Ministry of Energy and Mines

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New Survey Data
Regional Geochemistry
Till Sediment Surveys
Lake Sediment/Water
Focused Stream Surveys
BC Assayers Certification

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ARIS Assessment Reports
Bedrock Mapping
Educational Resources
Exploration & Mines
Geology of BC
Geophysical Data
Geoscience Agencies
Industrial Minerals
MINFILE Mineral Inventory
Mineral Properties Available
Metallic Minerals
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral Potential
Publications Catalogue
Staff: Who Are We?
Surficial Geology & Hazards
Terrain & Soil Maps
What's New

Geochemical Surveys

The Geochemistry Unit is responsible for conducting regional multi-media surveys and providing complementary research and orientation studies designed to promote the effective use of exploration geochemistry in British Columbia.  High quality data produced from these regional programs and detailed studies is used by the mining industry to identify new exploration targets and by government for resource management, land use planning and environmental assessment.

bulletRegional Geochemistry (RGS)
bulletRGS Summary & Downloads
bulletTill Sediment Surveys
bulletLake Sediment/Water
bulletFocused Stream Surveys
bulletBC Assayers Certification Program

Helicopter supported sampling

This page last updated: August 23, 2006.

Geological Survey Branch Home Page


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