Ministry of Energy and Mines
 Metallic Minerals

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Eskay Creek-type Deposits
Gold Skarns
New Models - Cordillera
Volcanic Arc Metallogeny
VMS Deposits
Sedex Deposits

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ARIS Assessment Reports
Bedrock Mapping
Educational Resources
Exploration & Mines
Geology of BC
Geophysical Data
Geoscience Agencies
Industrial Minerals
MINFILE Mineral Inventory
Mineral Properties Available
Metallic Minerals
Mineral Deposit Profiles
Mineral Potential
Publications Catalogue
Staff: Who Are We?
Surficial Geology & Hazards
Terrain & Soil Maps
What's New

British Columbia produces copper, molybdenum, zinc, lead, silver, gold, aluminum and other meetals from eight mines and two smelters.  The province has potential to provide nickel, platinum, palladium, tungsten and a number of other metals.
bulletMineral Deposit Profiles
bulletNew Mineral Deposit Models for the Cordillera
bulletMetallogeny of Volcanic Arcs (Short Course at Pathways '98)
bulletOpen File 1999-2: Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide Deposits in BC
bulletOpen File 1999-14: Potential for Subaqueous Hot-Spring (Eskay Creek) Deposits in BC
bulletOpen File 2000-22: Sedimentary Hosted Exhalative Deposits of BC
bulletBulletin 88:  Carbonatites, Nepheline Syenites, Kimberlites and Related Rocks in BC
bulletBulletin 101:  Skarns in British Columbia
bulletBulletin 108:  Ophiolite Related Gold-Quartz Veins in North American Cordillera
bulletOpen File 2004-18:  Lode Gold Production and Resources in BC (1890-2003)
bulletMines & Exploration Projects by Year
bulletCharacteristics of Gold Skarns
bulletMajor Silver Deposits of BC
bulletGeoFile 2000-2: Platinum Group Element Mineral Occurrences in BC
bulletGeoFile 2000-5: Potential for Palladium and Platinum Deposits
bulletGeoFile 2004-11: Significant Porphyry Cu-Au Resources
bulletGeoFile 2005-23:  Table of Significant BC Porphyry Molybdenum Resources
bulletIC 2005-3: Molybdenum in British Columbia
bulletIC 2003-2: Gold Brochure
bulletIC 1998-10: World Class Silver Mines
bulletGeoFile 2006-7: Massive Sulphide Deposits at Myra Falls Operations, Vancouver Island, BC
bulletGeoFile 2004-6: Platinum Group Elements in Alkaline Cu-Au Porphyry
bulletGeoFile 2002-5: BC's Fe Oxide Cu-Au Deposit Potential
bulletGeological Fieldwork 2005

For questions or more information on geology and minerals in British Columbia please contact GSB Mailbox or use the toll free number (BC residents only).
This page last updated: November 30, 2006.

BC Geological Survey Home Page

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