Natural Resources CanadaGovernment of Canada
Satellite image of CanadaEarth Sciences Sector 
Earth Sciences Sector
Development of the North (2002-2006)

This information represents activities in the Earth Sciences Sector Programs (2002-2006). Please refer to Priorities for information on current Earth Sciences Sector Programs.
Development of the North

Northern resources development

Web site: Northern resources development

Northern resources development

Future economic sustainability and quality of life for northern Canadians, most of whom are First Nations or Inuit, depends on the responsible development of mineral and energy resources. In partnership with the provincial and territorial geological surveys and other federal departments, this program delivers an improved, expanded geoscience knowledge base to stimulate new private-sector investment in mineral and energy development to create additional opportunities for northerners. The program also supports northern capacity building, in terms of increased understanding of geoscience for decision-making and increased employment opportunities provided by exploration companies.

Program delivery has been accelerated and expanded through additional funding from a two-year extension of the Targeted Geoscience Initiative, as announced in the 2003 federal budget.

Committed Outputs

Committed Outcomes

Geomatics for northern development

Web site: Geomatics for northern development

Geomatics for northern development

The Geomatics for Northern Development program provides reliable and consistent geospatial information and well-defined property rights, by providing assistance to develop geospatial data to support capacity in northern governments and communities. This program supports new investment and sustainable development in the North. The outcomes of the program will lead to a broadly adapted suite of geospatial information recognised as critical to decision-making.

Committed Outputs

Committed Outcomes
