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Total 577 record(s) found
Take Our Kids to Work Day / Wednesday, Nov. 1 (06/10/31)
Provincial dropout rate lowest ever (06/10/25)
National School Library Day (06/10/20)
School Bus Safety Week Oct. 15-21 (06/10/16)
Minister's message / School Sports Week (06/10/13)
Kindergarten registration to take place during October (06/10/10)
Minister's message / World Teachers' Day (06/10/05)
Over $1 million invested for capital projects in School District 6 (06/08/18)
New measures to improve inclusive education (06/08/17)
$1.1 million for capital projects in School District 8 (06/08/16)
$15.9 million for capital projects in School District 1 (06/08/15)
$4.9 million for capital projects in School District 2 (06/08/14)
Expansion work begins on the Centre scolaire-communautaire Samuel-de-Champlain (06/08/11)
More than 600 students participate in Education Plus summer camps - francophone sector (06/08/11)
$1.9 million for capital projects in School District 5 (06/08/09)
$3.8 million for capital projects in School District 15 (06/08/09)
$2.9 million for capital projects in School District 10 (06/08/08)
Report shows strong New Brunswick investment in education (06/08/04)
$4 million for capital projects in School District 16 (06/08/04)
$5.1 million for capital projects in School District 18 (06/08/03)
$889,000 for capital projects in School District 17 (06/08/02)
$1.9 million for capital projects in School District 11 (06/08/02)
$696,000 investment for capital projects in School District 9 (06/08/01)
Appointments to ministerial committee on inclusive education (06/07/31)
$795,000 for capital projects in School District 3 (06/07/31)
Fredericton High School student wins literary award / anglophone sector (06/07/13)
$7.4 million for capital projects in School District 14 (06/07/13)
Southern Victoria High School student receives Pearson scholarship (06/07/11)
Queen Elizabeth II Scholarships awarded (06/07/10)
2,900 students to have notebook computer in fall 2006 (06/06/22)
Minister's message / End of school year (06/06/16)
Government receives national award for promoting healthy-living initiatives (06/06/16)
Two projects will serve Rothesay schools (06/06/13)
Record $893-million budget for Department of Education (06/06/08)
Riverview High School vice-principal named outstanding educational leader, anglophone sector (06/06/06)
School districts awarded grants to promote healthy foods (06/06/02)
Forum on inclusive education provided key element for action plan on inclusion (06/05/29)
First recipients of Minister's Excellence in Teaching Award honoured (06/05/29)
Forum on inclusive education to be held May 28-29 (06/05/26)
Province invests $75,000 to upgrade gymnasium at Sunny Brae Middle School (06/05/26)
New Bathurst elementary school named in honour of Canadian hero (05/06/23)
Notebook computers delivered to teachers (06/05/16)
Premier happy with preliminary data on Dedicated Notebook Computer Research Project (06/05/08)
Tenth Forum on Education held in Fredericton (06/05/02)
New $5-million Dieppe school to be called École Carrefour de l'Acadie (06/04/24)
Education minister meets with boards of directors of teachers' associations (06/04/07)
Innovative program welcomes preschoolers to kindergarten (06/04/06)
Launch of 17th annual Provincial French Pride Week (06/03/20)
Report on inclusive education in New Brunswick released (06/03/15)
Minister's Excellence in Teaching Award nomination deadline approaching (06/03/13)
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