québec et du Canada continuing
Freile, Luis Lancaster, Pennsylvania Numerous map projects about Canada, its provinces individually, and its cities and regions continuing
GNBC Secretariat Ottawa Compilation of bibliographic material on Aboriginal toponymy of Canada continuing
Kalmakoff, Jonathan Regina Origin and meaning of Doukhobor place names in Saskatchewan, Alberta and British Columbia continuing
Kerfoot, Helen Ottawa Canada and United Nations standardization of geographical names continuing
Mapping distributions of features with particular types of names continuing
Naming of sites for oil and gas drilling 2003
La Brie, Léo Hull Problèmes de correspondance entre les génériques de l'anglais et du français continuing
Lapierre, André Ottawa French geographical names in Canada continuing
French place names in North America continuing
Language contact in North American place names continuing
Language policy and geographical naming in Canada continuing
Toponymie française en Amérique
Writing systems for Aboriginal toponyms
Léonard, Carol Regina Génèse des noms de lieux. Survol des modes dénominatifs 2003
MacDonald, Terry Calgary Geographical features named for Canadian Victoria Cross and George Cross winners continuing
Morin, Carl Charlesbourg, Québec Le nom de famille Morin dans les toponymes et les odonymes continuing
O'Brien, Kathleen Orleans Artists and art in geographical names
Canadian VC winners and geographical name commemorations
Geographical names commemorating members of the Geographic Board of Canada and its successors continuing
Geographical names reflecting authors, fictitious characters, and places continuing
O'Brien, Vern Howard Springs, NT, Australia Former presidents of the Royal Geographical Society - place names in Australia and Canada continuing
Okulitch, Andrew V. Vancouver Nomenclature and definition of major physiographic features of Canada in conjunction with compilation of 1:1M scale Geological Atlas of Canada continuing
O'Reilly, Kevin N.W.T., Yukon, and Labrador Place names, post offices, and postal history continuing
Rayburn, Alan Nepean Who was who in North American name study 2001-2002
Who is who in North American name study 2002
Reichwein, Pearl Ann Edmonton Alpine Club of Canada continuing
Richard, Marc Québec Les procédés de création de noms géographiques continuing
Romanko, Jennifer Wetaskiwin, AB Determining all features named after men and women included in Canada's Aviation Hall of Fame continuing
Taylor, Nancy
Taylor, Iain
Dartmouth Gazetteer of British and Irish names and places with Canadian connections continuing
Gazetteer of Canadian names and places with British and Irish connections continuing
Terminology Translation Bureau / Terminologie Bureau de la traduction National Capital Region / Région de la capitale nationale Canadian toponyms in the other official language / Toponymes canadiens dans l'autre langue officielle continuing

2005-10-05Important notices