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La mise en valeur des ressources du Nord
Métallogénie de la Province de Churchill occidentale
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Métallogénie de la Province de Churchill occidentale
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Andrews, J.T. 1989. Quaternary geology of the northeastern Shield. (Chapter 3: Quaternary Geology of the Canadian Shield). in Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 1, pages 276-317.

Dredge, L A., and Cowan, W R. 1989. Quaternary Geology of the southwestern Canadian Shield (Chapter 3: Quaternary Geology of the Canadian Shield). in Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 1, pages 214-235

Dyke, A.S, Moore, A., Robertson, L. 2004. Deglaciation of North America. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1574. maps.

Dyke, A.S, Giroux, D., Robertson, L. 2004. Paleovegetation maps of North America. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4682. 15 maps at 1:7 500 000 scale.

Dyke, A S., Andrews, J T., Clark, P U., England, J H., Miller, G H., Shaw, J., and Veillette, J J. 2002. The Laurentide and Innuitian ice sheets during the Last Glacial Maximum. Quaternary Science Reviews 21:9-31.

Dyke, A S., and Dredge, L A. 1989. Quaternary geology of the northwestern Canadian Shield (Chapter 3: Quaternary Geology of the Canadian Shield). in Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 1, pages 189-214

Dyke, A.S., Dredge, L. A., and Vincent, J-S. 1982. Configuration and dynamics of the Laurentide ice sheet during the Late Wisconsin maximum. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 36: p5-14.

Dyke, A S., McNeely, R N., Hooper, J. 1996. Marine reservoir corrections for bowhead whale radiocarbon age determinations. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 33: 1628-1637

Dyke, A. S., and Prest, V. K. 1987. Late Wisconsinan and Holocene history of the Laurentide Ice Sheet. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 41: 237-263.

Dyke, A S., Vincent, J S., Andrews, J T., Dredge, L A., and Cowan, W R. 1989. The Laurentide Ice Sheet and An introduction to the Quaternary geology of the Canadian Shield (Chapter 3: Quaternary Geology of the Canadian Shield). in Quaternary geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 1, pages 178-189

Fulton, R.J. and J.T. Andrews (eds). 1987. The Laurentide ice Sheet. Géographie physique et quaternaire, 41 no2, 318pp.

Prest, V.K., Grant, D.R., and Rampton, V.N. 1967. Glacial map of Canada. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1253A.

1) Manitoba: NTS 54 EFKLM, 64 IJKNOP

Coker, W.B. and DiLabio, R.N.W. 1979. Initial geochemical results and exploration significance of two uraniferous peat bogs, Kasmere Lake, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canda, Paper 79-13, p 199-206.

Dredge, L. A. 1979. Thaw depths and permafrost in polygonal peat terrain, Hudson Bay lowland, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-01C, pages 27-30.

Dredge, L A., Nixon, F. M. 1979. Thermal sensitivity and the development of tundra ponds and thermokarst lakes in the Manitoba portion of the Hudson Bay lowland. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-01C,; pages 23-26.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F. M. 1980. Nature and distribution of sand and gravel, northeastern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-01B, pages 283-286.

Dredge, L.A. 1981. The leaching of carbonates in discontinuous permafrost, boreal Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 81-1C, p 23-25.

Dredge, L A. and Dufour, M-F. 1977. Terrain reconnaissance, Lake Agassiz margin, northern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-01A, pages 45-49.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1981. Surficial geology, Nejanilini Lake, Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map7-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1981. Surficial geology, Churchill, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map4-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1981. Surficial geology, Cape Churchill, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 3-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A. 1981. Trace elements in till and Esker sediments in northwestern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper81-01A, pages 377-381.

Dredge, L A. 1982. Trace element concentrations from overburden samples in northeastern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper82-01A, pages 427-431.

Dredge, L.A. 1982. Relict ice scour marks and late phases of lake Agassiz in northernmost Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 19: 1079-1087.

Dredge, L A. 1983. Uranium and base metal concentrations in till samples from northern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 931 (maps).

Dredge, L A. 1983. Uranium and Base Metal Concentrations in till samples from northern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 83-01B, pages 303-307.

Dredge, L.A. 1983. Character and development of Glacial Lake Agassiz and its relation to Keewatin and Hudson ice regimes. in Glacial Lake Agassiz, J. Teller and L. Clayton (ed.). Geological Association of Canada, Special Paper 26, p 117-131.

Dredge, L. A. 1988. Drift carbonate on the Canadian Shield. II: carbonate dispersal and ice-flow patterns in northern Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences 25: 783-787.

Dredge, L. A. 1988. The buffering potential of carbonate soils in discontinuous permafrost terrain, against natural and man-induced acidification. Proceedings, 5th international permafrost conference, Trondheim; 1:564-567.

Dredge, L A., Nixon, F M. 1992. Glacial and environmental geology of northeastern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 432, 80 pages.

Dredge, L A. 1992. Field guide to the Churchill region, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 53, 52 pages.

Dredge, L A. 1992. Guide d'excursion pour la région de Churchill, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Miscellaneous Report 53, 57 pages.

Dredge, L A., and Cowan, W. R. 1989. Quaternary geology of the southwestern Canadian Shield: Chapter 3: Quaternary geology of the Canadian Shield; in Quaternary geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series, no. 1, pages 214-235

Dredge, L A., Cowan, W. R. 1989. Le Quaternaire du sud-ouest du Bouclier Canadien: Chapitre 3: Le Quaternaire du Bouclier Canadien, in Le Quaternaire du Canada et du Groenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.) Commission Géologique du Canada, Geology of Canada Series, no. 1, pages 229-251.

Dredge, L A., Morgan, A V., Nielsen, E. 1990. Sangamon and Pre-Sangamon interglaciations in the Hudson Bay Lowlands of Manitoba. Géographie physique et quaternaire, 44: 319-336.

Dredge, L.A., and Nielsen, E. 1987. The Churchill and Gillam areas, and glacial history, sea level record, periglacial geomorphology and archaeology of the Churchill area.12th INQUAA congress, Ottawa, field excursion C-13, p 7-17.

Dredge, L A., and Nielsen, E. 1987. Glacial and interglacial stratigraphy, Hudson Bay Lowlands, Manitoba; in, North-central section of the Geological Society of America Centennial field guide; Biggs, D L. (ed.) vol. 3:43-46.

Dredge, L A. and Nielsen, E. 1986. Gold concentrations in till, Great Island, northern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 86-01A, pages 779-782.

Dredge, L A., Nielsen, E. 1985. Glacial and interglacial deposits in the Hudson Bay lowlands: a summary of sites in Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 85-01A, pages 247-257.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1982. Surficial geology, Herchmer, Manitoba; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 1-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1982. Surficial geology, York Factory, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 2-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1982. Surficial geology, Shethanei Lake, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 6-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1982. Surficial geology, Caribou River, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 5-1980, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1986. Surficial geology, northeastern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map 1617A, scale 1:500 000.

Dredge, L A., Nixon, F M., and Richardson, R J. 1982. Surficial geology, Kasmere Lake, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map19-1981, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., Nixon, F M., Richardson, R J. 1985. Surficial geology, northwestern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, "A" Series Map1608A, scale 1:500 000.

Dredge, L A., Nixon, F M., and Richardson, R J. 1982. Surficial geology, Tadoule Lake, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map17-1981, scale 1:250 000.

Dredge, L A., Nixon, F M., and Richardson, R J. 1986. Quaternary geology and geomorphology of northwestern Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 418, 38 pages

Dyke, A S. and Dredge, L A. 1989. Quaternary geology of the northwestern Canadian Shield: Chapter 3: Quaternary geology of the Canadian Shield; in Quaternary geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series , no. 1, pages 189-214.

Dyke, A S., and Dredge, L A. 1989. Le Quaternaire du nord-ouest du Bouclier Canadien: Chapitre 3: Le Quaternaire du Bouclier Canadien; in Le Quaternaire du Canada et du Groenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series, no. 1, pages 202-229.

Dyke, L.D. 1988. Permafrost aggradation along an emergent coast, Churchill Manitoba. Proceedings, 5th international permafrost conference, Trondheim; 1:138-142.

Dyke, L.D. 1984. Frost heaving of bedrock in permafrost regions. Bulletin of the Association of Engineering Geologists, 21: 389-405.

French, H M., Richard, P., Schreiner, B T., Dredge, L A., Neilsen, E., Klassen, R. W., Fenton, M M., and Vickers, J R. 1987. Excursion guide book C13: the Quaternary between Hudson Bay and the Rocky Mountains. 12th INQUAA congress, Ottawa.

Nielsen, E. 1987. Till geochemistry of the Seal River area east of Great Island Manitoba. Manitoba Energy and Mines, Open File report OF-87, 28p.

Nielsen, E., and Dredge, L.A. 1982. Quaternary striatigraphy and geomorphology of a part of the lower Nelson River. Geological Association of Canada, Field Trip Guide 5, Winnipeg, 56p.

Nielsen, E., Morgan, A.V., Morgan, A., Mott, R.J., Rutter, N. W., and Cause, C. 1986. Stratigraphy, paleoecology, and glacial history of the Gillam area, Manitoba. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 23: 1641-1661.

Nixon, F M., Dredge, L A., and Richardson, R J. 1982. Surficial geology, Munroe Lake, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 20-1981, scale 1:250 000.

Paradis, S. 1980. Les depots meubles et la géomorphologie de la région de Churchill, Manitoba. thèse MA, Université d'Ottawa.

Richardson, R J., Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1982. Surficial geology, Whiskey Jack Lake, Manitoba. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map18-1981, scale 1:250 000.

Taylor, F. C. 1961. Interglacial conglomerate in northern Manitoba, Canada. Geological Society of America, Bulletin, 72: 167-168.

In press:

Dredge, L.A., and Mott, R.J. 2004. Holocene pollen records and peatland development, northeastern Manitoba. Géographie physique et quaternaire, x: xx-xx.

2) North Saskatchewan

Campbell, J.E. 2001. Phelps Lake Project: Highlights of the Quaternary Investigations in the Bonokoski Lake area (NTS 64M-11, -12, -13, and -14) in Summary of Investigations 2001, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines Misc. Report. 2001-4.2, p. 19-27.

Campbell, J.E. 2002. Phelps Lake Project: Surficial Geology of the Keseechewun Lake area (NTS 64M-09, -10, -15, and -16). in Summary of Investigations 2002, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Industry and Resources Misc. Report. 2002-4.2, 1: 100,000 scale map.

Campbell, J.E. 2002. Phelps Lake Project: Highlights of the Quaternary Investigations in the Keseechewun Lake area (NTS 64M-09, -10, -15, and -16). in Summary of Investigations 2002, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Industry and Resources Misc. Report. 2002-4.2, Paper A-2.

Campbell, J.E. 2002. Phelps Lake Project: Surficial Geology of the Bonokoski Lake area (NTS 64M-11, -12, -13 and -14). in Summary of Investigations 2002, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Industry and Resources Misc. Report. 2002-4.2, 1: 100,000 scale map.

Campbell, J.E. 2003. Highlights of the Quaternary Investigations in the Reindeer Lake area of the Peter Lake Domain (part of NTS 64E-10). in Summary of Investigations 2003, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines Misc. Report. 2003-4.2.

Campbell, J.E. 2003. Peter Lake Domain Project: Surficial Geology of the Patterson Island Area, Reindeer Lake (parts of NTS 64E-10 and -15) Eastern Peter Lake Domain. in Summary of Investigations 2003, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines Misc. Report. 2003-4.2. 1: 50,000 scale map.

Campbell, J. and Shives, R. 2000. Status report on the surficial geological framework for the NEA-IAEA study area, eastern Athabasca Basin. in Summary of Investigations 2000, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Energy Mines Misc. Report. 2000-4.2, p. 170-172.

Campbell, J.E., Shives, R.B.K., and Klassen, R.A. 2002. Integrated field investigations of airborne radiometric spectral domains, NEA-IAEA test area, eastern Athabasca Basin: A preliminary report. in Summary of Investigations 2002, Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Industry Resources, Misc. Rep. 2002-4.2, CD-ROM, paper D-13.

Campbell, J.E., Shives, R.B.K., and Klassen, R.A. 2003. Field investigations of airborne radiometric spectral domain D, NEA-IAEA Test Area, eastern Athabasca Basin. in Summary of Investigations 2003 Volume 2, Saskatchewan Geological Survey, Sask. Industry Resources, Misc. Rep. 2003-4.2, CD-ROM, paper D-13.

Harper, C.T., Campbell, J.E. and MacDougall, D.G. 2002. Phelps Lake Project: rock and till Geochemistry of the Bonokoski Lake area (NTS 64M-NW) and mineral oOccurrence geochemistry of the Phelps Lake area (NTS 64M). Sask Industry and Resources, Data File 21, 1p and 1 diskette.

McNamara, S.J. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Phelps Lake area (64-M) Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 18, 1:25,000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T.S., (1984): Quaternary Geology of the Precambrian Shield, Saskatchewan, Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open file Report 221, 106 p., 1:1,000,000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Île à la Crosse area (73-O) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 5, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Foster Lake area (74-A) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 7, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Mudjatik area (74-B) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84-8, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the La Loche area (74-C) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84-9, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Reindeer Lake North area (64-E) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 10, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Geikie River area (74-H) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 11, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Cree Lake area (74-G) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84-12, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Lloyd Lake area (74-F) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84-13, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Wollaston Lake area (64-L) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 14, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Pasfield Lake area (74-I) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84-I5, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Livingston Lake area (74-J) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 16, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the William River area (74-K) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 17, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Stony Rapids area (74-P) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 19, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Fond-du-Lac River area (74-O) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 20, 1:250 000 scale map.

Schreiner, B.T. (1984): Quaternary geology of the Tazin Lake area (74-N) Saskatchewan; Saskatchewan Energy and Mines Open File Report 84- 21, 1:250 000 scale map.

Also, datasets for the Phelps Lake project are available at:,3440,3385,2936,Documents

3) Central Kivalliq

Arsenault, L., Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., Kettles, I M., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Eskimo Point, District of Keewatin; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 8-1980.

Arsenault, L., Aylsworth, J M., and Kettles, I M., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Kaminak Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 7-1979.

Arsenault, L., Aylsworth, J M., Kettles, I M., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Dawson Inlet, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 9-1979.

Arsenault, L., Kettles, I., Shilts, W W. 1976. Surficial geology of Eskimo point [55e], Dawson inlet [55f], Kaminak lake [55l], Henik lake [65h], District of Keewatin, maps and notes. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 356, 27 pages

Aylsworth, J M. 1985. Surficial geology, Kamilukuak Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 4-1985.

Aylsworth, J M. 1986. Surficial geology, Ennadai Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map5-1985.

Aylsworth, J M. 1986. Surficial geology, Nueltin Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 6-1985.

Aylsworth, J M. 1989. Surficial geology, Watterson Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 1-1988.

Aylsworth, J M. 1990. Surficial geology, Armit Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 45-1989.

Aylsworth, J M. 1990. Surficial geology, Aberdeen Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 44-1989.

Aylsworth, J M. 1990. Surficial geology, Tehery Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 46-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., Boydell, A N., Cunningham, C M., Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Macquoid Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 11-1980.

Aylsworth, J M., Boydell, A N., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Tavani, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 9-1980.

Aylsworth, J M., Boydell, A N., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Marble Island, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 10-1980.

Aylsworth, J M., Boydell, A N., and Shilts, W W. 1986. Surficial geology, Gibson Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 1-1984.

Aylsworth, J M., Boydell, A N., Shilts, W W. 1986. Surficial geology, Chesterfield Inlet, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 1-1985.

Aylsworth, J M., and Clarke, M D. 1989. Surficial geology, Beverly Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map40-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., and Clarke, M D. 1989. Surficial geology, Tebesjuak Lake, District of Keewatin,.Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 35-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., and Clarke, M D. 1989. Surficial geology, Ennadai, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 36-1989..

Aylsworth, J M., and Clarke, M D. 1989. Surficial geology, Tulemalu Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 37-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., and Clarke, M D. 1989. Surficial geology, Dubawnt Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 38-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., and Clarke, M D. 1989. Surficial geology, Thirty Mile Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 39-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., Kettles, I M., and Shilts, W W. 1986. Surficial geology, Henik Lakes, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 2-1985.

Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Hyde Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 8-1979.

Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., and Shilts, W W. 1981. Surficial geology, Ferguson Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 2-1979.

Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., and Shilts, W W. 1985. Surficial geology, Baker Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 3-1985,

Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., and Shilts, W W. 1990. Surficial geology, Schultz Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 43-1989.

Aylsworth, J M., Cunningham, C M., and Shilts, W W. 1990. Surficial geology, Edehon Lake, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 10-1990.

Aylsworth, J M., and Shilts, W W. 1989. Glacial Features Around the Keewatin Ice Divide, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Preliminary Map 24-1987.

Aylsworth, J M., and Shilts, W W. 1989. Glacial features around the Keewatin ice divide: Districts of Mackenzie and Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 88-24, 21 pages

Aylsworth, J M., and Shilts, W W. 1985. Glacial features of the west-central Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 85-01B: 375-381

Boydell, A N. 1974. Surficial geology, Marble island, Tavani, Mcquoid lake, Gibson lake, Chesterfield inlet, District of Keewatin, maps and legend. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 192.

Cunningham, C.M. and Shilts, W.W. 1977. Surficial geology of the Baker lake area. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-1B: 311-314.

Cunningham, C M., and Shilts, W W. 1977. Anomalous uranium concentrations in till north of Baker Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-01B: 291-292

Cunningham, C M., Shilts, W W. 1977. Surficial geology of the Baker Lake Area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 77-01B: 311-314

Dilabio, R N W., and Shilts, W W. 1977. Detailed drift prospecting in the southern District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper77-01A: 479-483

DiLabio, R.N., Knight, R.D. 1998. Kimberlitic indicator minerals in the Geological Survey of Canada's archived till samples: results of analysis of samples from the Baker lake area and Northern Baffin Island, NWT. Geological survey of Canada, Open File 1996, 209p (2 sheets).

DiLabio, R.N.W. 1979. Drift prospecting in uranium and base-metal mineralization sites, District of Keewatin, NWT. in Prospecting in areas of glaciated terrain, Institution of mining and metallurgy, London, p. 91-100.

Dyke, A S., Edlund, S A., and Thomas, R D. 1979. Surficial geology and geomorphology, north-central Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 642.

Dyke, A S., Thomas, R D., and Edlund, S A. 1979. Surficial geology and geomorphology, Woodburn Lake, [56e], Backhouse Point, [56m], Mistake River, [56l], Amer Lake, [66h], North Central Keewatin (Geology, Geomorphology and Vegetation). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 626,

Egginton, P A., and Shilts, W W. 1978. Rates of movement associated with mud boils, central District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-01B: 203-206.

Fyles, J.G. 1955. Pleistocene features; in Geological notes on central district of Keewatin, NWT. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 55-17: 3-4.

Gilchrist, C.M. 1982. The glacial geology of the southeastern area of the District of Keewatin, NWT. PhD thesis, University of Massachusetts, 286p.

Henderson, P.J. 2000. Drift composition and surficial geology, MacQuoid Lake area (NTS 55M/7 and 55M/10), Kivalliq region, Nunavut: a guide to drift prospecting; Geological Survey of Canada Open File 3944, CD-ROM.

Kaszycki, C.A. and Shilts, W.W. 1979. Average depths of glacial erosion, Canadian Shield. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-1B: 395-396. 1995

Klassen, R A. 1976. Drift composition and glacial dispersal trains, Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 485, 73 pages

Klassen, R.A., 1995. Drift composition and glacial dispersal trains, Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories;Geological Survey of Canada Bulletin 485, 68 p.

Klassen, R.A., 2001. The interpretation of background variation in regional geochemical surveys: an example from Nunavut, Canada; Geochemistry: Exploration, Environment, Analysis, Vol. 1-2: 163-173.

Klassen, R.A., and Burns, R.K. 1986. Till geochemistry, Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin, NTS 55M, 65P. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1335 (1:125 000 scale maps for Cu, Pb, Zn, Mn, Fe, U).

Klassen, R A., and Knight, R D. 1996. Till geochemistry of the Baker Lake area, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3243, 216 pages

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McMartin, I., and Henderson, P.J. 2004. Ice flow history and glacial stratigraphy, Kivalliq Region, Nunavut (NTS 55K,J,L,M,N,O; 65I and P): complete datasets, maps and photographs from the Western Churchill NATMAP Project; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4595, CD-ROM.

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Rencz, A N., Aylsworth, J., and Shilts, W W. 1990. Processing LANDSAT thematic mapper imagery for mapping surficial geology, District of Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 89-09: 3-8

Ridler, R H., and Shilts, W W. 1973. Exploration for Archean polymetallic sulfide deposits in permafrost terrains: an integrated geological/geochemical technique; Kaminak lake area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 146, 45 pages

Ridler, R H., and Shilts, W W. 1974. Exploration for Archean polymetallic sulphide deposits in permafrost terrains, Kaminak Lake area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 73-34.

Schau, M. 1981. Direction of movement of glacially transported boulders not necessarily shown by preserved ice movement direction indicators, Baker Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper81-01A: 383

Schau, M. 1983. Trace element contents of till and gossanous mud in the Baker Lake Region, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper83-01A: 37-41

Shilts, W W. 1971. Trace element and mineral indicator tracing, Kaminak Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 71-01A: 191-192

Shilts, W W. 1972. Drift prospecting in the Kaminak Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 72-01A: 182-189

Shilts, W W. 1973. Drift prospecting in the Ennadai - Rankin Inlet greenstone belt, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 175, pages 77-81

Shilts, W.W. 1973. Drift prospecting; geochemistry of eskers and till in permanently frozen terrain, District of Keewatin, NWT. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 72-45, 34p.

Shilts, W W. 1974. Zinc-lead-silver-rich sulfide float and associated geochemical anomalies found during studies drift prospecting studies in the Spi Lake area, southeast District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 190, 5 pages

Shilts, W W. 1974. Physical and chemical properties of unconsolidated sediments in permanently frozen terrain, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 74-01A: 229-235

Shilts, W W. 1974. Drift prospecting in the Ennadai-Rankin Inlet greenstone belt, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 74-01A: 259-261

Shilts, W W. 1975. Tundra fires, southeast District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 75-01B: 187-195

Shilts, W.W. 1977. Geochemistry of till in perennially frozen terrain of the Canadian Shield - application to prospecting. Boreas 5: 302-212.

Shilts, W.W. 1980a. Geochemical profile of till from Longlac, Ontario to Somerset Island. Canadian Institute of Mining bulletin: 85-94.

Shilts, W.W., 1980b. Flow patterns in the central North American ice sheet; Nature, v.286, no. 5770, p. 213-218.

Shilts, W W. 1984. Esker sedimentation models, Deep Rose Lake map area, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 84-01B: 217-222

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Shilts, W W., and Wyatt, P H. 1989. Gold and base metal exploration using drift as a sample medium, Kaminak Lake-Turquetil Lake Area, District of Keewatin;. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2132, 168 pages.

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Thomas, R.D., and Dyke, A.S. 1982. Surficial geology, Darby Lake, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 8-1981, scale 1:250 000

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Thomas, R.D., and Dyke, A.S. 1982. Surficial geology, Mistake River, District of Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 6-1981, scale 1:250 000.

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Érosion glaciaire du substratum rocheux et historique de l'écoulement glaciaire dans la région de Kivalliq, Nunavut, Canada

4) Committee Bay: NTS 56 JKOP

Ferbey, T. and Little, E.C. Surficial geology, Laughland Lake south, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4279, 1 sheet, 1:100 000.

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Little, E.C. 2001. Preliminary results of relative ice-movement chronology of the Laughland Lake map area, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research Paper 2000-C14.

Little, E.C. 2004. Results of kimberlite indicator mineral analyses on till and esker samples from the Committee Bay project: Laughland Lake (56 K), Walker Lake (56 J north), Arrowsmith River (56-O south) and Ellice Hills (56 P). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4602, CD-ROM.

Little, E.C., and Ferbey, T. Surficial geology, Laughland Lake south, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4278, 1 sheet, 1:100 000.

Little, E.C. Ferbey, T., McMartin, I., Ozyer, C.A. and Utting, D.J. 2002. An overview of Quaternary research for the Committee Bay Project, central Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada. Current Research 2002-C13.

Little, E.C., Sherlock, R.L. and Sandeman, H.A. 2003. Evaluation of till prospecting as an exploration tool for precious and base metal mineralization in Prince Albert supracrustal rocks, central mainland Nunavut. In: Mining in the Arctic, J.E. Udd and G. Bekkers (eds.). Proceedings of the 7th International Symposium on Mining in the Arctic, Iqaluit, Nunavut March 30April 1 2003, pp 35-49.

McMartin, I., Little, E.C., Ferbey, T., Ozyer, C.A. and Utting, D.J. 2003. Ice flow history and drift prospecting in the Committee Bay belt, central Nunavut: results from the Targeted Geoscience Initiative. Geological Survey Canada, Current Research 2003-C4.

McMartin, I., Little, E.C., Ferbey, T., Ozyer, C.A., Utting, D.J. and Knight, R.D. 2002. Drift prospecting across the Committee Bay greenstone belt, central mainland Nunavut (NTS 56K, 56J-North and 56O-South). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4277.

McMartin, I., Utting, D.J., Little, E.C., Ozyer, C.A., Ferbey, T. 2003. Complete results from the Committee Bay Drift prospecting survey, central Nunavut (NTS 56 K, 56 J-North, 56 O-South and 56 P). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4493.

Ozyer, C.A. 2004. Surficial geology, Arrowsmith River south, Nunavut (NTS 56O south). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4281, Descriptive notes and map at 1:100 000 scale.

Ozyer, C.A. and Hicock, S.R. 2002. Glacial landforms and preliminary chronology of ice-movement in the Arrowsmith River map area, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-C10.

Utting, D.J., Ward, B. C. and Little E.C. 2002. Preliminary interpretation of Quaternary glaciofluvial landforms identified during mapping of Walker Lake (NTS56J/9-16), Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research 2002-C16.

Utting, D.J. 2004. Surficial Geology of Walker Lake (North: 56K/9-16). Geological Survey of Canada Open File 4280, 1:100,000 scale.

5) Melville Peninsula: NTS 46 IJKKMNOP and 47 ABCD

Dredge, L.A. 1990. The Melville Moraine: sea level changes and response of the western margin of the Foxe Ice Dome, Melville Peninsula, NWT. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 27: 1215-1224.

Dredge, L. A. 1991. Raised marine features, radiocarbon dates, and sea level changes, eastern Melville Peninsula, Arctic Canada. Arctic, 44: 63-73.

Dredge, L A. 1992. Breakup of limestone bedrock by frost shattering and chemical weathering, eastern Canadian Arctic. Arctic and Alpine Research 24:314-323.

Dredge, L.A. 1993. The geology of the Igloolik area, and sea level changes, eastern Melville Peninsula. Science Institute of the Northwest Territories, Report 2, 7p.

Dredge, L A. 1994. Surficial geology, Miertsching Lake, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1848A, scale 1: 200 000.

Dredge, L.A. 1994. The glacial geology of Sarcpa Lake area. Science Institute of the Northwest Territories, Report 3, 14p.

Dredge, L A. 1994. Surficial geology, Barrow River, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1849A, 1994, scale 1: 200 000.

Dredge, L A. 1994. Surficial geology, Repulse Bay-Hurd Channel, Districts of Franklin and Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1850A, 1994, scale 1; 200 000.

Dredge, L A. 1994. Surficial geology, Winter Island, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1851A, 1994, scale 1: 200 000.

Dredge, L A. 1994. Surficial geology, Lefroy Bay-Committee Bay, Districts of Franklin and Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map1847A, scale 1:200 000

Dredge, L A. 1995. Till geochemistry, southern Melville Peninsula, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories (NTS 46I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P); Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3091, 153 pages.

Dredge, L A. 1995. Quaternary geology of northern Melville Peninsula, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories: surface deposits, glacial history, environmental geology, and till geochemistry. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 484, 114 pages.

Dredge, L A. 1999. Surface materials and till geochemistry, northern Melville Peninsula, Northwest Territories (Nunavut). in, North Baffin Partnership Project, Northwest Territories: summary of investigations, Richardson, D G. (ed), Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3637, pages 23-41.

Dredge, L A. 2000. Carbonate dispersal trains, secondary till plumes, and ice streams in the west Foxe Sector, Laurentide Ice Sheet. Boreas 29:144-156.

Dredge, L A. 2000. Age and origin of upland block fields on Melville Peninsula, eastern Canadian Arctic. Geografiska Annaler Series A, 82:443-454.

Dredge, L. A. 2001. Late Pleistocene and Holocene glaciation and deglaciation of Melville Peninsula, northern Laurentide ice sheet. Géographie physique et Quaternaire 55: 159-170.

Dredge, L.A. 2002. Quaternary geology of southern Melville Peninsula, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 561, 110 pages.

Dredge, L.A. 2004. Till geochemistry results, southern Melville Peninsula, Nunavut (NTS 46 I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4636, 227p CD-ROM.

Dredge, L., Bowie, C., and Rencz, A. 1994. Surficial geology/digital elevation, Melville Peninsula; in, Presentation of integrated geoscientific map products, Rencz, A., Harris, J., Glynn, J., Labelle, G., Huppé, P., Bowie, C., Viljoen, D., and Baker, A B. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2741, pages 5a-5d.

Dredge, L A., Dyke, A. S., Hodgson, D A., Hooper, M J G., and Klassen, R. A. 1998. Surficial geology compilation, northern Baffin Island and northern Melville Peninsula, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3634, 2 sheets.

Dredge, L A., and Nixon, F M. 1993. Surficial geology, northern Melville Peninsula, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1782A, scale 1:200 000.

Dyke, A. S. and Dredge, L A. 1989. Quaternary Geology of the northwestern Canadian Shield (Chapter 3: Quaternary Geology of the Canadian Shield). in Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.) Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 1, pages 189-214

Schau, M., Rencz, A., Dredge, L., Chung, C F., and Chorlton, L. 1993. Digital data atlas, Hall Lake area, Melville Peninsula, Northwest Territories; Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 2786, 44 pages.

6) Somerset Island (NTS 58), Boothia Peninsula (NTS 57), Prince of Wales Island (NTS 68)

Boydell, A N., Drabinsky, K A., and Netterville, J A. 1975. Photomosaic maps of Boothia peninsula and adjacent northern Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 285

Boydell, A N., Drabinsky, K A., and Netterville, J A. 1975. Terrain inventory and Land classification, Boothia Peninsula and northern Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 75-01A: 393-395

Boydell, A N., Drabinsky, K A., Netterville, J A., and Tarnocai, C. 1976. Biophysical land classification, Boothia peninsula and northeast Keewatin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 390, 29 pages

Boydell, A N., Drabinsky, K A., Netterville, J A., and Dyke, A S. 1984. Surficial geology, Boothia Peninsula, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1570A.

Drabinsky, K A., Dyke, A S., Netterville, J A., and Thomas, R D. 1976. Terrain inventory and Quaternary geology, Somerset, Prince of Wales and adjacent Islands. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-01A: 145-154

Dyke, A S. 1976. Tors and associated weathering phenomena, Somerset Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper76-01B: 209-216

Dyke, A S. 1978. Indications of neoglacierization on Somerset Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-01B: 215-217.

Dyke, A S. 1978. Glacial history of and marine limits on southern Somerset Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-01B: 218-223.

Dyke, A S. 1979. Glacial geology of northern Boothia Peninsula, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-01B: 385-395

Dyke, A S. 1979. Radiocarbon - dated Holocene emergence of Somerset Island, central Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 79-01B: 307-318

Dyke, A S. 1980. Base metal and uranium concentrations in till, northern Boothia Peninsula, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-01C: 155-159

Dyke, A S. 1980. Redated Holocene Whale Bones From Somerset Island, District of Franklin . Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 80-01B: 269-270.

Dyke, A.S. 1983. Quaternary geology of Somerset Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 404, 32 p.

Dyke, A.S. 1984. Quaternary geology of Boothia Peninsula, District of Franklin and northern District of Keewatin, central Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 407, 26 p.

Dyke, A.S., Boydell, A.N., Drabinsky, K.A., and Netterville, J.A. 1984. Surficial geology, Boothia Peninsula, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1570A, 1:500 000 scale.

Dyke, A.S., and Green, D.E.C. 1991. Surficial geology of northern Prince of Wales and Russell islands. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1689A, scale 1:250 000.

Dyke, A S., Morris, T F., Green, D E C. 1991. Postglacial tectonic and sea level history of the central Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 397, 56 pages

Dyke, A.S., Morris, T.F., Green, D.E.C., and England, J.H. 1992. Quaternary geology of Prince of Wales Island, central Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir 433, 142 p.

Dyke, A S., Netterville, J A., Thomas, R D. 1976. Surficial geology and geomorphology of Somerset, northern Prince of Wales and adjacent islands, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 357.

Dyke, A.S., Netterville, J.A., Thomas, R.D., and Drabinsky, K.A. 1983. Surficial geology, Somerset Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1555A. 1:250 000 scale.

Dyke, A S., Netterville, J A., Thomas, R D., and Drabinsky, K A. 1984. Surficial geology, Somerset Island, District of Franklin, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1555A

Dyke, A S., and Zoltai, S C. 1980. Radiocarbon-dated mudboils, central Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper80-01B: 271-275

Morris, T.F., and Dyke, A.S. 1991. Surficial geology of southern Prince of Wales Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1690A, scale 1:250 000

Netterville, J.A., Dyke, A.S., and Thomas, R.D. 1976. Surficial geology and geomorphology, Somerset Island, northern Prince of Wales and adjacent islands. Geological Survey of Canada, Open file 357, scale 1:125 000.

Netterville, J.A., Dyke, A.S., Thomas, R.D. and Drabinsky, K.A. 1976. Terrain inventory and Quaternary geology, Somerset, Prince of Wales and adjacent islands. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 76-1A, p 145-154.

Tarnocai, C., and Boydell, A N. 1975. Biophysical study of the Boothia Peninsula and northern Keewatin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper75-01A: 423-424

7) Southern Baffin Island (NTS 25 KLMN , NTS 26)

Blake, W, Jr. 1966. End moraines and deglaciation chronology in northern Canada With special reference to southern Baffin Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 66-26, with ice flow map.

Blake, W, Jr. 1966. Glacial geology, southern Baffin Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 66-01: 3.

Dyke, A S. 1978. Qualitative rates of frost heaving of gneissic bedrock on southeastern Baffin Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper78-01A: 501-502.

Dyke, A. S. 1979. Glacial and sea-level history of southwestern Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, NWT. Arctic and Alpine Research, 11: 179-202.

Dyke, A S; Andrews, J T; Miller, G H. 1982. Quaternary geology of Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Memoir403, 32 pages.

Dyke, A S; Andrews, J T; Miller, G H. 1982. Surficial materials and landforms, Cumberland Peninsula, Baffin Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Map1536A..

Hodgson, D A. 1997. Last glacial ice flows over western Meta Incognita Peninsula, southern Baffin Island, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper1997-C: 179-184.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, Frobisher Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2042A, scale 1: 100 000.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, Hidden Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2043A, scale 1: 100 000.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, McKellar Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2044A, scale 1: 100 000.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, Wight Inlet, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2045A, scale 1: 100 000.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, Blandford Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map2046A, scale 1: 100 000.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, Crooks Inlet, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2047A, scale 1: 100 000.

Hodgson, D A. 2003. Surficial geology, White Strait, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 2048A, scale 1: 100 000.

In press Hodgson, D.A. xxxx. Quaternary geology of western Meta Incognita Peninsula and Iqaluit area, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Bulletin 582, xxpages.

8) Central Baffin Island NTS 27 B,C and 37 A,D

Dredge, L A. 1999. Glacial dispersal patterns and postglacial marine overlap in the Longstaff Bluff area, central Baffin Island. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research , no. 1999-C:1-8.

Dredge, L A. 2002. Surficial geology, Nadluardjuk Lake, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4287, scale 1: 100 000.

Dredge, L A. 2002. Surficial materials, central Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Current Research , no. 2002-C20, 6 pages.

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Blanchfield Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1533, scale 1: 100 000.

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Straits Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4354, scale 1: 100 000

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Piling Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4355, scale 1: 100 000.

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Flyway Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4357, scale 1: 100 000.

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Lake Gillian, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4411, scale 1: 100 000

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Flint Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4412, scale 1: 100 000.

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Dewar Lakes, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1569, scale 1: 100 000.

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Hantzsch River, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1570, scale 1: 100 000

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Itirbilung Fiord, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1571, scale 1: 100 000

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Generator Lake, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 1572, scale 1: 100 000

Dredge, L A. 2003. Surficial geology, Wordie Bay, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4296, 2 sheets, scale 1:100 000

Dredge, L.A. 2004. Till geochemistry results, central Baffin island, Nunavut (NTS 37A, 37D, 27B, 27C). Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 4543, 2004, CD-Rom.

Dyke, A S and Dredge, L A. 1989. Quaternary Geology of the northwestern Canadian Shield (Chapter 3: Quaternary Geology of the Canadian Shield). in Quaternary Geology of Canada and Greenland, Fulton, R J. (ed.), Geological Survey of Canada, Geology of Canada Series no. 1, pages 189-214

9) North Baffin Island (NTS 37 EFGH, 38 BC, 47 EFGH and 48 ABCD)

DiLabio, R N W., Shilts, W W. 1978. Compositional variation of debris in glaciers, Bylot Island, District of Franklin. Geological Survey of Canada, Paper 78-01B:91-94

Dredge, L A., Dyke, A S., Hodgson, D A., Hooper, M J G., and Klassen, R A. 1998. Surficial geology compilation, northern Baffin Island and northern Melville Peninsula, Northwest Territories. Geological Survey of Canada, Open File 3634, 2 sheets

Dyke, A S. 2000. Surficial geology, Phillips Creek, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map1961A

Dyke, A S. 2000. Surficial geology, Moffet Inlet and Fitzgerald Bay, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1963A

Dyke, A S. 2000. Surficial geology, Milne Inlet, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1962A

Dyke, A S. 2000. Surficial geology, Navy Board Inlet, Baffin Island, Nunavut. Geological Survey of Canada, Map 1965A

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