
Take Our Kids to Work Day / Wednesday, Nov. 1 (06/10/31)

NB 1338

Oct. 31, 2006

FREDERICTON (CNB) -- Thousands of Grade 9 students in New Brunswick will accompany a parent to work for Take Our Kids to Work Day on Wednesday, Nov. 1.


"We are proud to support this program," Education Minister Kelly Lamrock said. "For a number of years, this activity has provided students with a practical opportunity to explore career options and has helped them to better understand the connection between school and the world of work."

In anticipation of this event, students take part in preparatory activities in order to help them get the most out of the experience. After the visit, teachers and guidance counsellors encourage the students to evaluate the experience and reflect on what they saw and learned.

"Take our Kids to Work Day lets students see a parent or host in a different role with different responsibilities," Lamrock said. "It also shows that education goes beyond the limits of the classroom and that preparing young people for the world of work is a collective responsibility."

Take our Kids to Work Day was launched in 1994 and is organized by The Learning Partnership, a national non-profit organization which advocates a strong public education system in Canada. New Brunswick joined the program in 1996. Since 1998, the program has been held nationally, with all provinces and territories taking part.

"Hands-on learning and co-op education help students develop a passion for learning and among the objectives in our Charter for Change is to increase both," Lamrock said. "I want to acknowledge everyone who is inviting a student to work for this day, as it will help to better prepare students for the working world."


MEDIA CONTACTS: Jason Humphrey or Hugues Beaulieu, communications, Education, 506-444-4714.


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