Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaMapping Services 
Some publications on geographical names

Publications of the GNBC and its individual members include policy documents and manuals, gazetteers, glossaries, newsletters and brochures. Although these sell for a variety of prices, some items are available free of charge. The following list is but a sample; for more information please contact the GNBC Secretariat or individual GNBC members.

Free of charge

For sale

Publications available from:

Government of Canada Publications
Publishing and Depository Services
Public Works and Government Services Canada
Ottawa ON K1A 0S9
Phone: 1-800-635-7943 (toll free), (613) 941-5995 (local)
Fax: 1-800-565-7757 (toll free), (613) 954-5779 (local)

Publications available from:

Les Publications du Québec
Case postale 1005
Québec, Québec G1K 7B5
Tel.: (418) 643-5150
Fax: (418) 643-6177
Free within Quebec:
Tel.: 1-800-463-2100
Fax: 1-800-561-3479

Publications available for sale from GNBC Secretariat: