Ministry of Energy and Mines
 MEMPR-UVic Partnership

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Partnership Agreement
Program Areas
Project Forms
Committee & Positions
Project Lists
Application Procedures

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Partnership Map
2002 Achievements
MEMPR-UVic Partnership


We are pleased to inform you that the Offshore Oil and Gas Division of the Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources has contributed additional funding to the UVic-MEMPR Research Partnership to fund a new round of research activities on offshore oil and gas issues.  The deadline for the next round of offshore oil and gas related research applications is March 31st, 2006 (2006/02/20).

In today's ever-changing world, innovation is the key for our province to excel in the global and technology-driven industries such as the Energy and Mining sectors. The Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources (MEMPR) recognizes the importance of investing in tomorrow's researchers and industry leaders to foster BC's innovation and research capacity.

The MEMPR and the University of Victoria (UVic) established a Social Science and Science Partnership in February 2003 (Agreement).  The goal of this partnership is to promote innovation and support co-op student and research projects that will benefit UVic, MEMPR and the British Columbia energy and mining sectors. It is important that projects funded under this partnership are supported by both UVic and MEMPR and meet the commitments of the partnership agreement.

The partnership is led by the committee, consisting of six voting members and three other members from both MEMPR and UVic. The committee's mandate is to ensure sound management and direction of all the activities taken under this partnership.  The committee established an application procedure and selection criteria to ensure each application is carefully reviewed and the most suitable projects are selected for funding.  Proponents are recommended to contact Brian Grant (Committee Secretary) to determine for availability of funding before they start the application procedure.

Program Areas:

  1. Alternative Energy
  2. First Nations
  3. Minerals
  4. Offshore Oil and Gas
  5. Onshore Oil and Gas

For more information on the MEMPR-UVic Partnership, please contact:

Brian Grant (Committee Secretary)
Ministry of Energy, Mines and Petroleum Resources
Mining & Minerals Division
Phone: 250.952.0454
Fax: 250.952.0381

Cecilia Freeman-Ward (Committee Treasurer)
University of Victoria
Executive Assistant to the Vice President Research
Phone: 250.472.5383
Fax: 250.721.8960

Last updated June 02, 2006

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