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Programme of the CSSN - 2004

Draft Programme / Programme préliminaire

Société canadienne d'onomastique
Canadian Society for the Study of Names

Congrès des sciences humaines /
Congress of the Humanities and Social Sciences

38e réunion annuelle / 38th Annual Meeting

Les 29 et 30 mai 2004 / 29 - 30 May 2004

Édifice Tier / Tier Building
Salle / Room 201
University of Manitoba
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada

Programme de la SCO / of CSSN

LE VENDREDI 28 MAI 2004 / FRIDAY, 28 MAY 2004

19:00 Réunion de la direction / Executive Meeting
Édifice Tier / Tier Building, Salle / Room 400


Toutes les séances / All Sessions: University of Manitoba
Édifice Tier / Tier Building
Salle / Room 201

8:35-9:00 Séance d'ouverture / Opening remarks
Président / Chair: Wolf Ahrens
(Président de la SCO / President of CSSN)
Gerald F. Holm (Provincial Toponymist, Manitoba Member, Geographical Names Board of Canada)
Introduction: Excursion toponymique à / Field Trip to Gimli

9:00-10:00 Première séance / Session 1 Président / Chair:
9:00 Gerald F. Holm (Provincial Toponymist, and Manitoba Member, Geographical Names Board of Canada)
An Overview of the History, Mandate, Special Activities and Accomplishments of the Manitoba Geographical Names Program

9:30 Helen Kerfoot (Scientist Emeritus, Natural Resources Canada / UNGEGN)
Delights, Dilemmas and Determination in the Realm of Geographical Names and the United Nations

10:00-10:30 Pause / Break

10:30-12:00 Deuxième séance / Session 2 Président / Chair:
10:30 Alan Rayburn (Writer, Nepean, Ontario)
The Reduction of Exonyms in the Canadian English Print Media

11:00 Benoît Leblanc (Université du Québec à Trois-Rivières, Trois-Rivières)
Les anglicismes onomastiques et la perte d'identité

11:30 André Lapierre et / and Sonia Pritchard (University of Ottawa)
From Forts to Settlements: French Geographical Nomenclature in Manitoba

12:00-13:30 Dîner / Lunch

13:30-14:30 Troisième séance / Session 3 Président / Chair:
13:30 Charles Pflikwa (Zimbabwe Open University)
Made in Hollywood: Popular Culture in Zimbabwean Noms de Guerre in Zimbabwe's Guerrilla War (1966-1979)

14:00 Yaives Ferland (Defence Research and Development for Canada)
La toponymie chez les militaires.

14:30-15:00 Pause / Break

15:00-16:40 Quatrième séance / Session 4 Président / Chair: Bill Davey
15:00 Donald J. Orth (Former Exec. Sec. Domestic Names, US Geological Survey and US Board on Geographic Names)
Open Round Table Discussion: Effects of Male Dominance in Placenaming
(Proposed by the Toponymy Interest Group, American Names Society)

15:40 Assemblée générale / Business Meeting
Président / Chair: Wolf Ahrens (Président de la SCO / President of CSSN)

19:00 Souper amical / Informal Dinner


Séances avant midi / Sessions
Édifice Tier / Tier Building
Salle / Room 201
International Keynote Speaker in the Icelandic Reading Room
Elizabeth Defoe Library

9:00-10:20 Cinquième séance / Session 5 Président / Chair: Bill Davey
9:00 Michael Falk (National Research Council, Halifax)
Names of the Seven days of the Week in the Languages of Eastern Europe

9:40 Lynn C. Hattendorf Westney (University of Illinois at Chicago)
"Petoskey" Stones and "Pudding" Stones: Onomastic Origins of Fossils

10:20-11:00 Pause / Break

International Keynote Speaker in the Icelandic Reading Room
Elizabeth Defoe Library

11:00-12:00 Sixième séance / Session 6 Président / Chair: Susan Smith Gold
International Keynote Speaker (Coordinated by CSSN / SCO and the Association for the Advancement of Scandinavian Studies;
Sponsored by CINS, CFHSS AND CSSN / SCO)

Dr. Gillian Fellows-Jensen (University of Copenhagen)
Scandinavian Place Names and Personal Names during the Viking Period: Settlement History and Ethnic Identity in the British Isles and Normandy

12:00 Dîner / Lunch

13:00 Septième Séance / Session 7
Gerald F. Holm
(Provincial Toponymist, and Manitoba Member, Geographical Names Board of Canada)
Excursion toponymique / Field Trip: Gimli: Little Iceland

17:30-19:00 Réception du président / President's Reception

The CSSN gratefully acknowledges the funds received from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada under its Program of Aid and Attendance Grants to Scholarly Associations.

La SCO remercie le Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines du Canada pour l'aide reçue dans le cadre du programme de subventions de voyage accordées aux sociétés savantes.

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