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Onomastica Canadiana

Onomastica Canadiana - formerly Onomastica - is the official journal of the Canadian Society for the Study of Names. Two issues of the journal are published yearly with approximately 56 pages per issue. The journal has appeared since 1951, initially entitled Onomastica, and since 1982 under its present title. Back issues and a list of each issue's contents may be obtained from the Editor of the journal (

Subscriptions to the journal are available through membership in the Society.

Annual library subscription rates are CAN$20 (US$18)


M. Benoît Leblanc
Département de français, Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières
CP 500, Trois-Rivières QC G9A 5H7
Fax: (819) 376-5173

Submissions to Onomastica Canadiana

Researchers wishing to submit an article for publication in Onomastica Canadiana are invited to ask the editor, H. Kerfoot, for a copy of the Guide for Contributors, containing relevant information about the presentation of articles, method of evaluation ("blind" peer reviewing by at least two referees), and stylistic recommendations.

Each article in Onomastica Canadiana is the sole property of the author, and may not be reproduced in whole or in part by any means, electronic or mechanical, including microfilm or photocopying, without the author's written consent. Short excerpts may be quoted, provided the source of the material is fully acknowledged.

Contents of recent issues of Onomastica Canadiana
(ISSN 0078-4656):

Volume 87, No 2, December/décembre 2005, pages 55-108.

  • Marc-Alexandre Beaulieu, “L’onomastique en botanique”, 55-70.
  • D. Kenneth Tucker, “The cultural-ethnic language group technique as used in the Dictionary of American Family Names (DAFN)”, 71-84.
  • Michael Falk, “Sunday’s child: Sonntag and other surnames based on the days of the week”, 85-97.
  • Note by/par: D. Kenneth Tucker, “The Dictionary of American Family Names and French unexplained entries”, 99-102.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par : Norma Rowen, Tim Nau.

Volume 87, No 1, June/juin 2005, pages 1-54.

  • Jean Poirier, “Essai sur le nom Cap Diamant à Québec”, 1-18.
  • Li Zhonghua, “Given names in China: one-character or two-character given names”, 19-32.
  • William B. Hamilton, “Echoes in the Northern Latitudes: Captain James Cook, 1757 to 1767”, 33-42.
  • Note by/par : Richard Leclerc, “Pour une nouvelle transcription de certains noms de lieux du Québec en graphie phonétique syllabique japonaise (katakana)”, 43-47.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par : William B. Hamilton, Wolfgang Ahrens

Volume 86, No 2, December/décembre, 2004, pages 59-116.

  • Jean Poirier, "Qui a baptisé les rues Saint-Louis, Sainte-Anne et du Mont-Carmel", 59-74.
  • Marc Picard, "Explaining the 'unexplained' French surnames in the Dictionary of American Family Names", 75-106.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par : Lynn C. Westney, Alan Rayburn, Wolfgang Ahrens.

Volume 86, No 1, June/juin 2004, pages 1-58.

  • Richard Leclerc, "L'utilisation du nom Québec dans la toponymie de l'Australie et de la Nouvelle-Zélande", 1-16.
  • Michael Falk, "Names of the seven days of the week in the languages of Europe, Part II", 17-40.
  • David L. Gold, "An evaluation of the three etymologies proposed for the Alaska place name Cape Nome", 41-53.
  • Book Review/Compte rendu by/par : Edward Callary.

Volume 85, No. 2, December/décembre 2003, pages 63-106.

  • Jean Poirier, " À propos du nom de la rue Saint-Jean à Québec", 63-79.
  • Michael Falk, "Lunenburg Dutch and the use of Dutch for German in Nova Scotia", 81-88.
  • Benoît Leblanc, "Le paradis avant la fin de vos jours : les raisons sociales des maisons d'hébergement au Canada", 89-98.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par : Tim Nau, Alan Rayburn, John Parry.

Volume 85, No. 1, June/juin, 2003, pages 1-62.

  • Peter R. Petruccci, "Following the Dutch in Portuguese : the transmission of Holanda in Asia and Oceania", 1-15.
  • Denis Michaud, "La ville de Sir Edmund : l'histoire d'un nom et d'un personnage politique", 17-41.
  • Michael Falk, "Names of the seven days of the week in the languages of Western Europe", 43-57.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par : Magdalena Goledzinowska.

Volume 84, No. 1, June/juin, 2002 and Volume 84, No. 2, December/décembre, 2002, pages 1-108.
(In honour of / dédié à la mémoire de Frank Hamlin, 1935-2000)

  • Frank R. Hamlin, "Publications", 3-12.
  • Joseph Gulsoy, "Frank R. Hamlin's scholarship and research", 13-25.
  • Paul Fabre, "Des hiérarchies et de la place de l'onomastique parmi les sciences humaines", 27-33.
  • Marianne Mulon, "Frank R. Hamlin au travail", 35-41.
  • Jean Poirier, "Contribution à l'étude du toponyme Sault-au-Matelot à Québec", 43-56.
  • Alan Rayburn, "Seeking the true origin of the name Orléans, Ontario", 57-69.
  • André Lapierre, "Le toponyme Trois-Rivières est-il un anglicisme?", 71-81.
  • Tim Nau, "The relationship of the signatures of 18th century American men to their names", 83-94.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: W. Gordon Handcock, Alan Rayburn, Carol J. Léonard, Magdalena Goledzinowska.

Volume 83, No. 2, December/décembre 2001, pages 45-89.

  • 1951-2001: Thoughts on the 50th Anniversary of Onomastica Canadiana/À propos du cinquantième anniversaire d'Onomastica Canadiana, by/par: Wolfgang Ahrens, Jean Poirier, Alan Rayburn, Helen Kerfoot, Michael Nogrady, Sheila Embleton, 45-67.
  • Donald Orth, "Worldly winds and their names", 69-80.
  • Michael Falk, "Why so many matronymics among Jewish surnames?", 81-89

Volume 83, No. 1, June/juin 2001, pages 1-44

  • Carol Léonard, "Collision de Cole Rapids and Lacolle Falls: un délice toponymique", 1-13.
  • Alan Rayburn "The language treatment of Quebec's place names in English-Language print media: progress between 1988-89 and 2000-2001", 15-24.
  • Maruisz Rutkowski, "Two types of descriptiveness in names", 25-38.
  • Comptes rendus/Reviews par/by: Edwin Lawson, Terrence M. Potter.

Volume 82, No. 2, December/décembre, 2000, pages 55-104.

  • E.R. Seary, "The French Element in Newfoundland Place Names", 55-63.
  • Clément Cormier, "L'Origine et l'histoire du nom 'Acadie' avec un discours sur d'autres noms de lieu Acadiens", 65-74.
  • Robert MacGregor Dawson, "Place Names in Nova Scotia", 75-84.
  • Watson Kirkconnell, "Scottish Place Names in Canada", 85-104.

Volume 82, No. 1, June/juin, 2000, pages 1-54.

  • Foreword, 1-3.
  • In Memoriam - Frank R. Hamlin, 5-7.
  • Cyril Meredith Jones, "Indian, Pseudo-Indian Place Names in the Canadian West", 9-20. Erich von Richthofen, "The Spanish Toponyms of the British Columbia Coast with Sideglances at those of the States of Washington, Oregon and Alaska", 21-38.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Henri Dorion; Tim Nau; Carol Léonard; Helen Kerfoot

Volume 81, No. 2, December/décembre, 1999, pages 53-97.

  • Louis-Edmond Hamelin, "Côte-Nord et North Shore, en aval du Saguenay", 53-76.
  • André Lapierre, "Geoname Translation in Ontario: Adjusting Rules in Linguistic Usage", 77-85.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Wolfgang P. Ahrens; Kathleen O'Brien; Philip C. Hauptman

Volume 81, No. 1, June/juin, 1999, pages 1-52

  • Rolf Max Kully, "L'élément celtique -duron dans les noms de lieux allemands et français", 1-29.
  • Frank R. Hamlin, "Bois Blanc, alias Bob-Lo, un toponyme ontarien d'origine dialectale française", 31-34.
  • Carol J. Léonard, "L'impossible répertoire; problématique toponymique particulière aux minorités", 43-52.

Volume 80, No. 2, December/décembre, 1998 pages 51-90.

  • Index, Volumes 1-80, 1951-1998

Volume 80, No. 1, June/juin, 1998 pages 1-50.

  • William Davey, "Naming Patterns on Cape Breton Island: 1820-1890", 1-25.
  • Henri Dorion, "La toponymie du Québec : un généalogie géographique", 27-41.
  • Comptes rendus/Reviews par/by: Valerie Alia; Philip C. Hauptman.

Volume 79, No. 2, December/décembre, 1997, pages 73-124.

  • Thomas E. Murray, "Perceptions of Ms.-titled Women: Evidence from the American Midwest", 73-96.
  • Peter Leney, "Oskelaneo: Perilous Adventures of a Northern Quebec Name", 97-112.
  • Comptes rendus/Reviews par/by: Kif Augustine-Adams; Sheila Embleton; Wolfgang P. Ahrens

Volume 79, No. 1, June/juin, 1997, pages 1-72.

  • Allen Libert, "Beyond French Onion Soup and Scotch Broth ... Soups Named After Countries, Nationalities and Ethnic Groups", 1-33.
  • Frank R. Hamlin, "Les Noms de lieux de la Catalogne et des Pyrénées à l'honneur : compte rendu critique des derniers ouvrages de Joan Coromines et de Robert Aymard", 35-72.

Volume 78, No. 2, December/décembre, 1996, pages 41-84.

  • André Lapierre, "One Hundred Years of Onomastic Writing in French Canada", 45-51.
  • Grant Smith, "Amerindian Place Names: A Typology Based on Meaning and Form", 53-64.
  • Denis Tremblay, "Toponymie de langue française aux États-Unis d'Amérique", 65-74.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: William C. Wonders; Frank R. Hamlin; Peter N. Richardson; William Davey

Volume 78, No. 1, June/juin, 1996, pages 1-40.

  • Jean-Yves Dugas, "Des mots nouveaux pourla gentilistique?", 1-14.
  • Tim Nau, "Onomastication: Personal and Place Names in Haute Cuisine", 15-25.
  • Note: Steven Doloff, "Hickey's Name in Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh", 26.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Alan Rayburn; Frank R. Hamlin; Wolfgang P. Ahrens; Jyh Wee Sew

Volume 77, No. 2, December/décembre, 1995, pages 63-128.

  • Tim Nau, "Ethnic Names, Bureaucracy, and the Suffix - ese ", 1-71.
  • Note to the Editor: Moshe Kohn, "The Derivation of the Jewish Surname Katz", 72.
  • Dorothy Nakos, "L'éponymie en sciences : cas d'une science exacte et d'une science d'observation", 73-79.
  • Frank R. Hamlin, "L'origine du nom de lieu Gaspé : témoignages et hypothèses", 81-106.
  • In Memoriam: J.B. Rudnyc'kyj, 107-110.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Frank R. Hamlin; Jean-Paul Lacasse; André Lapierre; W. Gordon Handcock, 111-128.

Volume 77, No. 1, June/juin, 1995, pages 1-62.

  • Sheena Gardner, "Namesakes, Euphony and Linguistic Meaning: Trends in their Influence over Sudanese Arabic Female Names", 1-8.
  • Donald Lenfest, "Chief Justice William Smith and the Naming of Counties and Townships in Lower Canada in 1792", 19-34.
  • William Davey, "European Naming Patterns on Cape Breton Island: 1758-1820", 35-59.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Donna Winslow

Volume 76, No. 2, December/décembre, 1994, pages 59-104.

  • Grant Smith, "A Comparison of Hispanic Names in the State of Washington and British Columbia", 59-76.
  • Donald Lenfest, "The Naming of Counties and Townships in Lower Canada in Accordance with the Constitutional Act of 1791", 77-101.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: William C. Wonders; Philip C. Hauptman

Volume 76, No. 1, June/juin, 1994, pages 1-58.

  • Henri Diament "`Comme son nom l'indique...': Coïncidences occasionnelles de noms de métier et de patronymes français actuels", 1-12.
  • Susan Whitebook, "The Name DeRose: Translations of French family names into English", 13-28.
  • Michael Nogrady, "Surnames derived from Hungarian Ethnic Denominations", 29-40.
  • Louis-Edmond Hamelin, "Le Régionyme Radissonie", 41-49.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Jean-Yves Dugas; Wolfgang Ahrens

Volume 75, No. 2, December/décembre, 1993, pages 49-99.

  • Jean Poirier, "Noms de lieux d'origine inconnue", 49-58.
  • Tim Nau, "The Names of the Popes", 59-66.
  • Jean-Yves Dugas, "Pour une codification sémantique pratique des toponymes officiels du Québec", 67-86.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus by/par: Frank Hamlin; Edwin Lawson

Volume 75, No. 1, June/juin, 1993, pages 1-48.

  • Henri Dorion, "À qui appartient le nom de lieu?", 1-10.
  • William Davey, "European Naming Patterns on Cape Breton Island: The Early Period", 11-26.
  • Henri Guiter, "L'hydronyme iz (I)", 27-34.
  • Rolf Max Kully, "In Memoriam: Gilles Pineault", 35-37.
  • Book Reviews/Comptes rendus: W.F.H. Nicolaisen; Sheena Gardner; André Lapierre; Wolfgang Ahrens

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