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Programme of the CSSN - 2003

Canadian Society for the Study of Names
Congress of the Social Sciences and Humanities
7th Annual Meeting

30 - 31 May 2003

Marion McCain Building, Room 1130
Dalhousie University
Halifax, Nova Scotia

The CSSN gratefully acknowledges the funds received from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada under its Program of Aid and Attendance Grants to Scholarly Associations.


19:00 Executive Meeting
Student Union Building, University Avenue


All Sessions:
Dalhousie University, Marion McCain Building, Room 1130

8:35-9:00 Opening remarks
Chair: Helen Kerfoot
(President of CSSN)
David Wills (Nova Scotia Provincial Coordinator, Geographical Names)
Discussion: Field Trip

9:00-10:10 Session 1
9:00 William B. Hamilton (Mount Allison University, New Brunswick, Retired)
Echoes in the Northern Latitudes: Captain James Cook 1757-1767
9:40 Jean Poirier (Membre du Comité d'honneur de la Nouvelle Revue d'Onomastique)
À propos du nom de la rue Saint-Jean à Québec

10:10-10:30 Break

10:30-12:10 Session 2
10:30 Alan Rayburn (Nepean, Ontario, Writer)
Respecting Historical Names on Modern Replications of Historical Maps and of Historical References to Places
11:10 Benoît Leblanc (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières)
Le paradis avant la fin de vos jours : les raisons sociales des maisons d'hébergement au Canada
11:40 Lynn C. Hattendorf Westney (University of Illinois at Chicago)
What's in a Recipe Name? Or, Why Aren't There any Plums in Plum Pudding?

12:10-13:30 Lunch

13:30-15:00 Session 3
13:30 Carol J. Léonard (Faculté Saint-Jean, University of Alberta, Edmonton)
Typologie des modes de remotivation en toponymie
14:00 Thomas J. Gasque (University of South Dakota, Vermillion)
Names in North America: Plans for a Special Issue of Onoma
14:30 Edward Callary (Northern Illinois University, DeKalb)
Is a Periodic Table of Names Possible?

15:00-15:30 Break

15:30-17:10 Session 4
15:30 Donald J. Orth (Former Exec. Sec. Domestic Names, US Board on Geographic Names)
Open Roundtable Discussion: What is Meant by "Placename Meaning" and What Role does Toponymic Theory Play?

16:10 Business Meeting
Présidente / Chair: Helen Kerfoot (President of CSSN)

17:30-19:00 President's Reception

19:30 Informal Dinner


All the Sessions before lunch :
Marion McCain Building, Room 1130

8:30-10:10 Session 5
8:30 Michael Falk (National Research Council, Retired)
"Lunenburg Dutch" and Other Uses of Dutch in Nova Scotia
9:00 Lilian Falk (Saint Mary's University, Halifax, Retired)
The Use of Personal Names in The Stepsure Letters
10:00 Priscilla A. Ord (Piedmont Regional Humanities Council, Virginia)
Place Names on Maps as Clues to the Landscape

10:10-10:30 Break

10:30-12:30 Session 6
10:30 Edwin D. Lawson (Emeritus, SUNY College at Fredonia) and
Farid Alakbarov (Azerbaijan Academy of Sciences)
Distinctive Naming Patterns of the Mountain Jews of the Caucasus, Azerbaijan
11:00 D. Kenneth Tucker (Carleton University, Ottawa)
Surname Cultural Indicators from the Forename Pool
11:30 Wolfgang P. Ahrens (York University, Toronto)
Nicknames on the Caribbean Island of Carriacou
12:00 Sarat Kumar Phukan (Nalbari, Assam, India)
Standardization of the Assamese Place Names: Problems and Prospects

12:30-13:30 Lunch

13:00 Session 7
David Wills (Nova Scotia Provincial Coordinator, Geographical Names)
Field Trip

20:00-22:00 Wine and Cheese
Chez les Falks

2005-10-05Important notices